Past Life Karmic Astrological Report.

“We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.” Professor Carl Jung

Have you ever wondered who you might have been in a past life, where you have lived and what characteristic that you might have brought forward from a previously life? This is a specialist area of my astrologer friend Adam who by looking at your chart can see what astrology traditionally indicates about your karma and past life, whether you lived in Ancient Egypt, were an artist or potatoe farmer and what lessons astrology would say you have to learn in this life!

I found this report totally fascinating and in depth.

Go Green – Have your chart emailed to you will get a massive discount on the report and you will only be charged 1p for delivery (our shop system does not allow us to charge zero postage). At the end of the year all the 1p’s will be collected together and donated to a local environmental cause

Please note after you have purchased your chart you will get within 24 hours a request asking for your date, time and place of birth. If you do not know your time of birth we can still undertake an astrological reading but more information and more accurate forecasts can be given if you do know your time.

please go here to purchase your chart.,

Due to new UK advertising laws we have to say that this is for entertainment purposes only and that even though astrology has been around long before science we are legally obliged to point out astrology is not scientifically proven.

Please NOMINATE Michele

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Please nominate me in the soul and spirit awards. I so appreciate your support. Please click the picture to vote. Thank you so much and lots of love Michele X

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