Your Free Astrology Overview – May 14 – 20

14th – Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

15th – Venus retrograde in Gemini

15th – Grand Earth trine in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

20th – Sun enters Gemini at approximately 23.48pm GMT

20th – Annular Eclipse in Gemini at 0 degrees at 23.53.52pm

It’s another big week astrologically speaking. We start the week with a fabulous conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion which meet in sensual and earthly Taurus. For all of us this is going to mean dealing with the word abundance. What does it mean to you personally? Abundance isn’t necessarily about how much money you have although this aspect may bring many of us a boost in our bank balance. True abundance is all about experiencing the good things of life – food, friends, family, love and also experiences. The fact this all takes place in Taurus – a sign of sensual pleasure, means we’re all going to be asked if we are enjoying what we already have. There is no point in wanting more if you don’t appreciate what you’ve already got. This is the lesson this conjunction brings.

On the 15th, Venus planet of love and creativity, goes retrograde in Mercurial Gemini. Watch out for lovers blowing hot and cold. If you’re not sure where you stand then wait until she moves direct again at the end of June. If you’ve got a creative project hanging that involves communication now is the time to go and revise it but again, wait until the end of June to launch it out there.

Venus retrograde in the house of communication could well herald news from a blast from your past. If you feel like giving them a second chance again, take things slowly before taking the plunge. They could be coming back in just to disappear again – this time for good.


The theme of trines that has dominated this month continues with another Grand Earth Trine – this one involving Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. Expect news and communications relating to finances to dominate both personal matters and in the news. Not all the news may be pleasant but ultimately could prove transformative.


The week ends with an Annular eclipse at 0 degrees of Gemini. An Annular eclipse is a total eclipse but the Moon is too far away for its shadow to reach the Earth’s surface. This eclipse will particularly impact those born in the first five days of Gemini, last five days of Taurus, first days of Sagittarius and last days of Scorpio or if a natal planet falls within these degrees. Watch out when signing contracts or for agreements to be rescinded or not happen. Bear in mind that if something or someone disappears around this eclipse – you are better off without it or them.



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