Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview July 23

23rd – Sun enters Leo

25th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in Libra trine Neptune in Pisces

27th – Saturn in Libra trine Venus in Gemini

28th – Grand Fire Trine – Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo, Moon in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries

  • Make love, not war
  • Soul paths and soul partners converge
  • Set your goals alight

All of us are still very much under the influence of the T-square which formed on the 16th. Because it is comprised of two outer planets (Uranus and Pluto) it will be with us until Mars no longer aspects these two planets which will happen at the end of the month. T-squares can bring tension and sudden, pressing challenges but they always contain opportunities for growth and enhanced possibilities – in other words, T-squares embody chaos physics – everything can be up-in-the-air when they occur but depending on how we meet their challenge it can then settle down into a new order. With Mars in the sign of partnerships and harmony the message is: Make love, not war. Whether Uranus and Pluto will give peace a chance depends on our inner peace. This is the message this week.

The Sun moves into Leo at the start of the week and no matter what sign you were born under, you may be feeling the influence as collectively we look at how we use our creativity to add our own unique signature to the world and shine.

On the 25th the Moon meets Saturn in the house of partnerships, Libra and makes a stunning soul-enhancing aspect to Neptune planet of spirituality in Pisces. Saturn also makes a trine to Venus planet of creativity and love in Gemini. Expect communications around soul partners and soul paths. New people entering your life or new career opportunities could relate to past-life promises and your purpose for being here.

What is it you want to achieve? The Grand Fire Trine on the 28th gives us all the impetus to go after our goals. Put your energy into your most important one this week and think about all the many ways you can manifest it. Set your imagination alight and you’ll discover you have more options than you ever thought possible.

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