Your Weekly Horoscopes June 27th to July 4th 2001
New moon eclipse in 4th square Saturn in 7th, mercury into 5th, Venus into 4th trine Neptune in 12th
This week is a big week thanks to the new Moon in Cancer and the solar eclipse on the 1st July. For you it’s all a bit raw as it’s in your 4th house, so it’s all about security and you might be possibly feeling a bit vulnerable. Now, if you’re an enlightened Aries, you’re probably very giving and good at sharing your emotions and nurturing and putting other’s needs first. The shadow side of Aries can mean that you tend to put your own emotions and needs before anyone elses’. If that’s the case, this is where you can begin to transform that. Along with that, you get the chance to look at responsibilities within relationships, whether you’re single or taken. Are you being equal and allowing yourself to feel responsible or do you feel a bit chained by responsibility and not allowing yourself to express your own needs, or is someone being a bit too demanding? I’ve been talking about how what is going on astrologically speaking right now is encouraging us to imagine that we are the mother of everyone and being compassionate and empathetic. When we do that we can see all those difficult people in our lives as upset and frightened people and come at the whole thing from a different space. It might be challenging this week if you yourself are feeling vulnerable, but that encourages us to look at how we express that vulnerability. Do we kick and scream and shout, or do we open our hearts, admit our vulnerabilities and step through into a stronger position where we can be loving to ourselves and others? Don’t let love be a prison this week. Single or taken, if you’re feeling penned in wherever you are, get rid of those illusions. If you nurture your inner vulnerabilities, everything on the outside transforms.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aries this week, call 0905 817 2280. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 3rd, square Saturn in 6th, mercury into 4th, venus into 3rd trine Neptune in 11th
All of us are currently being urged to look at our vulnerability, but each sign is being encouraged to look in a different place. For you, it’s all about communication and how you express yourself intellectually. You might have a breakthrough and could suddenly find that you feel really confident, or have an idea and know exactly how to put across what you want to say. You could find that someone at work or someone you’re talking to puts up a bit of resistance or gets a little perfectionist, which could take you aback as you’ve stepped out of your Taurean groove and are on fire with inspiration! If that’s the case, don’t go back to hiding or being insecure as you’re probably in the right track so take that Cancerian new moon energy and communicate from your heart. When it comes to love, a part of you is able to express yourself with a lot more ease and you can open up instead of holding back what you want to say. It might even be the start of a fabulous new romance. If nothing else, you’re likely to meet someone and feel as though you’ve known them forever and have those long, easy conversations that go late into the night! Keep a diary to capture those ideas that are flowing as you should have an answer or idea about how to transform your vulnerabilities this week.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Taurus this week, call 0905 817 2281. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 2nd, square Saturn in 5th, mercury into 3rd, venus into 2nd trine Neptune in 10th
The solar eclipse and new Moon in Cancer is affecting your second house which is all about your financial security, but more importantly about your sense of self worth. How much do you value yourself? Are you worthy of love and abundance? Do you feel that you have these things? Unearthing your vulnerabilities so that we can transform them is your job this week. Along with that, you might not feel as though you’re not worthy of having fun with family and friends or that you’ve got so much going on at work you just have to get your head down and can’t devote any time to fun or even being creative. That could be an illusion – can your creativity show you how to have fun if you feel worthy of it? Is there a solution? By being creative it might not have to be a tug of war between being practical and creative. Come through that and you can have fun and still get things done. You are valuable, beautiful and filled with inspiration and ideas.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Gemini this week, call 0905 817 2282. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in cancer square Saturn in 4th, venus into cancer trine Neptune in 9th
What a week it is! The whole universe is going through a little Cancerian experience thanks to the new Moon in your sign and the solar eclipse on the 1st. Your earth is being shaken and your very soul is being released so that you can become all that you are. It’s almost like a rebirth and you’re rising like a phoenix from the flames. It could be a bit of a rollercoaster but you have to be brave and fearless and the warrior of love you are in your soul. Venus is also going into your soul so that means lady love is giving you a cuddle and taking you on a grand tour of love. Are you ready for it? Are you coming out of that shell? Are you going to say, I’m worthy and I have every right to express the loving being that I am? Actually, as a Cancerian, whether you are a man or a woman, you do represent the divine feminine and you can express that. If you want to go on a journey or embrace a little adventure, this is the perfect week. You have it within you to not be shy but to stand in your divinity and this is the week where you can leap in and fly into the next dimension.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for the sign of Cancer this week, call 0905 817 2283. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 12th square Saturn in 3rd, mercury into Leo, venus into 12th trine Neptune in 8th
We’re all going through something tumultuous and powerful from the 1st July thanks to the solar eclipse and the new Moon in Cancer. You might be feeling very deep, spiritual and connected. You could have a dream about a future soul mate or bump into someone and feel an instant connection. You might sense when someone is going to call you. You’re powerfully connected to love this week and it could even all feel a bit too much. I would say the knowing you might be feeling is what we are all tuned into all the time and the only problem is that your intellect might be fighting your natural intuition. You are a spiritual being underneath that fiery, adventurous and charismatic front. There is a tiny lion cub in you that likes to ponder the meaning of the universe and this is the week to do it. Venus trining Neptune brings intensity, sex, and transformation so it could lead you to get a bit obsessive or even be fooled into thinking that you’ve met your soul mate when it’s all just a based on fantasy. This could all be part of the soul mate mythology. In a nutshell, soul mates come in all shapes and sizes and in particular they might not all be destined to be our forever romantic partners. We can meet people and feel as though we’ve got a past life connection going on when actually we’re just obsessed with the idea of what they represent. Actually, we are all one and we choose to reflect our own sparkle on to them. That feeling of having met a soul mate should never take us away from our soul’s journey. So this week expect a little lesson in love. It might be naughty or pleasurable but even as it unfolds, trust your gut instincts and be prepared for a revelation about your instincts that shows you how to increase your own powers of manifestation.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Leo this week, call 0905 817 2284. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 11th square Saturn in 2nd, mercury into 12th, venus into 11th trine Neptune in 7th
We all are being urged to look at our vulnerability and for you it’s all around friendships. How are you feeling about your friends at the moment? Has there been a change of circumstances? Venus going into your 11th house suggests love and friendship getting mixed up. That could mean that a friendship transforms into something much more or you may even feel that your romantic partner has become more your friend. As a Virgo, you have two sides to your personality. You can cut off from your sensuality and seductive delights and another side of you can be totally free and wild with your sexuality and one of the tasks for Virgo is to find the space between these two extremes. For example, if you’ve been single for a long time you might have cut off that sensual side of you and need to step into your power and come back into your sensual self. Though perhaps you’ve even ended up in bed with a friend! Examine your fears and insecurities and don’t take everything to heart this week as the Moon is making it all feel quite intense. When you let yourself go and you’re not criticizing yourself you a brilliant friend as you are always there for them. This week the secrets, the lessons, the joys and the passions are all connected to friendships.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Virgo this week, call 0905 817 2285. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 10th square Saturn in libra, mercury into 11th, venus into 10th trine Neptune in 6th
This week all of us are having our insecurities and our inner securities shaken up so that we can heal our vulnerabilities. For you this touches on your career. How do see what you do? How much of your feeling of self worth is tied in to what you do for a living and how secure do you feel around your job? Does what you do allow you to express your soul? This week, you can face your worst fears supported by Saturn who is saying this is the time in your life when you can be serious and responsible and question all of the areas and when you do the universe is cheering you on to step into a new sense of confidence. When we add Venus into the mix, it also means that you can ask similar questions about love and work. Can you balance the two? How do you feel about what your partner does? You have the chance to separate these things and express yourself through your unique soul. Your soul is eternal and in many ways what you do is part of the wardrobe or fancy dress of this life. You may be lucky enough to express your soul through your work, but if you feel that you can’t, you can embrace your passion for life in many other ways than through paid work. Go inside and begin by asking yourself what you feel divinely driven to do.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Libra this week, call 0905 817 2286. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 9th square Saturn in 12th, mercury into 10th, venus into 9th trine Neptune in 5th
All of us are being asked to examine our vulnerabilities this week and I happen to know that even you have a few, even if you keep them well hidden from public view! For you, the focus falls on philosophy, adventure or travel. Have you been thinking about studying or thinking about embarking on an adventure of some kind but holding back because you fear it will make you too vulnerable? You are a warrior of knowledge and an incredibly deep, intense and passionate human being. You might want to go on a psychic development course, study psychotherapy or healing or anything that embraces those instinctual feelings that you have. Sometimes as an emotional water sign you don’t speak unless you’re absolutely sure of what you’re saying, but it’s time to expand all possibilities and seek knowledge and go on an adventure. You can do it and you can deserve it and someone will be pleased if you do! The other good news is that if you’re in a relationship it’s a good time to go on an emotional or literal journey, although it’s likely to reveal something very intense about you or about them. You don’t like it when your insecurities are poked, but I really think it’s going to be worth it and when you embrace that you have something important to say that we all need to hear, that personal revolution of yours awaits.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Scorpio this week, call 0905 817 2287. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 8th square Saturn in 11th, mercury into 9th, venus into 8th trine Neptune in 4th
The huge surge of energy created by the new Moon in Cancer and solar eclipse is encouraging you to look at the big questions of life and death itself and to look over what you believe happens. I believe that our soul is eternal or multidimensional, but part of you might be thinking, hang on, what have I actually achieved and am I running out of time? But I believe that we all have eternity, and what’s achievement anyway? Has your soul lived uniquely and have you been true to yourself? Other than that, you might be feeling compulsive or strongly attracted to someone but that brings in its wake a sense of friends not perhaps approving of your choice or a touch of deception around it for some reason. This could result in a kind of mental tussle. Careful that you don’t leap in and propose to someone you’ve just met and give yourself a check to see that you aren’t handing your power over if you are obsessing about someone. You are an adventurous warrior, keep your optimistic hat on and you should come out of this week feeling free and relieved of many burdens.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Sagittarius this week, call 0905 817 2288. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 7th square Saturn in 10th, mercury into 8th, venus into 7th trine Neptune in 3rd
We’ve all been shaken up by the solar eclipse and new Moon in Cancer. As a stoic, powerful strong Capricorn you often hide your emotions because you want to do the right thing and right now you’re being asked to look at how you feel about relationships. You have the chance to throw yourself in and see them in a whole new way. You might focus on the people that you work with, but you can look across the board and in particular delve into how you can express that soft, tender, compassionate part of you when you feel so responsible for so many things, particularly around work. Trying to balancing that can sometimes make you feel a bit grumpy. Part of you is opening up to your joyfulness and honesty about how important relationships are to you. How soft and loving are you to you, and would you fall in love with you? By the end of this week, if you embrace the challenge and ask the questions, something should be very different indeed.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Capricorn this week, call 0905 817 2289. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 6th square Saturn in 9th, mercury in 7th, venus into 6th trine Neptune in 2nd
The solar eclipse and new Moon in Cancer is telling us all to look at our vulnerabilities and pointing you towards your sense of physical wellbeing in the world and the balance with work. You might be going though some inner conflict or struggle. Are you looking after yourself and paying attention to your physical needs? Is part of you longing for adventure and travel? It’s up to you to go through what’s really holding you back. Are you allowing yourself to be healthy and well or pushing yourself too much? Sometimes air signs forget that they also have a body as they are so much in the intellect, but it’s time to take care of you this week. Take time out to nurture yourself to give your body and mind a rest. Do something playful or seek expert advice on your physical wellbeing. Give your body and mind a rest and your soul might reveal a solution about how you can fit in any adventure that you’re longing for. And if you’re single, you could go along to a yoga class and bump into someone who thinks you’re fabulous. This eclipse is about you finding ways to fit in pleasure.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aquarius this week, call 0905 817 2290. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *
New moon eclipse in 5th square Saturn in 8th, mercury into 6th, venus into 5th trine Neptune in pisces
This week we have a solar eclipse and new Moon in Cancer – a fellow water sign. That means you’re able to sense other people’s vulnerabilities as well as you being encouraged to look at your own. Others might be having a slightly tough time, but for you it all brings a bit of spice and magic in this whole mix. You’re a little bit of a charmer this week, able to captivate and beguile anyone. A lot of actors are Pisceans, as that empathy you’re famous for allows you to dive inside anyone’s psyche, literally step into their skin and then walk out on stage and perform in any way you choose. Perhaps as you do this, it might be the very thing that reveals your vulnerability as you realise you can be fiery and outgoing and all of the things other people are and that you don’t usually allow yourself to be. Be courageous and step into any way of being this week and don’t give yourself about any fears or insecurities that might have ruled you in the past and you should have an amazing time.
For more from Michele about what’s happening for Pisces this week, call 0905 817 2291. All calls cost 77p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only.*
*BT calls cost 77p per min and last approx 2 minutes, costs from other networks may be higher. Lines updated every Tuesday. SP: Telecom Express 0870 880 4869.