Lisa’s Karma Clinic: Why am I always skint?

Dear Lisa, I’ve had so much hardship for the past 5 years now. I’m always skint and can’t get my goal due to financial difficulty.  Can you help me find why?

Lisa says:

It is interesting for me to find that you have Neptune retrograde at a critical degree in Sagittarius in the 2nd house. This means that everything that you connect with in this life will link back to your core essence – your spirit.

Your spiritual needs will be important although they probably feel quite challenging at times. This may be why you feel that you are always in financial difficulties. For example – when your spiritual growth is progressing well the universe will usually provide what you need.

You can connect with your intuition very well and it’s likely that, even though you live on this planet, you are very otherwordly. You have a universal knowledge that cannot really be expressed through words as words are too restrictive. Trust your sensitivity. You should have an intense feeling for the earth and what you are here to do. Try to go with the flow and not root yourself in any one place or to any one thing. You can predict future events and convey lots of information about spirituality to others. You can think in terms of possible future realities for humanity. Above all be individual and let your spirit or essence be released.

The Vertex in an astrology chart indicates your fate and usually what you can’t change. At some point in your life it is likely that the Universe will bring these events and situations to you as part of your development. In your case you have the vertex in the 5th house. Caring for and loving others is important for you, as is a committed relationship. The arts, entertainment, glamour and gloss may attract you, but you may hope for more of this kind of thing than you can actually have. Be part of groups and committees to make friendly connections. Having the south node in the 10th house may mean that some of your thinking is holding you back from progressing with your goals. For example you may like to take centre stage or frankly feel that some situations are beneath you. It’s a matter of balancing a healthy sense of self worth with certain aspects of your life as they are in any one moment.  Needing to be centre stage or thinking that something is beneath you will actually hold you back.  Let people see the real person. You might also find that you are tempted to do things not because you really want to do them, but because you crave respect or acclaim and think that’s how you go about getting it.  That’s something you should really avoid.  The work that you are doing in itself needs to be enough.

Do what makes you feel happiest; the part of fortune in your chart resides in the 4th house. This indicates that new ideas and beginnings bring you joy. You are very connected to nature and the environment. You will always need to keep connecting with your roots, whether on a soul level or culturally. Try to include this in your ambitions.

Having Vesta in Capricorn means that your focus should be on trying to achieve your dreams. You are determined and want to be successful – you should be able to achieve in your chosen field – if you make sure it is the right one. Planning thoroughly in an organised manner is important but watch for overdoing it and then making things a bit inflexible.

Good luck in your journey and keep shining,

Lisa x

Got a question about your general focus or direction in life, or any potential past life issues? Michele Knight reader, Lisa (ID 2211), is here to help!

In addition to being psychic, Lisa is also a karmic integration specialist.  By looking at your time, place and date of birth, she is able to explain how one of more past lives might be playing out in your present and how we can make use of such information to allow a positive transformation to take place.

Each month, Lisa will be answering as many of YOUR questions as she can.  If you would like a question answered by Lisa, email it, along with your date, place and time of birth, with the word KARMA in the title of your email, to

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