

Enlighten your life!

Once in a Blue Moon love strikes

Happy new YOU

Your extra special, startlingly sweet new Moon ushers in the start of your astrological new year on the 5th. Begin again, Cancer. But this time – do it different. Look to an area you know needs renovation or simply you owning the fact you have allowed a key and important personal need to go unrecognised for far too long.

What you recommit to or the changes you set in motion carry you forward and that momentum is going to take you a long way now. This is down to you accessing the staying power of Saturn in your freedom sector.

The time period right up until the Sun’s exit of your 1st (22nd) is pitch perfect for new plans, reclaiming those you regret letting go of, and a personal relaunch. This is also a new Moon of secret, special invitation previews of what could possibly be for your future. It sets the scene, the intention and opens a portal of possibilities that will occur from your birthday season next year when Jupiter will be in your sign. So, when you are contemplating what it is you wish to manifest – think big and think beyond the confines of this year, Cancer!

Jupiter now in your 12th increases your natural intuitive and creative abilities. It’s a time for you for enlightenment – and by that I don’t just mean revelations – but lightening your life by healing from past wounds and letting go of what holds you back. The more you do this the more magnetic and freer you become. And you’ll quickly see how the world sits up and takes notice of you as a result. This is after all, your main attraction cycle of the year. And confidence is the key to getting the most from this. Which flows uninhibited once you shed those layers from your past.

This month also sees Mars bamboozle its way into your 12th house of spirituality and secrets. Expect a few revelations. And also checks and balances as well. When it comes to checks – resist the impulse to react right away. Or fly off the handle. Count to at least 3 – hundred – if you can. It may be that you need to sit with something and examine this from a long term perspective. Has it been going on for a while? Do you want it to continue like this? And most importantly – have you been ignoring your intuition? The answers you give will determine your action. And the right level of response. Avoid the heat of the moment if you can. Especially with partners and loved ones at the time of the full ‘Blue’ Moon in your 7th. This is a rare event. This appears the day after Mars’s arrival in your 12th (21st). If there is something on your mind you need to address, tackle it BEFORE the full Moon and avoid the fall-out!

You need to know where a relationship stands and for partners (or potential partners) to be able to supply that reassurance. There’s nothing wrong in asking or putting someone on the spot. But do know the ability to get what we want in any area always begins with being very clear about what that is in the first place. So, do use this repeat energy to clarify this in your own mind, Cancer. And to be comfortable with this.

As the planets move into your 2nd, they can deliver powerful and monumental shifts around your money, assets, home, investments and income. Especially joint resources. Gains can be made. And it may not just be material increase that is the change you’ve been hoping for. Combined with Jupiter’s background healing dynamic, the oppositions the planets make to Pluto in your 8th as they leave your sign, bring about a much-needed transformation in how you see and value yourself. I told you that others would take notice as you became more aligned to your present and unburdened of your past. Any shifts within you translate quickly into changes in your outer circumstances. And also in how others perceive you.

Look to the 3rd, 12th and 23rd for tangible proof this process is in motion for you as these are the dates when first Mercury, then Venus and finally the Sun oppose Pluto.

Keep in mind the upcoming Mercury retro of next month. Especially when it comes to love and money, Cancer. Avoid impulse buying from the 17th when Mercury begins retroshadow. There may well be gains but why not hold on to any for now? As Mercury slows down, take your time to look at whether you need something – or simply feel you want it! The same goes for love, Cancer. Your magnetism attracts. But see this as putting you in the position where you get to choose. And take your time with that choice.

Surprise encounters could see some of you ditch that type or change your criteria by the end of July. Or thanks to Pluto’s work in your 7th you recognise your needs have changed – and make a different choice based on this awareness. Heading into August expect your energy and stunning zest for life to remain high. That’s what true enlightenment is all about – the ability to live it, Cancer!

In a nutshell: Once in a Blue moon opportunities surround you in love this July. The new Moon in your sign on the 3rd marks the astrological start of your yearly cycle. Time to lighten you life by shedding what dulls that glow, Cancer.

2 Jul 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)

2 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Leo (2nd)

2 Jul 2024 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (9th)

3 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)

3 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)

5 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)

5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (1st)

5 Jul 2024 Sun and new Moon in Cancer opposition Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 7th)

8 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)

8 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 12th)

11 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)

11 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)

11 Jul 2024 Venus enters Leo (2nd)

12 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)

15 Jul 2024 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)

17 Jul 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Leo (2nd)

18 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)

20 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)

20 Jul 2024 Mars enters Gemini (12th)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn (7th)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)

21 Jul 2024 Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)

21 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 12th)

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (2nd)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (2nd)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (3rd)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (2nd to 12th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (10th)

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (2nd to 10th)

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