

Get ready to strut and serve

Leverage your authentic

You making loving (real) fun!

Settleds could be feeling extra-loved up this week. Recapturing the fun in loving. Or simply reminding yourselves of what attracted you in the first place! Singles could draw to them someone free-spirited and spontaneous. What’s more, this could be an attraction free of illusion due to a lifting of cloudiness, confusion and delusion in your romance zone. Your feet (and theirs) are on the ground and not on a pedestal, Scorpio. That makes for something very real happening.

Others could be focussed on their career or what comes under ‘asset management’ thanks to ancient ruler Mars in its ruling 8th. It’s alignment to modern ruler Pluto on the 22nd could see you gain more or simply leverage what you have more effectively. If you are seeking to increase your income, a promotion or a loan, now is the time to take action. Both planets rule power money and the vault where it’s kept. This week could see that unlocked.

You’re totally interested in the truth and not the fantasy which is another thing working in your favour. You’re willing to work with what you have. And also lean in to your ambitions. Your success sector lights up with the arrival of the Sun (22nd) which joins Venus set on enhancing your reputation. Take it you are ‘on show’ for the upcoming month. Be ready to accept whatever goes with that. Extra responsibility, finding yourself the focus of attention in some way and yes – accepting the rewards too. The 26th is your opportunity to show someone what you can do when called on.

Past contacts and connections may feature as well as Mercury enters your 11th (25th). Mercury is slowing down in preparation for a full retro reversal next month. If you are seeking to move jobs, recommit to a goal or simply revive your social life, what this tells you is to mine your existing network. And don’t be shy about it either. Everyone gets living is a full time occupation. And yes, we are all guilty at times of not keeping into contact. So, if you reach out to reconnect with someone you’ve not seen or spoken to for a while, they know where you’re coming from. Someone you know could have the entrée, the skills, the contacts or simply the ability to listen that you need, Scorpio. Or you may be the recipient of the reach back yourself. That’s why they call it a social circle. It goes round.

In a nutshell: Both rulers ancient and modern, make superb angles of elevation in your chart this week. Simply being more or feeling you are more is a take-out every Phoenix should experience this week. And all you have to do is leverage what makes you authentic.

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (10th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (10th)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 4th)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (11th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (10th to 8th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (6th)