Astrology weekly overview 27 December to 3rd January 2011

The week opens with the sun continuing its journey in the sign of Capricorn, so responsibilities, duties and obligations are on all our minds, We’re also focused on thinking about where our careers will take us next year and how to improve our financial security. There is an air of determination and inner grit.

On the 29th, there’s a square between mars in Capricorn and Saturn in libra. Square aspects can create tension in the energy flow of the two planets involved. Mars represents the desire and drive to action while Saturn represents structure and the limitation, so together it can feel like driving with the brakes on. Between the signs of Libra and Capricorn, this might indicate issues about relationships in particular, and the sense of the natural balance and order in a relationship being a challenge to the desire for more structure or a firmer foundation to build from.

You might find yourself in a power struggle with someone over fairness in a relationship or you could even feel that intimacy is being used as an emotional weapon. How balanced is intimacy in your life and do you feel being intimate is an obligation rather than an act of love? Is there an affection impasse? Allow your heart to open and step away from any conflict by walking in love and you can shift a pattern right now!
On the 30th mercury in Sagittarius gets ready to end it’s retrograde and lead us all forward at last.If you’ve been caught up in limbo land or there has been confusion around communication expect things to start creeping forward . Sagittarius brings us the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s also the sign of faith and positive thinking. At last we begin to believe in our dreams again and give something or someone another go. There is an air of expectation and excitement that this time things will be different.

New years eve has a harmonious trine aspect between moon in scorpio and Jupiter/Uranus in pisces. While it indicates some emotional and probably unconventional renditions of auld lang syne , the mood is essentially positive for new years eve thanks to the stability that the trine aspect represents, especially as the moon moves into upbeat Sagittarius in the early hours of Jan 1st, which makes for an uplifting mood to start the new year.  The Sagittarius moon conjuncts (joins) Mercury on the 2nd, which blends thoughts and feelings in a positive way. It’s party central and even if you usually enjoy New Years even alone this could be the time to break the pattern and join the fun. Celebrate your blessings of 2010 and leap into the 2011 with hopeful and bright expectations. You can do it, it’s a fresh start and if you tune into the planetary vibe you can enter it feeling very secure in yourself.
Have a stunning year beautiful soul x

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