Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview Aug 6 – 12

8th – Mercury Direct in Leo

8th – Venus enters Cancer

11th – Perseids Meteor Shower

12th – T-square – Venus in Cancer opp Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries square Venus in Cancer

  • Witness the power of positive thinking
  • Rebuild your foundations
  • Watch for unusual, unexpected things

On the 8th, Mercury finally moves direct in regal Leo. Many of you may have felt your plans have been on hold since mid-July. Wait just a couple more weeks until Mercury reaches the point in Leo where he turned retrograde and those of you spinning your wheels may finally get a green light. This Mercury retrograde has been about refining our goals and dreams. Those of you who have seen this as an opportunity to refine your dream rather than cause for delays and frustrations could be rewarded now for your positive thinking. For others, now is the time to push forward with your plans and by focussing on successful outcomes attract just that.

On the same day Venus moves into Cancer and begins to form a T-square with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. Because Venus rules relationships and Cancer is the sign of home and emotional security we’re all going to be addressing issues around loving and being loved in return. All of us may be a little more sensitive, a little more insecure than usual. Just take care not to smother loved ones or become too demanding with a need for reassurance. Others may find that the T-square brings about the opportunity to create a secure foundation for the future – and that could be on a soul rather than a material level.

The Moon is waning this week bringing us an opportunity to witness the Perseids meteor shower which takes place from the 11th to the 14th. Named because they radiate from the constellation Perseus (the character played by Sam Worthington in Clash of the Titans), if we are lucky we can see up to 60 meteors per hour. This meteor shower can impact us all in unseen and often mystical ways. For more information see the forecast for your own sign. No matter what is going on for you now, even if things look confusing, a light from afar brings a flash in inspiration to illuminate your soul path.



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