Your Free Weekly Forecast for All Signs July 30


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 11th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 3rd trine Mars in 7th trine Moon in 11th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 7th trine Moon in 11th trine Venus in 3rd

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 12th square Jupiter in 3rd

  • Your empathy is at a peak
  • Don’t be influenced by others
  • Are you a social butterfly or hermit this week?

There’s an unusual vulnerability about you this week, Aries which may surprise many. The full Moon of the 2nd and two Grand Air Trines forming across all your sectors of you and how you relate to others – both on a one-to-one basis and in groups, is making you extremely sensitive to the moods of others. You’ll be able to sense what people are feeling the moment you walk into a room. The suffering of others will have a huge impact on you as your heightened awareness makes you extremely empathic.

There’s a downside to this and that is because you are unusually open you can also become the victim of others’ emotional manipulation. You may agree to go along with something not because you want to but from a desire to spare someone’s feelings but end up sacrificing your own. Learn the difference between being empathetic and being a doormat.

On the 4th, the Moon meets Neptune and Chiron in your 12th house and squares off Jupiter in your 3rd. Up until this point you may have felt like the life and soul of the party but now you may just want to crawl under the duvet and hide. Who or what has hurt you in the past? Your increased emotional awareness applies to yourself as well as others this week. Your soul task is to look at what wounds from the past may be hindering you and to bring them into consciousness and heal them. As well as taking care of others this week, give yourself a hug while you’re at it.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 10th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 2nd trine Mars in 6th trine Moon in 10th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 6th trine Moon in 10th trine Venus in 2nd

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 11th square Jupiter in 2nd

  • Do you feel you are getting enough love?
  • Extra money may be spent on aesthetics
  • What’s your currency?

Here’s a question for you this week, Taurus. How popular do you think you are? The full Moon on the 2nd and the two Grand Air Trines which follow are all lighting up your career, assets and status sectors but Venus in your 2nd house is asking you if you’re feeling the love right now. The 2nd house rules your assets. Love is after all our greatest asset.

All this activity in your work and money sector could well see many Taureans looking at a new job or raise now. Chances are however that any extra money you have will be spent on beauty – either beautiful objects that enhance your home or even the sensual pleasures of good food, wine or experiences such as spa or beauty treatments.

On the 4th the Moon joins Neptune and Chiron in your 11th house of friendships and social groups and squares off Jupiter which is also in your 2nd house. Let’s return to my original question – are you feeling the love? Love like money is currency. It’s an energy flow. Take a look at whether past hurts are distorting present perceptions and blocking your flow. Take a look around you. Chances are you are more popular than you think. And even if you don’t have one special love in your life – this week is all about enjoying the company of friends and that’s love too. Enjoy.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 9th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 1st trine Mars in 5th trine Moon in 9th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 5th trine Moon in 9th trine Venus in 1st

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 10th square Jupiter in 1st

  • Goals may be difficult to focus on
  • Work relationships and group projects flourish
  • Passion is paramount this week

You may be a little hard to pin down this week, Gemini thanks to a full Moon in your sector of adventure and expansion and Venus forming part of two Grand Air Trines in your 1st. You may be bubbling over with ideas and what you’d like to achieve and as usual will talk up a storm. But actually taking steps to get things done? Of course, no one can blame you for being distracted. It’s all due to Mars being in your 5th house of passion, creativity and love affairs. All this energy has to go somewhere – either into a creative project or else thanks to Venus, you may find a more enjoyable outlet. Be warned however that overindulgence is a distinct possibility this week. Be prepared for that diet or exercise regimen to be thrown out of the window.

On the 4th, the Moon conjuncts Neptune and Chiron in your 10th house of status and squares Jupiter in your 1st. Although you may be finding it difficult to concentrate on personal goals, collaborative ventures should flourish now with seriously status-enhancing results for you. If you’ve felt others have received all the credit and kudos in the past this could be about to change. Whether you’re a leader or a player this week is all about being part of a team.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 8th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 12th trine Mars in 4th trine Moon in 8th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 4th trine Moon in 8th trine Venus in 12th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 9th square Jupiter in 12th

  • Take note of your dreams
  • You seek total immersion in relationships
  • What’s the secret you’re keeping?

Your ruler the Moon has a vital part to play for you this week, Cancer. First there’s the full Moon in your 8th house on the 2nd and then the Moon will be playing a pivotal role in the two Grand Air Trines which form across your sector of secrets, home and transformations. You may be feeling more passionate and intense than usual – and as a result more emotionally vulnerable. You could seek assurance by total immersion in your relationships. You’re not interested in anything superficial now. Just be careful you don’t overwhelm partners with your intensity.

With Venus and Jupiter both sitting in your 12th house of spirituality and secrets what is it you’re keeping to yourself? This line-up may be boosting your intuition and when the Moon conjuncts Neptune and Chiron presently in your 9th house of expansion and squares off Jupiter you may find your dreams may be unusually vivid or you may experience ‘lucid’ dreaming. Make a note of any as they may contain messages or even precognitions but these may only become clear in retrospect.

If you are sitting on a secret remember that Jupiter is the planet of expansion. That means opening the doors and letting the secret out. Despite your best efforts, this week you may no longer be able to keep the lid on it.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 7th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 11th trine Mars in 3rd trine Moon in 7th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 3rd trine Moon in 7th trine Venus in 11th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 8th square Jupiter in 11th

  • ‘We’re just friends!’ – are you?
  • Use your ‘Sixth sense’
  • Be open to the opinions of others

Lots of astro-action around your partnership and friendship sector this week, Leo with a full Moon on the 2nd and Venus in your 11th of friends and social encounters. Tow Grand Air Trines could be fanning some flames however. Some Leo’s may need to take a look at whether they are really ‘just good friends’. Your intuition is at a peak this week thanks to the Moon moving into your 8th house and conjunct Neptune and Chiron while squaring Jupiter again in your friendship sector. If you’re getting the vibe that a friend now wants more but you’re not leaning that way, please be tactful. If your leaning in the same direction however, what’s stopping your fall? Could be the person you’ve been searching for has been right under your nose all along.

All this focus on your 11th house means your social life may take precedence this week. Expect to be involved in plenty of discussions where you’re keener than usual to get your opinion across. Remember, you are not your opinions and neither is anyone else. Mars in your 3rd house of communication may get pushy when it comes to proving a point. However, he’s trineing Venus who always wants a peaceful solution. Remember, we don’t have to agree with what others are saying. We only have to agree to differ.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 6th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 10th trine Mars in 2nd trine Moon in 6th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 2nd trine Moon in 6th trine Venus in 10th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 7th square Jupiter in 10th

  • Take care of energy levels this week
  • Follow your hunches
  • Make sure the attention you’re attracting is the right kind

There’s a Mind, Body, Spirit focus going on for you this week, Virgo. It begins with the full Moon in your wellness sector on the 2nd. On the same day the Moon also forms a Grand Air Trine with Venus in your status sector and Mars in your house of assets. Let’s face it – health is our greatest asset and it’s time to focus on yours.

The following day another Grand Air Trine forms – this one involving the same houses but with the focus on Saturn. Saturn is all about time and structure. Maybe you feel older and wiser. Maybe for the first time you’re aware of your body aging. It’s all about taking care of what you have.

As well as time passing there’s a feeling to this of you being watched. You could be attracting a lot of attention this week and fortunately it’s the right kind so make sure the image you’re projecting is the right one.

Watery Neptune conjunct Chiron and the Moon is making your energy levels super-sensitive. Rope in Jupiter and you could find yourself either feeling drained or battling more than one kind of hangover. Pay attention to your diet and get plenty of rest and exercise. If you overindulge it could take longer than usual to recover and also others may not be impressed by any perceived lack of self-control. Don’t forget – you never get a second chance to make a first impression.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 5th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 9th trine Mars in 1st trine Moon in 5th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 1st trine Moon in 5th trine Venus in 9th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 6th square Jupiter in 9th

  • Romance could take you on a journey
  • What you love is your mirror
  • Don’t ignore a feeling something is wrong

This week’s focus is all on beauty, romance and exploration for you, Libra. The full Moon in your 5th house plus a Grand Air Trine on the 2nd which includes Mars in your 1st and Venus in your 9th could literally see your ideal partner drop into your lap. The second Grand Air Trine of the week involves Saturn also in your 1st. If a romantic interest does cross your path it’s likely they may not only look good and dress the part but also established in their profession and well-to-do.

Before you put them up on that pedestal be aware that they are merely mirroring aspects of you. Love is an adventure now and a lover is also likely to whisk you away on one. However, if you’ve been unable to resist putting them up on that pedestal enjoy the adventure while it lasts as disappointment may result when they come crashing down.

However, if you’ve been dogged recently by the feeling that something is wrong, don’t ignore it. On the 4th the Moon meets Neptune and Chiron in your 6th house of career and wellbeing and squares Jupiter in your 9th. Go with your hunches especially if they relate to your workplace. Of course, they don’t call Jupiter the planet of luck for nothing. If playing your hunches means taking a gamble it’s likely to pay off now.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 4th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 8th trine Mars in 12th trine Moon in 4th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 12th trine Moon in 4th trine Venus in 8th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 5th square Jupiter in 8th

  • Don’t keep things bottled up – and that includes the wine!
  • Investments could pay off
  • Who told you not to do that?

Are you feeling somewhat inhibited this week, Scorpio? The full Moon in your 4th house of emotional security could mean you’re bottling things up. Perhaps you’re giving the impression that all is well by flawlessly running through your daily routine then going home at night and cocooning under the duvet. Fortunately for you the Grand Air Trines have other ideas especially as Mars your traditional ruler is making a fabulous aspect to Venus as part of this. The planets are asking you to un-cork more than just your feelings – invite a few friends over, uncork the wine and let them know what’s really going on with you.

There’s a lot of focus on your 8th house of investments and shared assets. With Jupiter and Venus both working this area of your chart you could see long term investments come to fruition or benefit from someone else’s good fortune.

On the 4th, the Moon meets Neptune keeper of secrets and Chiron healer of wounds in your 5th house while squaring Jupiter in your 8th. How are you expressing yourself? Is there something you wanted to do but have been told you couldn’t? Who told you that? It may be time to take an objective look at why you’ve taken this on board. Remember, when someone tells you you can’t do something they are usually telling their story – not yours.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 3rd

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 7th trine Mars in 11th trine Moon in 3rd

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 11th trine Moon in 3rd trine Venus in 7th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 4th square Jupiter in 7th

  • Older friends may prove the best resource
  • Don’t rush into things
  • You’re ahead of the curve this week

You’ve plenty to say this week, Sagittarius thanks to the full Moon in your communication sector on the 2nd and then two Grand Air Trines which are going to fan the conversation further. There’s more to this than just talk however. You’re brimming with ideas, bursting to share them with others and it just so happens that some of these ideas may have a touch of the predictive quality about them.

With Mars and Saturn caught up with the Grand Air Trines in your 11th house of friends and social contacts, if some of these ideas just happen to have commercial appeal and you are wondering what to do with them next, older friends may be able to help you take them to the next level – and by older this can mean friends you have known for years or friends who may be older.

There’s a lot of focus taking place on your 7th house of partnerships and close relationships of all kinds thanks to both Venus and your ruler Jupiter. On the 4th, the Moon will meet Neptune and Chiron in your 4th house of security and square off Jupiter. This transit may affect you more than the other signs as Chiron is depicted as one of the centaurs. Don’t rush into anything this week especially if it’s to do with partnerships. It may be time to drop the happy-go-lucky persona you usually maintain and let people see your softer, more vulnerable side.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 2nd

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 6th trine Mars in 10th trine Moon in 2nd

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 10th trine Moon in 2nd trine Venus in 6th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 3rd square Jupiter in 6th

  • You gather your resources
  • Push forward with your ideas
  • Are you wondering why you can’t do something?

There’s a sense of purpose about you this week, Capricorn. A lot of this is down to the full Moon in your 2nd house on the 2nd. It’s all about gathering your resources and then utilising them to your best advantage. Because the Grand Air Trines of the 2nd and 3rd take place right across your work, career and wellbeing sectors it’s a week to push forward with your ideas and others may see you now as a force to be reckoned with.

You’re in a position to pull off some seriously successful powerplays this week, Cap but with a caveat. On the 4th the Moon with meet Neptune and Chiron in your 3rd house of communication and square Jupiter in your 6th. When this happens you may be hit with a sudden wave of what I can only describe as stage fright. It may be one of those situations where you suddenly lose your confidence waiting for someone to burst through the door at any minute and denounce you for the fraud you undoubtedly are. After all, who are you to think you can do this?

If this happens take heart. For one thing, you are gloriously suited to whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Secondly, this is an opportunity to apply your pragmatic Capricorn brain to looking at who gave you the idea you couldn’t do this in the first place. A parent? A teacher? That mean kid who sat next to you in grade 4? Your ex? Once you realise who you got this idea from in the first place you can let go of it once and for all and step into success.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 1st

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 5th trine Mars in 9th trine Moon in 1st

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 9th trine Moon in 1st trine Venus in 5th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 2nd square Jupiter in 5th

  • You care about what others think and feel
  • How’s your self-worth?
  • Where is your confidence lacking this week?

It’s a funny week for you, Aquarius as the full Moon and the Grand Air Trines that take place over the 2nd and 3rd are making you more focussed on what others may be thinking and feeling than usual. You will be especially attuned to the emotions of others and will feel almost compelled to do things to please. The flip side of this is that you will also focus on what others are thinking about you.

Saturn is still in your 9th house of adventure and expansion. And the problem is he’s not about adventure and expansion but planning and contraction. Mars is also in your 9th and he’s all about action and taking a chance. You may therefore find yourself making plans only to shelve them.

If you’re still dwelling on what others may be thinking about you, when the Moon meets Neptune and Chiron in your 2nd house of assets and squares Jupiter on the 4th, you may find yourself comparing what you have to what others have. If the comparison isn’t favourable (at least in your eyes) then this may shake not only your self-worth but the image you believe your friends have of you. Remember, this is your perspective on things – not your friends. Watch Jennifer Aniston in Friends with Money if you’re still missing the point.


Aug 2nd – Full Moon in 12th

Aug 2nd – Grand Air Trine – Venus in 4th trine Mars in 8th trine Moon in 12th

Aug 3rd – Grand Air Trine – Saturn in 8th trine Moon in 12th trine Venus in 4th

Aug 4th – Neptune, Chiron and Moon conjunct in 1st square Jupiter in 4th

  • You re-frame long term goals
  • Determination fuels success
  • Are you the powerhouse of the zodiac this week?

Well, Pisces, this week I really was saving the best until last. You are the powerhouse of the zodiac this week thanks to serious astro action on your houses of spirituality, hidden assets, shared resources and power. There’s going to be a magnetic quality about you that others are going to find hard to resist. It all starts with the full Moon in your 12th house on the 2nd. On the same day a Grand Earth trine occurs followed by another the following day. With Saturn and Mars in your 8th house as part of this you’ve got incredible determination and energy available to direct at whatever it is you want to achieve. You may find yourself re-framing long term goals – not only may they have changed but you are suddenly hit by the knowledge that you can achieve so much more.

On the 4th, Neptune your ruler meets Chiron and the Moon in your 1st house and squares Jupiter in your 4th. Not only do you know what it is you want to achieve you are not going to be shy about expressing it. People may be standing back in awe and wondering when you turned into a show-off Leo. The soul lesson for you this week is not to be afraid to express who you are and what you’ve come into this life to do. This week brings validation on some level. So don’t be afraid to tell everyone what you’re about this week – not that they could stop you anyway.

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