

Dance with creation

No more denying those feelings

Define who you are

Get your soul glow going with the new Moon in your 5th. This is the high point of creation/attraction for you. And while the Sun and other planets move through your 5th, they trine Saturn and ruler Neptune in your sign. Your imagination is grounded but still able to soar. Hence you are in a prime position to manifest what is perfectly aligned with your being.

This experiential new Moon reminds you that creation is forged in the fires of fun and enjoyment. And yes, if romance is on your mind or simply feeling closer to those loved ones, then no matter your relationship status, love becomes both an emotional state of being and the way you express yourself now.

July sees ruler Neptune slam on the brakes and head backwards from the 2nd. Well, you’re used to your ruler spending a lot of its time retrograde, Pisces. Attuning yourself to the shifting energy of the planets aligns with your symbol of the fishes – you can swim in a different direction or adapt to the currents around you. Neptune has been busy amplifying your Pisces traits. While Saturn also in your sign keeps it real for you. So, the mash-up of these two energies may have resulted in the real unreal as far as experiences go. And your attitude to yourself, your appearance, image or profile. Online or off.

Are you living two lives, Pisces? Or are you being sucked in by others who are? The rise of influencer culture and also reality TV has coincided with Neptune in your sign. And as it begins the end of its transit through your 1st, we will begin to see the unreal exposed. With the curtain fully pulled back to reveal who is pulling those levers by the time Neptune enters Aries next year.

Of course, if something is genuine – there’s no big revelation. And a certain amount of allure, illusion and good old fashioned stardust are part of Neptune’s tool kit. And we’re allowed to use these. But getting hooked like a fish by the fake, or even starting to believe our own fantasies (especially with our on-line presence) – can cost us in many ways. You’ll be seeing what’s real and who or what’s not clearly.

Neptune turns retrograde at an ‘anaretic’ degree of your sign – 29 degrees. And within 4 minutes of Aries. This is most probably its most influential and questioning retrograde yet. It is going to ask you who do you believe you are? Who do you follow? Who influences you? Time to become more defined. And also more choosy about those influences. This is a long retrograde which will take you up until November. And also begins when Mercury enters retroshadow and enters your 7th. You will not only be delving deeper to gain clarity on your own identity and what and who influences that, but will be seeking more clarity in your relationships as well.

With Mercury about to enter retro in your relationship area and you seeking insight within, do slow down when it comes to love, Pisces. I am not saying it’s off the table, but if you are attuned to that cosmic energy, you’ll quickly see its more subtle and introverted now. In your quest to discover the real and unreal, you’ll be content to wait for true colours to be exposed. And you know this takes time.

During Neptune’s stay you may have been trying on different facets of yourself for size. Like an actor stepping into character. But now its time to settle. To know and unveil the real you. You do have access to all the multidimensional aspects of you during the upcoming months. This includes being able to tap into the lives you may be leading in parallel universes. All the way through to past lives or even your future path in this one. You can explore these via dreamwork, yoga, meditation, journaling, reading, creativity or any mindful task that allows your mind to open and connect to the flow of cosmic insight.

Of course, the key word here is ‘authenticity’. We know when we are our authentic selves. And our body lets us know in oh so many subtle and not so subtle ways when we’re not. This month delivers a ‘Blue’ Full Moon (21st) in your 11th. The second full Moon to appear while the Sun is in Cancer and your 5th. It’s a rare cosmic event. We’ve talked about the many yous giving birth to the one authentic you. And how to get to that you have to try on so many for size. This ‘Blue’ Moon leads you into forging that identity and crafting it from the most luminous metal. And once done, you are no longer willing to be anyone other than that. This may mean looking closely at your friendships and connections and seeing whether they truly allow you to do this.

The other element of this ‘Blue’ Moon is it allows you to access potential new worlds via goals. In between who you were and are lie portals of potential. Spend some time seeing what is behind each of them. Imagine yourself having or experiencing them one by one. When we change our idea around who we are, we totally change what is possible for us to have and manifest. Choose what is authentically in alignment with your new energy.

Once you know who you have now become there’s more than one opportunity to get playful and explore your new potential. Previewing 2025 and beyond. I told you more than one dimension was yours to explore. Future ‘yous’ crowd your imagination. Like an actor looking at a wardrobe change or new role, do experiment now especially as while the planets remain in your 3rd and 5th houses, they make beauteous, alluring angles to Saturn and your ruler in your sign. These are your dates for that big reveal for that new image or outlook – or simply to put yourself out there and attract:

2 – Mercury trine Neptune, 3 – Venus trine Saturn, 11 – Sun trine Saturn, 11 – Venus trine Neptune, 22 – Sun trine Neptune.

5 – Mars sextile Saturn, 20 – Mars sextile Neptune.

Mars in your 4th from the 20th, needs you to keep busy. Frustration and blocked energy make for short tempers so resist the lure of the couch and that boxset during its stay. Mars in here tells you – get moving. If not an actual home move – then move that energy, that ‘stuff’ – channel Mars into DIY tasks or decluttering. Tackle family or domestic issues. Garden. Rent an allotment even. And if that simmering issue is centered around you needing more help and support – ask directly for it. Don’t sit on it until you reach boiling point. And do keep in mind what seems obvious to you may not be to others. And no, this does not necessarily make them uncaring, uncooperative or selfish.

Health matters become a priority as does simply making life run more smoothly as the big shuffle into your 6th happens beginning with Mercury on the 2nd, Venus (11th) and then the Sun (22nd). This is a house ruled by Mercury so do keep that upcoming retrograde in mind. But this also hands you the focus to tackle those outstanding every day tasks you may have been letting slide.

Allowing yourself to be who you feel you now are is the ultimate act of self-care and centered wellness. Do keep this in mind in the upcoming weeks. Still evolving? Both the retrogrades (ruler Neptune and Mercury) favour adjustments as new possibilities emerge into your consciousness. Polish up those facets and focus on how you feel when you really step into the reality of being the you that you were always meant to be. It’s the ultimate reality trip – and destiny combined, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Who we believe we are defines our destiny. And how we experience life. You’re beginning to emerge from a period of intense experimentation with your image and how you project it, Pisces. It’s now time to take this – and you, to the next life. And trust the truth of who you really think you are.

2 Jul 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)

2 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Leo (6th)

2 Jul 2024 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (1st)

3 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)

3 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 12th)

5 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (5th)

5 Jul 2024 Sun and new Moon in Cancer opposition Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 11th)

8 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

8 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 4th)

11 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)

11 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)

11 Jul 2024 Venus enters Leo (6th)

12 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 12th)

15 Jul 2024 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

17 Jul 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Leo (6th)

18 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

20 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

20 Jul 2024 Mars enters Gemini (4th)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn (11th)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)

21 Jul 2024 Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)

21 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 4th)

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12tht)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (6th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (6th)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 12th)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (7th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (6th to 4th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (2nd)

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (6th to 2nd)

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