How star-struck are you? Fun astrology quiz!

Are you the kind of person who can’t go out until you’ve checked your stars for the day, or would you struggle to tell the difference between a Libran and a librarian?  Are you totally star-struck, or does the movement of the planets through the heavens leave you cold?  Try this fun quiz and find out just how much you know about astrology.  Some questions are easy, others designed to challenge even the experts! Just make a note of your answers to the questions, check the answers at the end, score yourself one point for every one you get right, add up your score and see how you did!

Question one

How many signs of the Zodiac are there?


Question two

Which sign of the Zodiac is represented by the symbol of a fish?


Question three

Which fabulous planet of expansion is spending a big chunk of 2010 in Pisces, bringing in fantastic abundance and opportunities for everyone?


Question four

Each of the signs of the Zodiac are said to be ruled by different elements – fire, water, earth and air.  Which element is said to rule Taurus?


Question five

Quick-minded Geminis are said to be ruled by which planet?


Question six

The proper name for an astrological chart drawn up using your time, date and place of birth is –

A Flow chart
A Natal chart
A Horoscope

Question seven

Which Chinese New Year kicks in on February 14th 2010?

The Year of the Tiger
The Year of the Rat
The Year of the Dog

Question eight

Which planet is said to rule love, romance, harmony and beauty?


Question nine

When it comes to love and friendship, which of the following star signs is said to be most compatible with Aries?


Question ten

Which planet now commonly integrated into astrological charts was only discovered in 1977?


Question eleven

Which description best fits someone born under the sign of Virgo?

Happy go lucky, risk taking, unreliable
Neat, practical, thorough in everything they do
Moody, mystical, sensitive

Question twelve

What could looking at the position of the Moon in someone’s chart reveal?

What makes them tick in terms of their emotions.
Their ambitions and what they want to achieve in terms of work or career.
How they communicate and process information.

Question thirteen

Which character weaknesses are most associated with the sign of Capricorn?

Jealousy, thirst for revenge if crossed, secretiveness.
Slave drivers, condescending, always have to be in charge.
Spendaholics, unreliable, loud and noisy.

Question fourteen

What is the eleventh house said to rule?

Money, status, power.
Friendships, hopes and dreams.
The lower body, especially the feet.

Question fifteen

In astrological terms, what is meant by the term ‘square’?

This denotes when two planets are 90 degrees apart, plus or minus 8 degrees.
This denotes when two planets are 60 degrees apart, plus or minus 8 degrees.
This denotes when two planets are 120 degrees apart, plus or minus 8 degrees.


Question one:  12.  Question two: Pisces. Question three:  Jupiter.  Question four: Earth.  Question five: Mercury. Question six: A Natal chart. Question seven: The Year of the Tiger. Question eight: Venus. Question nine: Leo. Question ten: Chiron. Question eleven: Neat, practical, thorough in everything they do. Question twelve: What makes them tick in terms of their emotions. Question thirteen: Slave drivers, condescending, always have to be in charge. Question fourteen: Friendships, hopes and dreams. Question fifteen: This denotes when two planets are 90 degrees apart, plus or minus 8 degrees.

How did you score?


Who cares if you don’t know your north node from your noodles?  You can let other people do the work for you and find out what the stars have in store without having to become an expert.  You’re clearly far too busy to bury your head in books on astrology.  Either that, or you’re a sceptical Capricorn who thinks it’s all nonsense (but who probably takes a sneaky peek at their stars anyhow!).


You’ve got a pretty good grip on what’s going on in the heavens.  You’re probably the kind of person who doesn’t plan their life around what the stars say, but who always has a good read of their horoscope every day to see what’s in store!  You’re also likely to check out the astrological compatibility between you and anyone you’ve got your eye on.


Go straight to the top of the star-chart! You’re the kind of person who likes to be in the know, and if astrology can give you the edge in terms of finding out about a person or digging deep into a situation, you’re all over it! You can probably guess people’s star signs at parties and always know when a full moon is coming in. Fabulous score!

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