Your Spooky Weekly General Astrology Forecast October 31

31st – Sun and Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces – All Hallow’s Eve

2nd – Moon, Venus and Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

  • Get spookily clued into universal wisdom
  • Ask, and you shall receive your answer
  • Get ready for a close encounter with the ‘other side.’

michele knight halloween astrologyAll Hail Halloween and what has become in North America one of the biggest holidays of the year after Christmas and Thanksgiving. Many cultures have their version of Halloween – the Day of the Dead in Mexico for example. Deck your halls with boughs of cobwebs and stir that cauldron of mulled wine! No matter where and how we celebrate, all cultures can agree that this is a day where the doors between this world and the spirit world open wide. And in the North Hemisphere at least there’s a touch of frosty magic in the air which just adds to the mystery.

The mystery began with the Celts some 2,000 years ago when the feast of Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the start of the ‘darker’ months. Often food (and a spoon with which to eat it) was left out for your ancestors at this time as part of the harvest blessings. It was from this tradition that Halloween as we know it today emerged.

carmen-miranda-394265_1280So, what spooky happenings are occurring in the sky for us this All Hallows week? Well, Neptune is the gatekeeper between this world and all others, so it is unsurprising that he is involved in this week’s major transits. Neptune rules all the things that exist but which we cannot see while the sign of Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth. Both dig the ‘deep’ side of life, so expect a message from the other side, or at the very least our higher selves could arrive on Halloween if we ask and are open to what the answers are.

halloween astrologyThe Sun meets Mercury messenger of the Gods in Scorpio and both trine Neptune in his ruling sign of Pisces. We are all getting a deep psychic message, and our psychic antenna is fully loaded. Ask and you shall receive your answer and please, whether you ask on All Hallows Eve or not, do thank whatever you believe has answered you on the other side – whether this is your dearly departed Nana, your spirit guide, the universe or whatever. Just saying thanks is sufficient – leaving out food and cutlery is optional!

The 2nd sees the Moon, Venus and Saturn all conjunct in Sagittarius the sign of higher learning and our beliefs and these three are square Neptune in Pisces. It’s all about our openness and willingness to not just act on the information we have been given, but to change our viewpoint if necessary or at the very least, appreciate those of others by integrating them into our personal world.

It’s a global invitation to step into a larger world where we acknowledge there really is ‘more things in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy’. It doesn’t necessarily mean we have to believe ourselves, but more about not being threatened by other people’s ideas. Of course, the more open we are the wider those doors between this world and spiritual truth will swing. Get scarily clued into universal truth this week.
