

Fire up that profile

Set those plans in motion

What feels brand new?

Fierce fiery Mars is on its way and arrives in your 1st on the 20th. Combined with Jupiter now in residence, this is set to fuel you with drive and determination as well as a level of confidence you’ve not experienced in a very long time, Gemini.

Transits of Mars in our sign can only occur once every two years. And it is extremely rare of this to coincide with Jupiter, as Jupiter only pays you a visit once every 12 years. The last time you experienced both planets in here was May-June 2013 which was at the end of Jupiter’s stay. Look back to what you achieved or set in motion back then if you were 18 or over. And look at how this is linked to your personal image, who you believe you are and what you project. The same will hold true this time around.

Right up until Mars lands, embrace the chill factor, Gemini. Ruler Mercury in its ruling 3rd favours easy peasy planning and activities. Without the rush or the stress. Ideas and solutions should also flow effortlessly now. And short pleasure trips could be on the agenda. That day trip, mini break, the county or country next door. You’re in search of light-hearted fun and not in a mood to take life too seriously. And don’t guilt trip yourself. Believe me, you will more than make up for any (perceived) lost time once Mars reawakens your drive and personal ambitions from the third week of the month onwards.

This month’s new Moon (5th) is one which reboots your finances or simply resets your priorities when it comes to where you want to direct those precious assets, Gemini. It appears in opposition to Ceres in your 8th. This is all about the art of the deal. The win/win. And not feeling you’ve had to give up something or compromise too much. The deal you may strike here may simply be with yourself over just how much you assign to a certain goal or area of life. Or it could be over your pay or income. No matter what, you exit the process feeling richer in satisfaction. Not short-changed.

Midsummer always brings you your yearly financial peak. Where you can begin anew with those financial goals. Or simply reboot your relationship to money and abundance. What you are earning, have at your disposal or believe you can attain increases. The new Moon is an especially good time for you to set a fresh financial goal to aim for between now and December. Do put that time stamp on this, Gemini. It is very important both in terms of you seeing just what you can achieve when you work to a deadline. But it also makes the most of the astrological timing for you as well. Once you have reached this by the end of December, you will continue to build on it right through 2025! That’s the upcoming Jupiter effect for you.

Watch who is bringing the drama mid-month as just prior to Mars entering your sign it barrels into Uranus in your 12th. This can in some instances bring an unexpected but needed change your way. But in other instances, see someone act out. If its the latter do look at whether or not this is the first time they have done this? If the answer is no, then it may be the last.

Ruler Mercury gets a little shady in its ruling 3rd from the 17th. You don’t need me to tell you the rules need to be obeyed now. Ahead of the full fat retro next month. And as the planets shift into your 3rd they oppose Pluto in your 9th. Mercury on the 3rd, Venus on the 12th and the Sun on the 23rd. You seize the day, the energy and the mojo. You are raptured and captured by the idea of something you want to get done, attain or attract. This truly is the start of a cycle like no other. And while your birthday season is behind you, there’s something about this energy that makes you feel as if anything is possible and that new beginnings are yours to experiment with and kick-start.

Change needs to occur before this can happen. We have a second ‘Blue’ full moon to appear in your area of transformation this Cancer season on the 21st. It’s a rare event. And when you look back on this, you will see it marked a point of rebirth for you. In connection to your money, assets, self-empowerment and intimate ties. And there’s no missing the emotional impact of this so don’t worry, Gemini. Check your Full Blue Moon in Capricorn Moonscope for more.

With the Sun now in your Gemini-vibeing 3rd, Mercury slowing down in here and Venus also in residence, do focus on what you love to do, engage with, share and communicate. Direct your energy to those projects, plans, channel, social media feed, studies, podcast, photography, screenplay, manuscript. And bring your attention down to right where you are. Your immediate surroundings and neighbourhood. You are about to reconnect to it or make a discovery right on your doorstep. If you are travelling back to places you are familiar with, something about them feels new, delightful or fresh to you. Just consider its your viewpoint that is responsible. Use next month to go back over old familiar territory and those projects and ideas you may have shelved. Take it from me – something new comes out of the old for you now.

In a nutshell: Having both Mars and Jupiter both in your sign at the same time is rare. The last time this occurred was back in 2013. Your self-confidence reaches new levels of fierce. Whatever you set out to do – you project that winning mindset.

2 Jul 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

2 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Leo (3rd)

2 Jul 2024 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (10th)

3 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

3 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)

5 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)

5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (2nd)

5 Jul 2024 Sun and new Moon in Cancer opposition Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)

8 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

8 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 1st)

11 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

11 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

11 Jul 2024 Venus enters Leo (3rd)

12 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)

15 Jul 2024 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)

17 Jul 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Leo (3rd)

18 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

20 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)

20 Jul 2024 Mars enters Gemini (1st)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn (8th)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)

21 Jul 2024 Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

21 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 1st)

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (3rd)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (3rd)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (4th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (3rd to 1st)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (11th)

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (3rd to 11th)

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