Your Free Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs July 2-8


2nd – Sun in 4th opp Pluto in 10th

3rd – Full Moon in 10th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 7th

8th – Mars in 7th opp Uranus in 1st

  • What truly makes you secure?
  • How comfortable are you in your power?
  • Get inventive when it comes to partners

With the Sun in your 4th house of what makes you secure opposing the Full Moon conjunct Pluto in your 10th of status along with your ruler Mars entering your 7th house of partnerships on the 4th, the themes this week are all about balancing ambition with emotion. This can manifest in a couple of ways due to the full Moon on the 3rd conjunct Pluto bringing in a ‘the time is NOW’, do or die approach when it comes to issues around your career and status.

You could be faced with power struggles within your relationship or be surprised when the axis of power suddenly shifts. Partners may not like it if you are suddenly the one in the driver’s seat.  How comfortable are you being in a position of power? Uranus planet of the evo-revolution in your 1st house opposing Mars in your 7th may provide innovative solutions when it comes to working out a new balance in your relationship.

It’s time to embrace your destiny this week, Aries. Just don’t let it turn into a power struggle.


2nd – Sun in 3rd opp Pluto in 9th

3rd – Full Moon in 9th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 6th

8th – Mars in 6th opp Uranus in 12th

  • Think big and share your ideas
  • You work to benefit others
  • Accept that having an opinion costs

Modest Taureans need to take advantage of the Sun in their 3rd house of communication and the full Moon in their 9th house of expansion this week. You’re one of the most reliable workers in the zodiac but often others just don’t see you as an innovator. When Mars enters your 6th house of career on the 4th, it’s time to shake a few perceptions about what you are capable of.

With Mars opposing Uranus in your 12th house of inspiration some of your ideas may well be directed towards helping others – either directly or via initiating a better system of doing things at your workplace. However, not everyone may embrace your vision or like the fact that you’re no longer conforming to their ‘square peg in the square hole’ image of you. If this happens accept the fact that innovators face both support which you will have – and opposition. Critics are everywhere. Genius is one-of-a-kind.


2nd – Sun in 2nd opp Pluto in 8th

3rd – Full Moon in 8th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 5th

8th – Mars in 5th opp Uranus in 11th

  • Friends bring freedom
  • A major change in your feelings occurs
  • Feel the power of love!

There’s a major transformation taking place in your sector of assets, beliefs and resources for you this week, Gemini. And when the full Moon on the 3rd, conjuncts Pluto in your 8th house of personal power, you may experience this either in how you deal with power in business or personal relationships or else via someone presenting you with an opportunity to confront this. If this trend manifests in human form – i.e.: someone who is pushing your buttons remember the key to dealing with it and them is to hold your boundaries.

On the 4th Mars planet of action enters your 5th house of creativity and opposes Neptune in your sector of friends. New friends are there to break you free from old restrictions – and could turn out to be more than just friends. You’ll feel the love this week – either from people you care about or by infusing what you do with it. Expect beautiful results.


2nd – Sun in 1st opp Pluto in 7th

3rd – Full Moon in 7th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 4th

8th – Mars in 4th opp Uranus in 10th

  • Let go of control
  • Examine what’s worked in the past
  • Redefine what constitutes success for you

With the full Moon your ruler conjunct Pluto in your 7th house of partnerships and the Sun in your 1st, you and me issues dominate this week. When Mars moves into your 4th house the day after the full Moon, you’re going to be examining feelings of (in) security. Make sure this doesn’t translate into a desire to control partners or seek out constant reassurances of love. Let go of any need to control both people and outcomes.

Mars in your 4th also opposes Uranus in your sector of status and career on the 8th bringing you the opportunity to not only resurrect what’s worked for you in the past when it comes to work and career, but also bringing a new perspective on what constitutes success for you. It may be that promotion or a new definition – being a successful human being may now be enough.


2nd – Sun in 12th opp Pluto in 6th

3rd – Full Moon in 6th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 3rd

8th – Mars in 3rd opp Uranus in 9th

  • Stir up ideas, not confrontations
  • What you need is right under your nose
  • Your faith pays off

A lot of action this week is centered on your house of career and wellbeing, Leo. For you these areas are very closely linked because the more your contribution is acknowledged, the better you feel. It’s nothing to do with being egotistical. Just that you of all signs actually need more positive strokes than most despite the aura of confidence you manage to fool most people with.

When Mars enters your 3rd house of short distance travel and communication on the 4th and moves to oppose Uranus in your 9th house of adventure and big ideas you could be taking the first step in a very important journey. It’s going to be an act of faith on some level as the Sun in your 12th house of secrets and inspiration isn’t letting on what you’re going to find just yet but here’s a clue – whatever you need to accomplish whatever it is you need to do is right under your nose.  Those aren’t trees but the soaring pillars of your vision taking root. Now you see it instead of now you don’t.


2nd – Sun in 11th opp Pluto in 5th

3rd – Full Moon in 5th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 2nd

8th – Mars in 2nd opp Uranus in 8th

  • Putting others first brings freedom
  • The Patient Revolution
  • Time to take a risk

If you’ve been feeling restricted lately Virgo, time to stop thinking this week and realise the solution to the state-mate doesn’t lie with you but with others. The Sun in your 11th house of friends and the collective opposing Pluto in your 5th house of creativity and love is telling you that the way forward for you in terms of your soul growth is to put other’s needs first especially if you feel someone is restricting you. It’s Pay it Forward week – either in a larger, social scale or on an intensely personal one. Do this and watch those barriers melt away.

You’re at the spearhead of something I call The Patient Revolution and when Mars planet of action moves to oppose Uranus in your 8th house of joint resources and transformations you’ll see just how taking care of the details and allowing others to set the pace can pay off. However, when it comes to your ideas or that person you’ve got a secret crush on it’s time to take action. As usual, if you take a risk it’s a calculated one.


2nd – Sun in 10th opp Pluto in 4th

3rd – Full Moon in 4th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 1st

8th – Mars in 1st opp Uranus in 7th

  • Success beckons close to home
  • Act like a leader
  • Your spiritual values shape your destiny

With the Sun presently transiting your 10th house of status and opposing Pluto in your 4th house of home and security, this week could bring some soul-boosting news to do with home or family. If you work from home expect business to increase around the full Moon on the 3rd.

On the 4th, Mars enters your sign and makes a ‘strut your stuff’ aspect to Uranus in your partnership sector. You may find yourself discovering you are more influential than you imagined during this transit as people look to you for your opinions.

Being the sign of partnerships and balance Libra is always focussed on their relationships to others. However, this week is also about the partnership you have with the universe. You suddenly see how your spiritual values can shape your destiny. You are not your beliefs but how you enact your beliefs and this inter-action is what creates prosperity or pain in your life. Now you have the balance in all things that you have been striving for.


2nd – Sun in 9th opp Pluto in 3rd

3rd – Full Moon in 3rd conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 12th

8th – Mars in 12th opp Uranus in 6th

  • Your ideas come from a higher plane
  • Don’t fall into a ‘me against the world’ trap
  • Work behind the scenes to achieve your objectives

With the Sun presently in your 9th house opposing Pluto your ruler in your 3rd of ideas and journeys, you could be receiving inspiration from afar, especially when the full Moon occurs conjunct Pluto on the 3rd. And by afar, I literally mean that as you could be literally picking up inspiration from another plane of existence. Treat these as a gift and above all, share them like all the best gifts should be.

On the 4th Mars enters your 12th house of hidden meanings and spirituality. Being the planet of action and your co-ruler he’s not at all comfortable in there. He’s also opposing Uranus in your 6th house of career. You could be faced with an unwelcome discovery about someone you work with. No matter what your objectives are this week, subterfuge is your answer. Keep your head down and your opinions to yourself. Then – launch your ambush. You’re set to make some serious moves.


2nd – Sun in 8th opp Pluto in 2nd

3rd – Full Moon in 2nd conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 11th

8th – Mars in 11th opp Uranus in 5th

  • Others may offer you their resources
  • Resurrect something you love
  • Get ready for a major change

Sharing is caring for you this week, Sag. Always generous to a fault this week you may find yourself the recipient of someone’s generosity as out of the blue, others offer you whatever it is you need be it advice, an airline ticket or the seed money for your next big idea (and you’ve always got one!). If you’ve got a problem accepting help, step back and remember how good it makes you feel when others come to your for assistance. Good, huh? So don’t deprive someone else of that warm, generous feeling. Say ‘Thank-you’ and accept whatever it is they are offering.

When Mars enters your friendship zone on the 4th and then opposes Uranus in your house of love and creativity on the 8th, what did you used to love to do or who did you used to love to hang out with? With the open heart of a child go re-start that hobby or pick up the phone and tell that person how much you’ve missed them. Major shifts start with small beginnings.


2nd – Sun in 7th opp Pluto in 1st

3rd – Full Moon in 1st conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 10th

8th – Mars in 10th opp Uranus in 4th

  • How you project yourself is important
  • You seek respect from partners
  • Past actions impact on the present

This week’s full Moon occurs in your 1st house and conjunct transformational Pluto which opposes the Sun currently in your 7th house of partnerships. You’re looking closely at what you want from partners now and realising the most important quality for you right now is respect. If you’re not getting that you’re not on equal terms.

Look after your image this week as it’s part of who you are and your self-worth. Bosses or people in a position of power could be sizing you up so make sure you are creating the right impression.

When Mars moves into your 10th house of status and career and opposes Uranus planet of challenges in your 4th house of security on the 8th, you may be asked to look at how what you did or didn’t do in the past has affected you in the present. Remember, even choosing to procrastinate is an action in itself.


2nd – Sun in 6th opp Pluto in 12th

3rd – Full Moon in 12th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 9th

8th – Mars in 9th opp Uranus in 3rd

  • Experiment with your ideas
  • Overwhelming events, people or places
  • Go Your Own Way

The full Moon on the 3rd takes place in your 12th house of hidden meanings, inspiration and spirituality and opposes the Sun presently sitting in your career and wellbeing sector. It’s likely to provide you with some unlikely solutions to some old problems but all this insight comes at a price. The line up may make you unusually sensitive and you may find events, people or even places – especially institutions – overwhelming.

You’re tuning in more and more to the energy vibration of these things. If anything these insights just confirm your unique ability to see beyond the superficial.

On the 8th, Mars planet of action and assertiveness enters your 9th house of adventure and opposes your ruler Uranus – revolutionary father of the unusual. Remember that song by Fleetwood Mac? Load it onto your iPod and crank up the volume. That’s your anthem this week.


2nd – Sun in 5th opp Pluto in 11th

3rd – Full Moon in 11th conjunct Pluto

4th – Mars enters 8th

8th – Mars in 8th opp Uranus in 2nd

  • Indecisions invite power struggles
  • Cultivate patience
  • Fuse magic and art

Your idealism always lets you see the best in others, Pisces and because of this you always give them the benefit of the doubt. This week however, you need to act quickly if you think someone is taking advantage of you. If you don’t your hesitation could be seen as weakness and you could find yourself embroiled in a power struggle as a result.

It’s all down to Mars entering your 8th house on the 4th while opposing Uranus in your values sector. People may try your patience and you may have to stand up for what you believe in – which may be yourself.

However, the Sun presently in your 5th house of creativity makes a splendid aspect to the full Moon on the 3rd which will conjunct Pluto in your 11th house of your wider social circle. You may find a way to combine your innate gift for appreciating the mysteries of life with a creative outlet. What you create now has a magical quality to heal the soul – even if it’s just a batch of cupcakes.




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