Your Free Weekly Forecast for all Signs June 25 – July 1


25th – Saturn direct in 7th

27th – Venus direct in 3rd

27th – Mercury enters 5th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 4th square Moon in 7th square Pluto in 10th square Uranus in 1st

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 4th trine Moon in 8th trine Neptune in 12th sextile Pluto in 10th opp Sun in 4th sextile Neptune in 12th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 5th trine Moon in 9th trine Uranus in 1st

  • Guard against over-reacting
  • Home and business goals can be reached this week
  • Anything on ‘hold’ gets the green light

You’ll feel something move for you this week, Aries and it may well be the earth as Saturn planet of restriction, finally turns direct in your partnership sector on the 25th. Two days later Venus and Mercury follow. Venus is in your 3rd house of communication while Mercury occupies your 5th house of love affairs and creativity). If you’ve been waiting for news from a potential partner (or a past one), this could well see it arrive especially as on the same day a Cardinal Grand Cross occurs lighting up not only your home, partnership and status sectors but also the first house of YOU.

Grand Crosses are all about revising what’s not working for us and taking steps to replace it with something that does. And you’re going to find more than one opportunity to do that this week, Aries thanks to two more rare aspects forming in the sky. On the 29th a special pattern called a Grand Kite will form just days before a Grand Fire Trine occurs. Being a fire sign the Grand Trine will have a huge impact. Grand Trines are beneficial but the problem with them is we can get so caught up with feeling that things are flowing our way we neglect to take advantage of the opportunities they bring simply because we can’t be bothered to get off our sun lounger. Not so with this Grand Trine as the Grand Kite two days beforehand is pointing straight at your home, career and status sector, Aries and revving you up to make those changes. However, with all this fire energy about just take care you don’t spoil it by over-reacting – either to people who don’t seem to be happy you’re on a roll or else by over-indulging. Make it happen this week and you’ll have even more to celebrate later.


25th – Saturn direct in 6th

27th – Venus direct in 2nd

27th – Mercury enters 4th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 3rd square Moon in 6th square Pluto in 9th square Uranus in 12th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 3rd trine Moon in 7th trine Neptune in 11th sextile Pluto in 10th opp Sun in 3rd sextile Neptune in 11th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 4th trine Moon in 8th trine Uranus in 12th

  • What are you aiming for?
  • Where are you undermining or undervaluing yourself?
  • Where do you need to go to get what you want?

The week starts with Saturn planet of structure and restriction finally rolling forward in your career sector on the 25th. Two days later Venus your ruler moves forward in your house of assets and values on the same day Mercury enters your security zone. You’re going to be asked to examine whether or not you are clinging onto something out-worn just because it makes you feel secure this week, Taurus. When did you last push your comfort zone? What is it you want to achieve and why do you think you’ve not achieved it yet?

These are all questions you need to examine especially when the Cardinal Grand Cross takes place on the 27th. You may be hit by the sudden revelation that you’ve been the one putting roadblocks in your way all along – either by self-limiting beliefs or refusing to expand your horizons. If you’ve been complaining about your secure but boring job or the same old social circle time to stop moaning and take action to change things.

You’ll have all the help you need this week thanks to the Grand Kite which takes place on the 29th – a rare event which gives you the impetus to go after whatever it is you want to achieve especially with regards to expanding your horizons or making a serious up-ward mobility move in your career. Yes, this may require you venturing outside familiar territory, Taurus but until you do – how can things improve? The Grand Fire Trine on the 1st allows you to face any restrictions and pushes you out centre stage. Enjoy the spotlight this week.


25th – Saturn direct in 5th

27th – Venus direct in 1st

27th – Mercury enters 3rd

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 2nd square Moon in 5th square Pluto in 8th square Uranus in 11th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 2nd trine Moon in 6th trine Neptune in 10th sextile Pluto in 8th opp Sun in 2nd sextile Neptune in 10th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 3rd trine Moon in 7th trine Uranus in 11th

  • You turn mountains into molehills
  • Love, creativity, career issues come into focus
  • Fancy a make-over?

It’s a fabulous week for all signs this week, Gemini but especially you as you have Venus turning direct in your sign on the 27th, just two days after Saturn also moves forward in your house of passion and creativity on the 25th. You may find yourself the focus of some serious attention now and this may prompt you to think about using all the creative energy that’s swirling around you this week to make a few personal improvements. If you’re thinking of updating your image in some way -whether it’s a haircut or even something more drastic expect to be extremely pleased with the results.

On the same day as Venus moves forward Mercury your ruler enters your 3rd house and a potentially transforming Cardinal Grand Cross occurs. Expect status boosting news or the opportunity to take a trip that reaps unexpected benefits.

If you encounter a few speed bumps they won’t slow you down. With your creativity sector lit up and the Grand Kite which occurs on the 29th pointing to transformations taking place in your sector of assets and values, you’re in a position to come up with unique solutions to anything that stands in your way now.

The Grand Fire Trine which occurs on the 1st brings communication and partnerships of all kinds into focus. If you are single and looking get out and about this week. Accept all invitations even that blind date. If you’re feeling jaded about love take heart. Events around you now prove that lightning can and does strike in the same place twice.


25th – Saturn direct in 4th

27th – Venus direct in 12th

27th – Mercury enters 2nd

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 1st square Moon in 4th square Pluto in 7th square Uranus in 10th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 1st trine Moon in 5th trine Neptune in 9th sextile Pluto in 7th opp Sun in 1st sextile Neptune in 9th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 2nd trine Moon in 6th trine Uranus in 10th

  • Implement changes on the home front
  • Past and past life connections and people feature
  • Discard emotional baggage

There’s a lot of focus this week on your home and security sector, Cancer but I know that’s something you look forward to hearing. On the 25th, Saturn moves direct in your home sector. If you’ve been itching to make some lifestyle changes or even move, this is your green light now.

There’s a lot going on for you on the 27th. Venus moves direct in your 12th house of spirituality and secrets, Mercury enters your 2nd of assets and a Cardinal Grand Cross forms taking in the Sun in your sign as well as your home, partnerships and status sectors. Something is cementing here – you could well see foundations being laid for the future that have their roots in the past. You’ll see the rewards or restrictions of past actions now and people from your past could feature.

On the 29th get ready for a Grand Kite which is going to once again impact your partnership zone. There’s a cleansing and transformative feel to this. If somebody has been making you feel guilty it’s now time to confront that. Chuck out old emotional baggage or psycho-dramas with partners that may be keeping both you and them well and truly stuck. I know it goes against the grain for you Cancer but sometimes the best way to help someone’s soul growth is simply to say ‘No’. What’s more the world is unlikely to end if you do.

On the 1st the Grand Fire Trine may make you feel a little uncomfortable. It sits right across your career and wellbeing zones. But its message is all about new possibilities it wants to send your way. Whatever you think is possible for you now is exactly what you will receive so make sure what you think that is doesn’t contain the letters ‘im’.


25th – Saturn direct in 3rd

27th – Venus direct in 11th

27th – Mercury enters 1st

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 12th square Moon in 3rd square Pluto in 6th square Uranus in 9th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 12th trine Moon in 4th trine Neptune in 8th sextile Pluto in 6th opp Sun in 12th sextile Neptune in 8th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 1st trine Moon in 5th trine Uranus in 9th

  • Insight and illumination
  • Shared resources and career structures transform
  • What have you been waiting to hear?

If you are familiar with the card of The Magician in the Tarot then this week that’s you Leo. On the 25th Saturn finally turns direct in your house of communication putting an end to delays and restrictions as communications flood in and the road ahead has nothing but green lights. On the 27th the sky comes alive with Venus turning direct in your 11th house of friends and groups, Mercury entering your 1st and a Cardinal Grand Cross forms sitting right over your sectors of expansion, career, communication and hidden meanings, messages and motivation. Like a bolt out of the blue you are hit by one realisation after another which gives you the power to push forward with your goals.

Watch what happens a few days later when a Grand Kite forms bringing with it the opportunity to benefit from the help or resources of others when it comes to getting what you want. All this requires that you reach out and connect in order to achieve that however. When the Grand Fire Trine occurs on the 1st, pulling in Mercury, the Moon in your 5th house of passion and creativity and free-thinking Uranus in your sector of expansion there’s no holding you back. You’re fully in your power but it’s nothing to do with throwing your weight around but others throwing their weight behind you. You’ve all the support you need to accomplish your goals this week, Leo. All you need do is ask for it.


25th – Saturn direct in 2nd

27th – Venus direct in 10th

27th – Mercury enters 12th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 11th square Moon in 2nd square Pluto in 5th square Uranus in 8th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 11th trine Moon in 3rd trine Neptune in 7th sextile Pluto in 5th opp Sun in 11th sextile Neptune in 7th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 12th trine Moon in 4th trine Uranus in 8th

  • What have you learned, built or accumulated?
  • Look at partnerships – are they equal or beneficial?
  • More forward towards your purpose

This week is all about soul purpose for you, Virgo. Have you discovered what that is yet? Saturn turns direct in your 2nd house on the 25th and is asking you to look closely at what you may have learned, built or acquired during the time he’s been retrograde. Think back to February. It could be you’ve accumulated more knowledge. If so, see this as an asset you can use to build on now as the planets this week all line up to push you along the path you were destined to travel.

Are you travelling that path solo or with someone? On the 27th, Venus planet of love enters your 10th house of status and Mercury enters your 12th. On the same day a Cardinal Grand Cross forms allowing you to place your partnership needs against the bigger picture of your life. If you’re with someone you could find yourself looking at how the relationship benefits you. Any inequalities within it will be apparent now. If you discover them it’s time to do something about them.

If you’re single the Grand Kite which follows two days later could well bring in an exciting romantic prospect at a time and a place where you least expect it. You’ll be looking at how the relationship fits into the grand scheme of things and not just getting caught up with the passion.

We end the week with a Grand Fire Trine on the 1st. This is all a little bit cosmic for you as it takes place in your sectors of security, spirituality and transformation. You could find yourself sharing something deep and meaningful with another. Purpose and partnership could well mean one and the same thing for you this week.


25th – Saturn direct in 1st

27th – Venus direct in 9th

27th – Mercury enters 11th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 10th square Moon in 1st square Pluto in 4th square Uranus in 7th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 10th trine Moon in 2nd trine Neptune in 6th sextile Pluto in 4th opp Sun in 10th sextile Neptune in 6th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 11th trine Moon in 3rd trine Uranus in 7th

  • You feel older and wiser
  • Expansion, love and travel feature
  • Who is your best partner?

Librans everywhere will heave a collective sigh of relief this week as Saturn planet of structure and restriction finally moves forward in their 1st house. Saturn has been moving backwards in your sign since February. There’s a purpose behind the delays. Call it s refinement of your soul. You should now emerge from this with a feeling of maturity.

Put this knowledge to good use. On the 27th Venus your ruler also moves direct in your 9th house of expansion as Mercury enters your 11th. On the same day a Cardinal Grand Cross occurs taking in the Moon in your sign, the Sun in your 10th house of status, Pluto in your security sector and Uranus in your 7th of partnerships. If partners don’t enhance your life you may well decide to strike out solo now.

On the 29th a Grand Kite forms giving you the impetus to change your environment on both the home front and on a broader scale. If you’ve been diligently working behind the scenes expect acknowledgement for what you’ve achieved – and you thought you’d been overlooked, didn’t you?

On the 1st we end the week with a Grand Fire Trine lighting up your partnership, friendship and communication houses. It’s all about global consciousness and the realisation your perfect partner may well be the world and everyone in it. Or on an intimate level you realise the perfect partner for you is your own creativity. If so it’s time to work with it and put it to good use.


25th – Saturn direct in 12th

27th – Venus direct in 8th

27th – Mercury enters 10th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 9th square Moon in 12th square Pluto in 3rd square Uranus in 6th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 9th trine Moon in 1st trine Neptune in 5th sextile Pluto in 3rd opp Sun in 9th sextile Neptune in 5th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 10th trine Moon in 2nd trine Uranus in 6th

  • Who are you listening to?
  • Stellar aspects shine on your career path
  • (En)lighten up this week!

Most Scorpios will by now be heartily sick of forecasts that talk about transformations, transmutations and all manner of pivotal experiences. There’s a limit to how much of the deep and meaningful any sign can take – even one as finely attuned to these energies as you. So, the good news for this week is that after Saturn moves forward in your 12th house of spirituality and secrets on the 25th and Venus heads direct in your area of transformations on the 27th, the focus all changes.

Watch what happens when Mercury heads into your 10th house of status on the 27th and the Cardinal Grand Cross which takes place on the same day. Planets are all caught up in your zones of expansion, adventure, luck and serious career moves.

On the 29th we have a Grand Kite with a focus on all the above plus you and your creativity. There’s another message here and it’s all to do with whose opinion you’re taking on board now. Is it your own or someone else’s? If your own beliefs about yourself need an upgrade you’re getting serious help now thanks to the Grand Fire Trine on the 1st which is across your entire assets and career area. Of course, it just wouldn’t seem right not to mention transformation and enlightenment somewhere. But what this week is really all about is the lighter side of life – fun and adventure can be spiritual pursuits. Time to (en)lighten up.


25th – Saturn direct in 11th

27th – Venus direct in 7th

27th – Mercury enters 9th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 8th square Moon in 11th square Pluto in 2nd square Uranus in 5th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 8th trine Moon in 12th trine Neptune in 4th sextile Pluto in 2nd opp Sun in 8th sextile Neptune in 4th

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 9th trine Moon in 1st trine Uranus in 5th

  • You stop being a hermit
  • Someone may share their good fortune with you
  • What you want is already here

If your social life has been suffering of late Sag the good news this week is that Saturn planet of restriction, finally goes forward in your friendship sector. When Mercury enters your 9th house of expansion on the 27th expect the invitations to arrive along with some intriguing new prospects for expanding your social circle.

On the same day Venus also moves forward in your partnership sector and there’s a Cardinal Grand Cross which involves your sectors of shared assets, self-worth and sex. You may attract a partner who is willing to share what they have with you and what they have may be considerable. Other Sagi’s may simply benefit from the generosity of friends. Why? Because you’re worth it.

On the 29th you’ll also be getting all the benefits of the Grand Kite again shining across shared resources and legacies. Of course, legacies come in many forms and from many sources including karmic ones. If you’re reaping rewards this week they could be from past actions taken as much as anything else.

On the 1st the Grand Fire Trine lights up the sky and your own sign. Whatever it is you’ve needed you now see you’ve had it all along. Enjoy it. That’s all part of your legacy.


25th – Saturn direct in 10th

27th – Venus direct in 6th

27th – Mercury enters 8th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 7th square Moon in 10th square Pluto in 1st square Uranus in 4th

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 7th trine Moon in 11th trine Neptune in 3rd sextile Pluto in 1st opp Sun in 7th sextile Neptune in 3rd

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 8th trine Moon in 12th trine Uranus in 4th

  • Partnerships prosper or pressure
  • Nobody rains on your parade
  • How do I realise my potential?

Start the week by watching Funny Girl, Capricorn and time it for the 25th when Saturn your ruler finally goes direct in your house of status and accomplishments. Or if you prefer something a little more contemporary watch the Glee version of ‘Don’t Rain on My Parade’. This week nobody should be raining on your parade because the tickertape message is all about you. If anyone particularly partners, are pouring cold water on your accomplishments you are unlikely to find anything amusing in their lack of enthusiasm. Venus direct in your 6th house of career and wellbeing should bring some ego and even bank account boosting news.

On the same day Mercury enters your 8th of shared resources and transformations while a Cardinal Grand Cross pulls in Pluto in your 1st house to oppose the Sun in your partnership sector. If all is well on the partnership front you will both benefit. If not this could well be a case of what is mine is mine, what is yours is mine and what is ours is also mine. Be warned that shortcomings in close relationships will show the strain now while supportive ones will bloom.

On the 29th the Grand Kite forms a rare aspect across your areas of partnership and communication followed two days later by a Grand Fire Trine. You may feel like acting impulsively but try to resist. Overall there’s a deeper calling here. You know your potential to succeed. You just want to know how to realise it. Be open to flashes of inspiration coming from left-field Uranus. If others see rain you see the rainbow.


25th – Saturn direct in 9th

27th – Venus direct in 5th

27th – Mercury enters 7th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 6th square Moon in 9th square Pluto in 12th square Uranus in 3rd

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 6th trine Moon in 10th trine Neptune in 2nd sextile Pluto in 12th opp Sun in 6th sextile Neptune in 2nd

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 7th trine Moon in 11th trine Uranus in 3rd

  • Hidden opportunities emerge
  • Take calculated risks this week
  • Your horizons expand

If you’ve been feeling down on your luck or just plain boxed in Aquarius, the good news is that this week your world starts to get bigger thanks to restrictive Saturn moving direct in your 9th house of luck, travel, adventure and expansion on the 25th. On the 27th Venus moves direct in your 5th house of love, attraction, children and creativity on the same day Mercury enters your 7th sign of partnerships and a Cardinal Grand Cross forms in the sky that will take in your 6th house of career, your 9th, your 3rd of communication and your 12th house of secrets and spirituality. Hidden opportunities emerge and you stop playing safe and take some risks – know if you do you’re likely to get the results you’re after so long as they’re calculated ones.

On the 29th a Grand Kite lines up lighting up all your houses of assets, career, wellbeing and status. What boosts your status, Aquarius? Your job? Your partner? Your talents? The things you own? If you’re operating from a sense of lack there’s a promise here to acquire what’s missing so long as it’s for growth and not just for it’s own sake.

Good news flows on the 1st with a Grand Fire Trine in your close and not-so-close relationships sector. It also takes in your house of communication and transport. Expect invitations to come your way that may involve travel. It’s all a bit last minute but part of the expansion process taking place.  You’re the master or mistress of adaptability. Change your plans and go where the action is.


25th – Saturn direct in 8th

27th – Venus direct in 4th

27th – Mercury enters 6th

27th – Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 5th square Moon in 8th square Pluto in 11th square Uranus in 2nd

29th – Grand Kite – Sun in 5th trine Moon in 9th trine Neptune in 1st sextile Pluto in 11th opp Sun in 5th sextile Neptune in 1st

1st – Grand Fire Trine – Mercury in 6th trine Moon in 10th trine Uranus in 2nd

  • A slow transformation reaches completion
  • Divine inspiration breezes in
  • Your everyday environment changes for the better

I’m sure you’ve been aware of a long, slow transformative process that’s been taking place on a deep level for you, Pisces. It may have started back in February when Saturn turned retrograde in your 8th house of shared assets and transformations. Expect this process to reach completion now that Saturn finally moves forward on the 25th.

On the 27th, Venus turns direct in your house of home and security while Mercury enters your 6th of career and wellbeing. Changes could occur around the home due to news affecting your work. But it looks to me like you’ve been thinking of making some long needed lifestyle upgrades for a while now. The Cardinal Grand Cross also on the 27th puts your creativity into high gear. It could also make your home party central or guests could arrive who refuse to leave!

On the 29th we have a rare Grand Kite again highlighting your 5th house of creativity and love affairs. Single Pisces could make a sychronicitious connection to someone fascinating at a social event. But the real action comes a few days later with a Grand Fire Trine illuminating your entire career and status sector. You’re the master or mistress of invention and good intentions this week and because of this everybody seems in a mind to say ‘yes’ to your requests. Knock nicely and all the doors will open now.

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