Your Weekly Horoscope June 14th – 20th 2011
Full moon eclipse in 9th, focus on north node ruler in 2nd; mercury in 4th opposite pluto in 10th, tsquared by Uranus in aries
The full moon in Sagittarius and the eclipse brings us an intense time all round. Eclipses are all about change and we can either surrender to it or resist it. The full moon in your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius is asking you how you feel about travel and your philosophy of life. How do you feel about expanding your wisdom and is there something holding you back? Your beliefs create not only your experience, but your whole journey. If you see life as a feral, dangerous experience, that’s what you’ll encounter. But if you wear the rose tinted glasses that I personally favour, you’ll see optimism and love all round. So what glasses do you wear and can you change them to give you clear 20/20 vision? Allow the planets to perform laser surgery on you and give you clarity of thinking and a change of perspective. Along with that, Mercury, planet of communication is going into watery Cancer and it’s in your 4th house, which is all about roots and security. You’re not necessarily a stay at home person, but it’s important for you to ask yourself what your home and security means to you. You might be a bit dreamy and want to make others feel secure, comfortable and at peace with you too. If you’re feeling vulnerable or insecure, you might find yourself unable to communicate or defensive. Respect your sensitivities and know that your security is from within your being. It’s okay to be you, and my tip is give love with gentle confidence this week.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aries this week, call 0905 817 2280. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 8th, focus on north node ruler in Taurus, mercury in 3rd opposite pluto in 9th, tsquared by Uranus in 12th
Last week was a bit easier for you and this week has a few challenging aspects, but there’s nothing you can’t handle. That’s because we have a full moon in Sagittarius which turns up the emotions and intensity and an eclipse. For you, the full moon influences your 8th house which is all about sex, transformation and obsession, so a part of you might feel very intense and full on with a few obsessive thoughts of jealousy emerging. It’s all very primal, but if you find that things get stirred up take a step back and try and turn that energy and primal power into something transformational. Powerful emotions are okay because it’s a journey, a cycle that’s part of our development and growth and sometimes when we go to the extremes we can actually use it to bring ourselves back into line when the dust settles. These times allow us to stalk our thoughts, so this week if those kind of powerful, primal feelings come up you can ask yourself whether they are true to the authentic you. You can also turn them into a tantric experience where you let go on a deeper level and turn passion into experience. Life is a dance of magical death and rebirth so know that whatever is going on is part of a transition. Part of your emotional reactions this week might also be down to you feeling insecure about the way that you are communicating. Just think, this too shall pass. Open up and experience the intensity of this week, light a candle under the full moon, go for a walk in nature, open up your mind to other belief systems or immerse yourself in the philosophy of other cultures. My tip for you this week is to shine like the star you are, but don’t be too cocky!
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Taurus this week, call 0905 817 2281. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 7th, emphasis on north node ruler in 12th, venus in Gemini trine saturn in 5th, mercury in 2nd opposite pluto in 8th, tsquared by Uranus in 11th
This week is exceptionally full on for you. Life should have been a lot more tickety boo and full of potential recently, but you’re about to get the tail end or a new perspective on whatever you went through around the new moon a couple of weeks ago. You have the full moon in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, and ontop of that another eclipse and for you it’s all about relationships, commitment and romance. It’s about an emotional journey or peak experience that takes you down the rabbit hole of life and coming up like Alice in a brand new world. Sometimes we have to let go of control and face and embrace a message that the universe brings and it’s likely that there is some kind of emotional process that drags you through into a multidimensional world of delight. Don’t fight, repress or intellectualise any strong emotions you feel and they will take you into a multidimensional world of delight. If you’re single, you might meet someone who makes you go wow. If you are in a relationship, it might be that your partner is behaving in a way that you find confusing (even though it probably makes perfect sense to them!). Strap yourself in. It’s going to be a wild ride, but when you come through it you should be liberated and my tip for you is to stay calm and trust what’s happening this week.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Gemini this week, call 0905 817 2282. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 6th house, emphasis on nn ruler in 11th, mercury into cancer trine Neptune in 9th, mercury in cancer opposite pluto in 7th, tsquared by Uranus in 10th
Your ruler the Moon is going through an eclipse, so for you it’s a bit full on with a lot to learn and this time round it’s all about your career. There could be an emotionally cathartic experience but it can be good. You should feel a lot more free and easy in terms of how you think. Dreamy, emotional and intense, you’re able to get excited about your ideas but the little opposition with Pluto, Lord of control, might mean that you’re feeling someone isn’t being fully supportive of your ideas. If that’s the case, think very carefully about who you want to share your ideas with. Very often – and we all do it – we can take our precious ideas to the very person who is going to pour cold water all over them, and if you recognise that you’re doing that, ask yourself why. Find those who love and adore you and support your ideas. Be grounded in your ideas and trust them to lead you in your process of transformation.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for the sign of Cancer this week, call 0905 817 2283. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 5th house, emphasis on nn ruler in 10th, mercury into 12th opposite pluto in 6th tsquared by Uranus in 9th
This week we have a very intense full moon with an eclipse so there’s a big revelation for all of us, one way or another. For you it’s all about your ideas and creativity and you’ll want to be straight and direct with people. That could be tricky as mercury going into cancer in your 12th house might mean that you’re a bit fuzzy with a few lack of boundaries thrown in. Rather than ending up in communication porridge, think carefully about what you want to say before you say it. Part of you feels that you might want to make ultimatums based on your ideals or romantic dreams mixed up with your spirituality too. That can be confusing as there is a lot going on inside you but allow it to give you an answer and a clue as to what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re likely to get a very positive sign post. You may have expectations about how you want others to be a bit more creative and in tune and perhaps a bit more caring about the earth or at least to get on the same agenda as you. Give them time and space and if they don’t agree with you now, trust that you’ve given them food for thought. Indulge in your spirituality and be open to the experience of the full moon.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Leo this week, call 0905 817 2284. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 4th house, emphasis on nn ruler in 9th, mercury into 11th opposite pluto in 5th, tsquared by Uranus in 8th
All of us are going through an intense full moon eclipse experience and for you it might bring a few dramas into your closest relationships. You like to deal with such things in a very reasoned, logical manner but if you find yourself letting loose emotionally trust me when I say that everything will calm down. Sometimes as a Virgo you can repress your feelings and it might actually be good to bring them out into the open. You could find that someone around you gets a bit unpredictable and the best advice I can give you is to go with the flow. You might feel in the moment as though you are losing control, but if you do end up in a big conversation with someone and all of your repressed thoughts and feelings start flooding out, you have to take responsibility for your part in that in not letting them in on what you think sooner, so take a deep breath and start at the beginning. Flow with your emotions and turn this to your advantage to make sure that you have an emotional transformation.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Virgo this week, call 0905 817 2285. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 3rd house, emphasis on nn ruler in 8th, venus in 9th trine Saturn in libra, mercury in 10th opposite pluto in 4th tsquare Uranus in 7th
Everyone is going through some big emotional transformation this week and for you it’s in your house of communication. This might bring a change of direction in terms of your ideas or a total eureka moment. On the other hand, you might find yourself surrounded by people who think that they know best who try and herd you in their direction, with you thinking, hang on, I don’t want this. It’s not like you to be forceful or aggressive in any way but you mind find yourself doing something this week just for the hell of it and just for you. Life is precious and funnily enough I think all of us have a tendency to act is if we’re immortal, with all the time in the world to get round to what we want to do. This week, you might get a strong urge to stop waiting or procrastinating and get out there and do it. It’s time to value your journey here right now. Are you stuck in a routine or doing things that others want you to? If so, allow yourself to be the unique spirit you are and at least look at where you might express a bit more of that in your life.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Libra this week, call 0905 817 2286. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 2nd house emphasis on nn ruler in 7th, mercury in 9th opposite pluto in 3rd tsquared by Uranus in 6th
I’ll be honest with you – this week might be full on and intense but I’m eternally optimistic so I think it can be a good one! Leap into the week saying, yes, I’m all up for revelation, I do like to know what’s going on and bring it to me baby! The full moon behind all the mayhem is stirring up the powerful energy of transformation (which you’re an old hand at) and chucking it at your security. That means you should be coming to a whole new perspective on what security is for you. When we stop clinging to those things that we think are bringing us security we open the doors to a powerful sense of freedom. If you’re in a relationship, you might be asking questions about how your fears play out in closest relationships, or how you can be you and be with someone else too. Singles might look at their own personal security and decide that they are ready for an adventure of some kind or ready to surrender and be a bit vulnerable. Either way, you should get a message or revelation around the issue. Your vulnerability is actually your strength and when you bring it out into the open you are actually being authentic to you. If anyone wants to stomp all over that in hobnail boots, then they’re probably not the person you want to be around! Your vulnerability is what makes you human and there are no weaknesses that detract from the beautiful person you are, so embrace it and you should have a transformational full moon.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Scorpio this week, call 0905 817 2287. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in Sagittarius, emphasis on nn ruler in 6th; mercury in 8th opposite pluto in 2nd, tsquared by Uranus in 5th
It’s a week that fills you up with all sorts of intensity and emotions, thanks to the full moon in your sign and to top it all off, there’s an eclipse. It’s a good idea to look back to what might have started to come up during the new moon eclipse in your opposite sign a couple of weeks ago. Did you meet someone around that time or undergo some kind of change in your views on the world? Whatever started then is coming to a big crescendo and this full moon is enlightening you and bringing about change, transformation and a move through. It could be focussed on your relationships or your view of self, with you being asked to look at whether you are being authentic to you. You are in other ways in your element right now, optimistic and able to handle anything. Someone else might be acting in a way that’s a bit secretive or holding something back. Fear not, by the end of the week you should be very clear about everyone’s intentions and emotions. You are a warrior and adventurer who loves to stretch the boundaries of your knowledge. This week will show you what’s going on in your world and how to be true to yourself emotionally and in every other way.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Sagittarius this week, call 0905 817 2288. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 12th, emphasis on nn ruler in 5th; mercury into 7th, opposite pluto in Capricorn, tsquared by Uranus in 4th
You’re going on an emotional journey deep into yourself this week with the chance to break long standing patterns. Often in your life you take on commitments in a way that means everyone knows they can rely on you being your beautiful solid self. A couple of weeks ago around the eclipse you might have felt a bit vulnerable but this time you’re deciding to take your power back and if you decide this week that someone or something has been holding you back you have the courage to look at it and walk away. This full moon is in your 12th house, which is all about your spirituality or soul. It is also about compulsions and obsessions, but if you allow your soul to whisper to you, you’ll find that you can release a burden. Expect to be given an answer. This week you might have to break your word to be committed to yourself. Know that’s not a selfish thing. Life should be getting a lot easier and this week you’ve got the space to listen to what your spirits calling is. Be brave, beautiful and loving and allow yourself this change and what the full moon is bringing to you.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Capricorn this week, call 0905 817 2289. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 11th, emphasis on nn ruler in 4th, venus in 5th trine saturn in 9th; mercury in 6th opposite pluto in 12th tsquared by Uranus in aries.
Everyone is getting shaken up by a big old eclipse and full moon in Sagittarius. In a way you’re taking it in your stride and bravely embracing new ideas and change. Partly that’s because Venus is moving into the 5th house and trining Saturn, which means you’re able to feel a lot more comfortable in your own skin, playful and excited. You’re really enjoying yourself and putting responsibility to one side. Hopefully where you are you’re able to get out there and enjoy being around other people. You might meet someone you’re very drawn to and you’re really feasting on their intellect and ideas. You might come across something – an idea related to career or even a different country – that is in the future great treasure for you. You’ll want to connect to people on a very personal level this week and that’s perfect. Share your beautiful self with others who should find you vivid and fascinating this week. There are many who will tell you that this is what life is all about.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aquarius this week, call 0905 817 2290. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
Full moon eclipse in 10th, emphasis on nn ruler in 3rd, mercury into 5th opposite pluto in 11th, tsquared by Uranus in 2nd.
This is a week of high emotion and decision making as we have a full moon eclipse in your 10th house, which makes it all about your career. You might come to a point of questioning whether you should let your heart rule your head and letting your heart lead the way. There’s a part of you that is really hungry to experience having meaning and purpose in your life. Allow yourself to get in touch with your spirituality. Meditate or do yoga or anything that brings you back into your spirituality. Cleanse yourself from the past with a nice sea salt and sage bath. Being a water sign you feel things so much more deeply than the rest of us. The full moon is in fiery Sagittarius, which can be a bit full on for you, but you can handle it. Swim through the slip stream and allow whatever message needs to come through to find a way to you. You can either transform what you do, take up some kind of study to give yourself new skills or open something in you to help you see your work differently. Also you may bump into someone at work who completely changes your life direction. It’s intense and full on but you can handle it and next week you should go, gosh, I really know what all that was about.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Pisces this week, call 0905 817 2291. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only.*
*BT calls cost 77p per min and last approx 2 minutes, costs from other networks may be higher. Lines updated every Tuesday. SP: Telecom Express 0870 880 4869.