Your weekly horoscope 22nd – 29th November 2010

You won’t care if everything feels like it’s up in the air this week as it’s far better than being stuck in limbo. At least they’re on the move and as far as you’re concerned, as long as there’s movement you know you can mould things in the shape you want them to be. You have the confidence to be the unique soul that you are and courage to express yourself. It might all make you feel slightly restless and turn your thoughts to the need to get away, even if it’s just for a short break. Taking a trip is well aspected this week and your thirst for adventure is strong. It’s also time to decide if you trust someone or not as sitting on the fence doesn’t suit you.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aries this week, call 0905 817 2280. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

You’re hungry to explore what makes everyone tick this week. You sense that someone has a shadow side and want to find out what it is. Let’s face it, if you hunt far enough into anyone’s soul you will find a shadow side, including you. Let people reveal themselves to you a bit at a time. You might be aware that you don’t know everything that’s going on, but whatever is hidden from your view isn’t harmful to you at all. What you really fear is that someone is up to something behind your back that could hurt you, but that’s not the case. Good times come with close friends. Small things make you appreciate them all. What we focus on becomes magnified so focus on the positive in the people you love and watch the magic begin.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Taurus this week, call 0905 817 2281. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

If you suddenly feel that you’re in the middle of lots of strange coincidences and peculiar synchronicities, you’re not losing the plot. It’s the beautiful dance of life showing you the wheels are turning and connecting things in your life. One thing in particular has a real flavour of déjà vu about it. Celebrate these events as a sign that the Universe is cheering you on– just appreciate all of the amazing things that are happening. It all lends some light relief to what might otherwise be a slow going, long haul on the work front. But even that is getting ready for a revolution.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Gemini this week, call 0905 817 2282. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

You might be seeing someone familiar in a whole new light this week, or perhaps you see a situation differently. A sudden revival in how you feel about them makes it easy to let go of any old hurts or grudges and you’re quite prepared to start all over. Whenever we look at the past it shifts slightly and we can see things from a different perspective. If a hundred people where to judge you or the other person, you would get a hundred different takes on it. Allow time to heal and shift your perspective and embrace forgiveness. It doesn’t mean going back but it could mean personal freedom.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for the sign of Cancer this week, call 0905 817 2283. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

When it comes to love your sense of timing is impeccable. Go with when you feel it’s the right time to do whatever it is you’ve got up your sleeve, especially if you’re making the first move. Trust in your intuition and gut feeling about someone. Any career dilemmas or confusion can be easily sorted by paying attention to your inner voice and what your heart tells you rather than listening to your own internal logic. If you’ve not been sure which way to turn, adopting that approach makes it all beautifully simple and clear.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Leo this week, call 0905 817 2284. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

Letting go of an emotional dilemma even if it’s just for this week, will be a relief. You’ve earned some time off, so make the most of it, even if it’s only one evening spent doing what inspires or comforts you. Try not to over analyse but focus on giving yourself a bit of support and joy. By taking time out the energy could shift leaving you to see the bigger picture. If you rush to make an emotional decision you might be left wondering if it was the right one. Think about you, honour your path and do the small things that make you happy. A phone call or email answers a question.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Virgo this week, call 0905 817 2285. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

Accept any compliments you get this week as they are an affirmation that you are loved. You’ve fallen into the habit of underplaying everything. Being humble is brilliant but you don’t want people to overlook all the great things you have to offer. Venus going direct is a big weight off your mind and love starts to chug slowly but firmly ahead. Someone gives you a piece of advice you might want to dismiss, but think about what they’ve said. When it comes to close friends or partners, you can read them like a book but avoid making assumptions. If in doubt, ask.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Libra this week, call 0905 817 2286. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

Your motto for the week is ‘fight the fear and do it anyway’ especially when it comes to expressing your true feelings. Someone might be wondering exactly who you are if you give them mixed messages or are cautious about opening up. Deep down, you might fear rejection, but that’s no reason to try and get in first by pushing someone away. Other people really do want to know if they feature in your plans for the future. Be gentle with yourself, especially if it feels as though life is dealing you a few rough edges that you have to smooth out. Open up and you could find you get all the support you need.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Scorpio this week, call 0905 817 2287. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

Open and excited about life, you’re ready for the next phase. Someone close may be going through a hard time so listen with compassion, even if they seem a bit bad tempered. Let others have their say and their view and it will all blow over quickly. You are in a buoyant mood this week and your enthusiasm for you and what you’re up to is could come across as insensitivity to what’s important to someone else. You don’t mean it and you’re quick to make up. You can win them around by pausing long enough to catch up with what they’re doing and giving them some of that gorgeous enthusiasm.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Sagittarius this week, call 0905 817 2288. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

You can turn any unexpected twists and turns in travel plans into pockets of adventure. Grab the chance to explore new things that wouldn’t have come to your attention if you hadn’t taken a detour. If you’re taken, things take a delightful deep turn and you realise you might be at a crossroads, which road to take is about to be revealed. Singles could find themselves rocked by an explosive, intense encounter with a stranger. Allow your spirit and passion to carry you along this week and open your arms to the unpredictable.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Capricorn this week, call 0905 817 2289. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

This is a week of all-round fun and constant activity. A huge dose of out of hours fun spills over into your work, where there are a lot more laughs to be had than have been of late. You’ll love working as part of a team and feel as though you’re right at the centre of where it’s all going on. Your mind is filled with inspiration and ideas so make the most of it. Other people are keen to listen to you which makes an emotional discussion much easier.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aquarius this week, call 0905 817 2290. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

Keep your cool if it all kicks off at work. Usually highly sensitive to the undercurrents around you, this time you might not spot trouble coming until it all blows up. How you handle it brings out the best in you and reveals some fascinating facts that you can tuck away for future use. If something has been irritating you allow yourself to change your perception of it, surrender, love it and give it your best attention. Your friends are loving your energy this week and want to share some exciting journey with you.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Pisces this week, call 0905 817 2291. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only.*

*BT calls cost 75p per min and last approx 2 minutes, costs from other networks may be higher. Lines updated every Tuesday. SP: Telecom Express 0870 880 4869.

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