Your free weekly astrological overview 18th – 25th March 2012

20th – Sun into Aries

22nd – New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury retrograde conjunct Uranus

23rd – Mercury retrograde into Pisces

Bringing a big breath of fresh air, the sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th, indicating it’s spring equinox for those of us above the equator and autumn equinox for those below the equator.

The equinoxes are the points in the solar calendar when days and nights are of equal length, so the vibe in general is about balance and equilibrium, but also because the sign of Aries is involved, it’s about new beginnings and fresh starts.

It’s first steps and initial ideas of projects, as well as launching and getting things underway; Aries likes to be there at the beginning (sometimes gets a bit bored sticking round to the end, but the beginning is always fun).

The new moon on the 22nd amps up this week’s vibe tenfold, it’s a fab time for getting motivated and getting on with things… anything with plenty of action and activity, and with maybe a bit of competition involved to keep it all challenging.

Mercury retrograde and Uranus are both conjunct (right next to) this new moon, which means expect the unexpected as far as messages and communication go, but also as far as your own thoughts and ideas go too; Mercury/Uranus together symbolise the ability to think outside the box, in ways that might disturb the established way of doing things, but will move and evolve situations in new and exciting ways.

Mercury retrograde indicates this could involve ideas and communication that are being revisited; maybe plans from the past re-emerge in new way over the coming weeks.

On the 23rd, Mercury continues its reverse motion by switching signs, moving back into Pisces from Aries. This continues the retrograde theme of revisiting old territory, or moving back to an old perspective or approach to situations… Mercury in Pisces indicates a return to more fluid, more adaptable thinking, as well as communication and information that is much less confrontational and competitive than of late.

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