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The week ahead for taurus

Happy birthday, Taurus. You’ll come to understand why the present is a gift this week. Act in the moment and don’t dream about doing something ‘someday’. Procrastination is replaced by fearless initiatives as Jupiter and Uranus meet in a once-in-a-lifetime event in your sign.

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Make that big, bold move

Live that impossible dream

Happy birthday, Taurus!

Bigger, bolder and more beautiful. Those are the kinds of moves you’ll make from this point onwards, Taurus. There’s no more holding you back at the start of your new birthday season. And the restrictions that held you back from making those self-affirming soul moves dissolve as if they never existed. Unbound you is finally free to go in the direction you have always wanted to.

A point of destiny was triggered in your chart by last week’s eclipse, Taurus. And if you were left wondering just what it meant, or what you should do, ruler Venus clarifies that this week. The 18th sees it meet with the North Node in your 12th. And Mercury retrograde in here the next day. The hidden magic of the eclipse which is within you, is revealed at this point.

This is your truth, Taurus. The sheer beauty of your creativity and what you imagine for yourself. Eclipses hide, yes. But in this house of your chart, they conceal miracles. What you have been told (or told yourself) is impossible to do or have, is shown to be real or imminently do-able.

Harness your inner power and direct it towards that future vision. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your sign – a rare and special gift you can only receive once in this lifetime, sparks within you the desire to make that future different from your past. As it angles to both Jupiter and Uranus in your sign. Just two days after the Sun arrives (19th) igniting your birthday cycle! You’ve the desire, the fuel and the fearlessness to move ahead now.

Don’t allow self-doubt or even detractors to stand in your way. Initiate, take action and get those cosmic forces on-side on the 21st when Jupiter and Uranus fuse. Fortune favours the fearless. If your birthday falls on this day – congratulations. You out of all others in your sign will benefit from the call to expansion and freedom. However, each and every one of you will benefit from this. Do act and take a chance on something different on offer. And make the key difference you and what you now need.

You are having a Back to the Future moment that takes you back in time on the 21st. Do do with what makes life worth living and adds meaning. On an everyday level. Where it matters most. Your day job (whether paid or not), that qualification, your current studies. What you serve, how it serves others and as Venus and Chiron meet on the 21st, what you are served by it. Could this just lead to rewards and break-outs that are part of that vision? Get ready to live your destiny – if you dare.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Taurus. You’ll come to understand why the present is a gift this week. Act in the moment and don’t dream about doing something ‘someday’. Procrastination is replaced by fearless initiatives as Jupiter and Uranus meet in a once-in-a-lifetime event in your sign.

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 1st)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

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All that is hidden comes to light

Prepare for soul evolving events

Happy birthday, Taurus!

In the lead up to your birthday, do you get that feeling that something big and important is about to shift? That you are about to get a pass grade from the universe. And graduate on to something that’s been a long time coming?

Maybe you have been asking yourself over and over again: when will things change? When will recognition happen? Where is my cosmic Deliveroo order? Can I believe all that astro-hype about Jupiter?

Sit with those questions right up until the Sun lands in your sign (19th). Whatever you do, allow the answers to emerge organically. And trust the fact that your hundred psychic senses aren’t wrong when it comes to something big on its way that you’ve been waiting for. It’s there even if you can’t see it – yet.

April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of the year. The total solar eclipse in Aries and your 12th house (8th). And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your sign (21st). The eclipse occurs in your house of the past, fate and hidden truths. Also your house of psychic abilities, healing, compassion and the deep side of life.

Do you want your future to look different from your past? Then the first step you need to take towards creating this is to revisit it. Without judgement and being willing to confront the feelings this process may stir up within you. As the eclipse shadows dissolve, you may emerge with a radically different re-framing of events. Or a better understanding of why they unfolded the way they did and your choices back then.

Refrain from taking action or making big decisions in the run up to the eclipse and in the immediate dates following it. And please don’t get impatient, Taurus and push to make things happen. The universe has not forgotten you and you are about to see proof of this.

This is your house of healing, of the spirit, of time out and ultimate truths. We often need time to recognise the truth. Which is what heals us and sets us free. Hence, the need to take things slowly.

If you have lost your connection to spirit, your truth, your creativity or insight – this will now be repaired, handed back to you and function better than ever. Your empathy and compassion is heightened. But with this comes a fresh awareness of who is truly deserving of it. Someone may need your help and support. And if so, you are ready to give it.

But do turn that limitless well of forgiveness, understanding and empathy towards yourself if needed. Have you been judging yourself in a way you never would someone else? Have you been putting yourself in a soul ‘prison’ and unconsciously ‘punishing’ yourself for mistakes you feel you made in the past? This eclipse combined with Chiron and ruler Venus’s meeting with the North Node (18th), releases you from any self-blame. Do seek out guidance if you feel you are your own judge and jury. Or read about self-forgiveness.

True colours will eventually be exposed. Yours now need to be displayed and shown off to the world as you emerge from this soul reforging brighter and lighter for the experience. What you’re really waiting for is this year’s biggest transit as far as your sign goes. And ruler Venus to make things manifest for you. And also for the intense eclipse and Mercury retrograde energy to blow off. But a Taurus birthday this year comes with a rare and unexpected gift. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of the 21st.

Think Brand New YOU. A little (or a lot!) of self-promotion has you going places. Jupiter hands you bragging rights when it comes to your achievements and personal brand. Edgy and daring, you won’t allow yourself to be confined from this birthday cycle onwards. Uranus frees you to be unapologetically authentic. In fact, the inner healing that has taken place with the eclipse may have shown you the negative outcomes that occur when you bend yourself out-of-shape. You’ve now the confidence to say ‘No more’ if you need to.

Surprise options may now spin your destiny in a new direction. You enter your new cycle with a surety and confidence in yourself and your choices. This may see you set a fresh direction which requires you make a big decision in order to follow it. Again, you’re confident this is the right one for you. The full Moon in your 7th (23rd) could well see you attract something that offers more emotional satisfaction for you. You are also at your most enticing and enchanting under it.

The best thing you are taking forward is the knowledge of the difference you can make in the lives of those you love and care about. As well as your fresh sense of empowerment when it comes to making the difference in your own life. Take action on what you know you need to do or on what is offered or held out to you this month. By the end of May – you’ll see the real rewards of this.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in Aries and your mysterious 12th. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 1st. It brings about new beginnings like no other, Taurus. Prepare yourself for freedom!

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (12th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (3rd)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (12th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (12th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (11th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (12th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 1st)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (5th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (7th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (12th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (1st)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (11th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (12th)

View your written yearly astrology reading


Whether you know it or not, your image plays an important role in this year’s success strategy for you, Taurus. As does your reputation. Ensure both say all you need to say about you. Get ready for power moves both personally and professionally. And dress for success!

How do you feel about you, Taurus? Your image, appearance, look, face, style, brand? Jupiter in your sign should have handed you an unshakeable and expanded sense of self-worth. Continue to refine and adjust the visual right up until May when Jupiter exits your sign for Gemini and your 2nd house. By now, you should have seen that your visual calling card is every bit as important as anything else you serve. In fact – that first impression is everything in many ways. Along with the reputation and track record you have carved for yourself this year.

This has nothing to do with your age, height, weight or conforming to what the media tells us is ‘attractive’ or ‘fashionable’. But all about taking pride in yourself. Uranus – planet of reinvention, remains in your sign. Encouraging you to rock what makes you uniquely you. Do continue to invest in you and make changes.

All these actions show the world your current sense of self-worth, Taurus. And this is going to prove to be important when it comes to your path from this year onwards. It also sets you up to receive as Jupiter moves into your 2nd – your house of money and yes, self-worth. You need a strong sense of the latter to engage with the energy that attracts the former. Be prepared for Jupiter to now be at its most generous.

Pluto has been in your 9th since 2008. Look back at what areas of your life have shifted and where you have answered the call to adventure. What has expanded for you? Did you ditch that comfort zone or cling to it? Pluto is now in its endgame in this house. With one short, final visit later this year before leaving it for good. It will enter your 10th house on January 21, 2024 bringing profound and permanent changes around your career, relationship status and ambitions.

This is a long term, once-in-a-lifetime transit. Nothing can be rushed. You may go through periods of intense, sudden change. And then others where the transformation is so gradual that nothing much seems to be happening. Until you look back afterwards and realise it was. But take it that anything currently in your life that you are dissatisfied with is likely to come to an end now.

Who you know, how you are seen and perceived, will become all-important. This is your house of public and professional image and the reputation you have earned for yourself. Which is one more reason why image becomes so important. Pluto rules power and this is your house of bosses, movers and shakers, VIP’s and decision makers. The gatekeepers who can say yes to you or open doors to the next level. Your reputation will precede you. Ensure you project a consistent message aligned to it. Know you belong ‘up there’.

If you decide the path you have chosen no longer aligns to what you want to achieve, then Pluto will allow you to create a new one. If however you are held back, or what you are doing comes to an end through no decision of yours, then you will be asked to seriously consider something new.

You begin the year with sweet ruler Venus in opportunity creating mode for you. The January 29th sees it trine Jupiter in your sign. Travel, escape and solutions appear. February 17 brings an early-bird opportunity for you to take full advantage of Pluto’s ability to power your path as Venus meets it. This is your chance to impress.

Key dates for personal ambitions and to set your destiny on a fresh path are April 21 when Jupiter meets Uranus in your 1st. Be prepared for surprises. And the chance to move in a brilliant and unexpected direction. You will celebrate your birthday season with Venus in your sign. And May 23 brings you one of the luckiest days of the year when Venus meets Jupiter just prior to Jupiter’s exit into Gemini on May 25. Be ready for this. Also for an opportunity to show the world all you have to offer and to ascend the ladder of success. June 3 marks a trine between Jupiter in your 2nd and Pluto. This has never occurred in our lifetimes between these planets in Gemini and Aquarius. It is one of the most potent and powerful days of the year for all of us. And I am telling everyone to be ready. June 6 brings a new moon to treasure as it falls conjunct Venus in what is Venus’s ruling house. Offering a fresh cycle of abundance and well-earned self-worth.

You begin your new cycle this year in anticipatory, loved-up mode. Hopefully by the time the Sun reaches your sign April 19) you are secure in yourself and all you have to offer. Unveil the new you and those permanent changes with the new Moon in your 1st on May 8.

Your juicy love vibe periods of the year are when Venus is in your sign. And also when it arrives in your 7th house on September 23. You will have an unusually long partnership peak this year owing to this. The Sun reaches here on October 22 – right after Venus has made a pivotal angle to Uranus in your sign (Oct 14). Watch for shifts and evolutions in a key union – either your marriage, your relationship status or a business relationship – between this opposition and the full Moon in your sign on November 15 which conjuncts Uranus. This is all about duos, duets and double acts which evolve your relating experience.

If something is stagnant, it also must evolve – or fall away so the new can enter. This may be apparent or can even occur earlier in the year when Mars and Uranus meet in your sign (July 15). If anything has been simmering, it could now come to a head.

Your best period of home, moving, lifestyle and family matters runs from July 12 – August 23. During this time Venus hands you a deft touch of domestic bliss and favours any property deals or enhancing your current home. Do initiate any changes around these and deal with domestic matters now. Do not leave them until the end of the year. Otherwise you will discover progress is difficult to make and property matters may stall. You may also find it hard to bring others on-side with any changes you want to make by then.

Last year we experienced a long Venus retrograde in Leo and your 4th house. The reason I am telling you to get your house in order in July-August is that the end of 2024 brings us another rare retrograde in your 4th. This time Mars – planet of action, confidence and pro-activity which heads backwards on December 6. Any moves you do make now may be linked to career and job changes or even shifts within your domestic situation as Pluto is now permanently back in your 10th house.

However, you may also find that property matters are wrought with indecision, delays and frustrations. Mars is never happy in this house in your chart. It needs a focus and an outlet for its energy. Your best option is DIY tasks, decluttering and if that is not an option, to blow off steam with exercise outside the home. You may want to choose your holiday company wisely as this retrograde extends into 2025. You may want to limit time with family members who trigger you or push your buttons. Or simply make other arrangements if you want to keep the festive spirit flowing.

Ruler Venus bookends the year for you. It began with it meeting Pluto in your 10th – and ends on the same high note on December 7. Many of you may be in Wow! mode. Awestruck at the changes you have played an active role in bringing about as the year has unfolded. You will have received invaluable feedback on how you are regarded. And rewards commensurate with that. Pluto hands you a more powerful sense of your reputation and your cred. You are filled with powerfully serious intent when it comes to something you want to attain and achieve. If reboots are needed – you got this. Work that success story on into 2025, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Jupiter is at its most generous and open-handed as it lands in your money zone in May. While ruler Venus blesses those long term strategies and plans. With your enhanced sense of self-worth, take what you want seriously in ‘24, Taurus. And expect serious results.

21 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (10th)

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 1st)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (1st)

8 May 2024 New Moon in Taurus (1st)

23 May 2024 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (1st)

25 May 2024 Jupiter enters Gemini (2nd)

3 Jun 2024 Jupiter in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (2nd)

15 Jul 2024 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (7th)

14 Oct 2024 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)

22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (7th)

1 Nov 2024 New Moon in Scorpio (7th)

15 Nov 2024 Full Moon in Taurus (1st)

15 Nov 2024 Full Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (1st)

19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (10th) – Never to return to Capricorn

6 Dec 2024 Mars stationary retrograde in Leo (4th)

7 Dec 2024 Venus and Pluto conjunct in Aquarius (10th)

All about taurus

Taurus is ruled by Venus the Planet of love and is an Earth sign. Loyal, rock solid and sensual you are the best friend anyone could ever want. Ok, you’re stubborn and pig headed but when you love someone, you love them forever. Your soul lesson is not to get stuck in the same patterns and to put your determination to the highest good.

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