

Bring that goal into being

Sometimes lucky comes in human form

Showcase your fierce!

If you’ve ever watched one of those fire-eating jugglers with a mixture of awe and envy, just take it you are serving the exact same level of fierce and fearless now, Libra. Yes, you CAN thank you lucky stars for this. And let’s name them: Mars and Jupiter both in your 9th, Pluto in your 5th and ruler Venus and the Sun in your 11th.

All eyes will be on you in some way this week. Escaping attention is going to be impossible. Just like it’s impossible not to notice that person juggling those flaming torches. And what’s more, you make whatever it is you are engaged in look joyful, effortless and amazing.

It may be that something you have been wishing for or pouring your attention into manifesting miraculously appears. Wish fulfilment is a distinct possibility. And yes, you make that look easy too. Only we know how much time and focus may have gone into making this real, Libra.

The old show business saying: It took me 12 years to become an overnight sensation applies here. 12 years being a Jupiter cycle of course. I am not saying it has taken you that long. But there may have been work, wishing and waiting involved here. It’s rare you get Jupiter and Mars in the same sector of your chart at the same time. Rarer still that they are in Jupiter’s ruling 9th of expansion, opportunity, big loves and heart-starting solutions and opportunity. So, work that full spell of attraction on the 22nd when Mars aligns to Pluto in your 5th.

The Sun lands in your house of friendships and the future on the same day. The 23rd sees its radiance ignite Pluto yet again. This could draw someone to you who by their very presence represents some kind of ‘lucky’ break for you. With Mercury now retro-shady in your house of the past, all that faith you have put in an outcome now manifests. Yes, you make the result look fun and easy, Libra. Allow others to think that if you want. But your constancy is what got you here. Shine on knowing you’ve earned it!

In a nutshell: Whatever you undertake this week, you make it look astonishingly easy. Of course, we know that this may just be the result of long term efforts, Libra. But however long it’s taken you, the results are just as undeniably satisfying.

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (11th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (11th)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 5th)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (12th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (11th to 9th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (7th)

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