Your Weekly Horoscope June 7 – 13th 2011


Venus in 3rd sextile Uranus in Aries, Saturn stations to direct

You’re in a buoyant mood – feeling good about yourself and the world, all loved up and wanting to share that fabulous feeling with everyone.  You may get an opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone and who knows where it will lead.  You might bump into someone, start chatting and feel an instant soul connection.  Now we are of course all connected and all one at a soul level, but this is special because it just feels as though you just click or they bring a message for your very soul.  At work, you are the magician and have the power to transform any relationship.  In particular, if there’s someone who drives you up the wall remember that disliking someone we actually don’t know that well is usually the result of us projecting all of our stuff onto them, and if someone in a relationship that’s closer pushes all of our buttons, it’s often a mirror of something in us we need to look at.  All in all, that means that you should be able to take an irritating situation, learn something profound from it and make it better and even get a mini-dose of enlightenment in the process!  My tip for you this week is, see things from all sides. 

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aries this week, call 0905 817 2280. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in 11th, Venus into 2nd house square Neptune in 11th, Saturn station to direct in 6th

You should cheer, shout, hoot and holler and dance into this week as Jupiter is encouraging you to believe in you and grasp opportunities when you see them.  It’s a mixture of rev yourself up with loads of self belief whilst you get cracking but at the same time make sure that you chill out and enjoy yourself.  You might find yourself a bit challenged by people who are a bit flaky or say that they are going to do one thing and do something totally different, but as you’ve probably been through a few hard times yourself in the last year you’ll be able to see them with much more compassion rather than stamping your hoof.   Let’s face it, you’re always fantastically supportive of your friends in a time of their need.  Other than that, there’s  a part of you that is dreaming of your future and there is a possibility that you might have a shift around something you were planning to do with a group of people and suddenly feel that actually the idea of doing it was others was a security blanket you don’t need and want to strike out solo.  You’re blossoming in your individuality and power and others are noticing.  With lovers you still might have to be a bit more patient, but you’re feeling grounded in your own emotions and actually that’s the solution.  When you’re happy in yourself, everything ripples out.  My tip for you is to forgive any friends who might be being just a bit difficult, and you should have a cracking week.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Taurus this week, call 0905 817 2281. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Venus into Gemini square Neptune in 6th, venus in Gemini sextile Uranus in 11th, Saturn turns direct in 5th

This week, Venus, planet of love goes into your sign, but it also squares Neptune. This might bring a few confusions around your love life, and it’s in the sixth house so that might mean that just as you’re planning a loved up time work calls or you can’t decide where to focus your energy.  There could be a bit of unexpected flirtation or an encounter that makes you feel great about yourself.  Fear not as Venus is around for a while.  I always believe that Venus is like a good friend, standing behind us and encouraging us to transform our relationships and lending support when we examine what they are like and how we feel about them and whether we are getting hooked in to a particular way of thinking across the board.  It’s up to you to be a warrior of love, look at your mind and heart and ask yourself how you relate.  Being a Gemini, you can lean towards intellectualising things but this is a time to shift towards listening to your heart.  My tip for you is, make time for love this week.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Gemini this week, call 0905 817 2282. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Venus in 12th sextile Uranus in 10th, Saturn stations to direct in 4th

This week you should feel a bit of a turnaround in terms of what’ s going on for you.  Venus in your 12th house means that you might be feeling a bit dreamy and intuitive with regard to your relationships and when it comes to your career, someone out there is saying very sweet things about you and you might get the nicest surprise if you find out who it is!  I’m convinced we’re all a bit telepathic, and if we go into a room thinking that we don’t like someone we transmit that even if we don’t say a word.  This week, go into work thinking,  you love me, you think I’m fab and I really like you and think you’re pretty cool too about everyone you work with as that has the potential to shift things.  Saturn, planet of responsibility and stability is going into your 4th house,  so you might find that you begin to feel more secure and any concerns, vulnerabilities or anxieties, particularly around family.  You can afford to feel cautiously optimistic.  Love is on your mind and you’re looking at it from a very deep point of view, sensing karmic connections and the deeper threads that bind us all.  My tip for you is, speak highly of others this week.  

For more from Michele about what’s happening for the sign of Cancer this week, call 0905 817 2283. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in 10th sextile Neptune in 8th, Venus into 11th square Neptune in 8th, Venus sextile Uranus in 9th, Saturn stations to direct in 3rd.

Jupiter is yet again shining a bit of good fortune your way and making you feel excited about life.  Your career is looking incredible – revealing loads of opportunities.  Jupiter in 10th sextile Neptune in 8th brings depth and power, so whatever is going on for you at work is intense in the best possible way and is actually almost primal – what are you feeling about your work and your career dreams?  Is there some desire, passion or obsession stirring in your unconscious about your work?  It’s like a powerful engine that is pushing you in the right direction.  You may have been experiencing a communication blockage with someone recently but that has the potential to shift this week.  Sometimes, being a Leo you can be very proud and it can be tough for you to sit in your vulnerability, but I’m crossing my fingers that you’ve gone through that process and arrived at a point where you understand that our vulnerability is also our strength and now you can embrace the fact that you have embraced who you are and can step forward with a renewed passion for your life.  You might encounter a few people where you feel drawn to them but can’t quite get beyond the surface, even though you might want to.  Be patient and know that comes with time.  You are a gorgeous spirit and if you stand in your true dynamic power, all will be well.  My tip for you is stand in your brilliance.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Leo this week, call 0905 817 2284. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in 9th sextile Neptune in 7th, Venus into 10th square Neptune in 7th, venus in 10th sextile Uranus in 8th, Saturn station to direct in 2nd

This week is a bit of a mixed bag for you.  You might be wresting with some kind of attachment or even a crush on someone in authority.  I would ask, is that based on your projection?  Are you putting on them the power you think they have and feeling a bit small or even defensive in comparison when actually you are equally powerful in your own right?  Embrace that and you will empower yourself.  When we don’t embrace our equality with others, we can actually give our power away, so stand still and take a look to see whether you’re doing that. Along with that, track back to see if you need to do a little work around any old wounds that might be nudging their way to the surface of your consciousness that could be affecting your present.  It’s a week when you are exposed to opportunities and the treasures within your self that can allow you to transform. My tip for you is, be sure in speaking your truth.  You deserve to have your voice heard.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Virgo this week, call 0905 817 2285. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Saturn stations direct in libra, Jupiter in 8th sextile Neptune in 6th, venus into 9th square Neptune in 8th, Venus in 9ths sextile Uranus in 7th,

You’ve been on a bit of a journey recently – either a spiritual or a literal one, but you’re waking up as if from a deep sleep and assessing all of your responsibilities in life.  Have you been too giving to someone lately?  If you have, of course we can’t blame others for how we choose to be or what we choose to do, but it’s well worth delving beneath to see what is driving us.  Perhaps you’ve been very ‘there’ for someone out of a need to be needed.  Whatever it might be, you have the chance to transform that.  Other than that, you could find yourself involved in an unexpected romantic encounter or if you’ve been with someone for a while you might decide to embark on a romantic adventure and you won’t tolerate being stuck in any kind of love rut! You want to embrace love and passion and that comes from building on a stronger relationship with you.  When it comes to work, you might be a bit more fuzzy and flaky than usual as you’re so focused on love.  As a Libran, you deeply understand balance and how to achieve it, and that means knowing that sometimes we can go one way for a bit before coming back on track again, so if you are absolutely immersed in matters of the heart this week, perhaps that’s exactly what you need to honour as you know it’s only a temporary diversion! My tip for you is, take time to stop and smell the roses.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Libra this week, call 0905 817 2286. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in 7th sextile Neptune in 5th, Venus into 8th square Neptune in 5th, Venus in 8th sextile Uranus in 6th, Saturn station direct in 12th

It’s a good week – Jupiter, planet of fortune is in your 7th house and that means you’re expanding your horizons when it comes to your relationships and also if you’ve been a bit stuck you have the chance that something beautiful will show up.  Now of course, you need to show up to the potential of what’s going on so you need to examine within yourself where you might be pushing love away and deal with it so you can embrace whatever happens!  Along with that, you’re feeling very intense and overall it’s really looking like there’s something you really need to get passionate about this week –so what is it?  Along with that, responsible Saturn is stationing in the 12th house which gives you the ability to be creative and also feel grounded and safe.  Could it be that you have a creative dream that could be secure and bring you the gift of security?  Let the love in and let the love in you shine.  Be the love, see the love and be at one with love this week – my tip for you is, be a beacon of love!

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Scorpio this week, call 0905 817 2287. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in 6th sextile Neptune in 4th, Venus into 7th square Neptune in 4th, Venus in 7th sextile Uranus in 5th, Saturn station to direct in 11th

It all starts to kick in this week.  Jupiter in the sector of your chart related to work is urging to you have the confidence in yourself to really rock and roll when it comes to your career.  Others are likely to be calling you to get involved with a group venture of some kind, be it work, for a charity or just a social thing.  When it comes to your personal life, there is a family dynamic playing out and the planets are saying look within to see how you relate to loved ones and family.  If you find that you’re blasting off to one person about another, handle that with slightly more care this week. Instead of going, rah rah rah, try going wow wow wow!  Also if someone tries to sound off at you about someone else, encourage them to see that it’s all just temporary.  If you feel you need a bit more support or an outside, neutral perspective around a long term problem that’s really bothering you, you might consider talking things over with a counsellor.  Life is about sharing and caring and you actually have the power this week to use your optimism and vision to build bridges between people.  My tip for you, is bring people together. 

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Sagittarius this week, call 0905 817 2288. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Saturn station to direct in 10th, Jupiter in 5th sextile Neptune in 3rd, venus into 6th square Neptune in 3rd

You may have been a bit frustrated recently, but after having gone backwards your ruler Saturn is finally standing still and allowing you to prepare to move forward. So if you feel that you’ve been churning over one disaster after another, this week prepare yourself for a shift forward.  You have the opportunity for a bit more abundance in life.  Hopefully you’ve done the hard work in doing a lot of deep soul searching during the time that Saturn was stationary, and now you can reap the rewards and begin to get going with a much cleaner slate feeling a lot lighter.  That also means you’ve got more time to have fun and even wander around with a tentative smile on your face.  Get ready for a celebration of some kind, and my tip for you is, take time out with those whom you love.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Capricorn this week, call 0905 817 2289. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in 4th sextile Neptune in 2nd, Venus into 5th square Neptune in 2nd, Venus in 5th sextile Uranus in 3rd

You’re feeling much more confident and that you really can step out into the world.  Grounded and generous, other people will come away from meeting you thinking what a fabulous person you are which is brilliant news if you’re single.  If you’re hauling around a huge bag of last year’s problems, say to yourself, all I have is this moment.  Allow yourself to release that load and step into the now.  Also, if you’ve been feeling a bit shy about putting your ideas forward, you’ll have much more self confidence when it comes to speaking out and might even have to do a bit of public speaking.  Have faith in all of your abundant ideas and talk with confidence.  You’re in the mood to shower others with affection.  If you’ve been feeling a bit detached or preoccupied, look around to see those in your life who might be right there, wanting to share some fun and good times with you. My tip for you is, strut your stuff.  

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aquarius this week, call 0905 817 2290. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Jupiter in 3rd sextile Neptune in pisces, venus into 4th square Neptune in pisces, Saturn stations to direct in 8th

There’s a lot to say and do this week and Jupiter is doing a nice little shimmy with Neptune that is also going retrograde.  That means you might be evaluating what spiritual ideas you’ve had recently, or what strange little coincidences or synchronicities might have been occurring of late.  You’ve got a few months to do that but it is actually very important as next February, Neptune goes into Pisces for years ahead, you go on a massive crucial journey and you’re preparing for that now.  This week you get a taste of self confidence with which you’re expressing your ideas that somehow have a connection to the past.  It might also be that you suddenly realise that something that has happened at any point in your journey so far in this life was actually a moment of enlightenment and you’re now working that into your everyday life.  Others are keen to hear what you have to say.  Your ideas and thoughts and emotions are right there on the surface.  You’re going through a soul revolution and it’s just started.  This is the year of the birth of your soul, or a new you.  I really think it is that dramatic so for the next few months look at how your life is going and be true to yourself and going into the earth of your being before the spring of your new life begins.  There are two sides to you, the intuitive, enlightened, loving, beautiful aspect and the side that can get sucked in to dreams, addictions, compulsions and delusions and you have the chance to bring out the absolute gold of your soul, perhaps even not just for you, but for us all.  My tip for you is, don’t panic! 

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Pisces this week, call 0905 817 2291. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only.*

*BT calls cost 77p per min and last approx 2 minutes, costs from other networks may be higher. Lines updated every Tuesday. SP: Telecom Express 0870 880 4869.

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