Your Free Weekly Forecast For All Signs September 17


17th – Mercury enters 7th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 7th square Pluto in 10th square Uranus in 1st opp Mercury in 7th

18th – Pluto direct in 10th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 1st trine Venus in 5th trine Moon in 9th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 7th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 7th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 10th square Uranus in 1st opp Sun and Mercury in 7th

  • Opportunities arise to reach long-term goals
  • Give partners their due or time in the limelight
  • Success is a reflection of inner changes

With the two T-squares both taking up space in your sign plus a Grand Fire Trine which takes place on the 21st, there’s a lot happening for you this week, Aries. Both T-squares will put focus on your partnership zone and also Mercury enters that sector on the 17th followed by the Sun on the 23rd. It’s time to make sure you’re acknowledging your partner’s contribution whether it’s just for being in your life or ensuring they get their turn in the spotlight. Some Aries may find themselves celebrating a partner’s success story.

On the 18th, Pluto finally moves direct in your 10th of status and long term goals. Use the impetus provided by the Grand Fire Trine on the 23rd to do the work to make these a reality.

The next day the Autumn equinox occurs and then the Sun moves into your 7th where it will join Mercury forming a double T-square while the Moon conjuncts Pluto in your 10th also as part of this. If you’re now harvesting the seeds planted earlier this year understand that your success is also a reflection not just of outer efforts but also inner changes you’ve been undergoing. If you’re staring at barren ground look within. Thoughts like seeds take hold and sprout. All you need do is plant new ones.


17th – Mercury enters 6th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 6th square Pluto in 9th square Uranus in 12th opp Mercury in 6th

18th – Pluto direct in 9th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 12th trine Venus in 4th trine Moon in 8th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 6th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 6th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 9th square Uranus in 12th opp Sun and Mercury in 6th

  • A past connection or event is seen in a new light
  • Monitor your energy levels
  • What are you resisting?

It’s a complex week for you, Taurus thanks to a lot of focus on your houses of work, adventure and secrets. On the 17th, Mercury enters your work sector and will form part of a T-Square which stretches across your 9th and 12th houses. You could be looking at a work connection or event and now seeing it in a different perspective owing to new information coming to light.

On the 18th Pluto finally turns direct in your house of expansion, long distance travel and adventures of all kinds. Are you ready for adventure? While he’s been retrograde since April you’ve been asked to transform your worldview in some way and broaden your horizons. Now may be the time when you get an opportunity to enact the inner changes. Hope your passport’s up to date.

The Grand Fire Trine which occurs on the 21st again takes in your house of secrets but also lights up your shared resources and home areas too. You could benefit from someone’s generosity that enables you to feel more secure on some level.

The Autumn equinox occurs as the Sun moves from your 5th and into your career sector. As the next T-Square (actually a double one) occurs on the same day and takes in the same house career issues may surface. You may also need to monitor your energy levels. Take stock of what revs you up and what just plain depletes you. The message for the rest of the year is to head towards what gets you humming and discard the rest.


17th – Mercury enters 5th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 5th square Pluto in 8th square Uranus in 11th opp Mercury in 5th

18th – Pluto direct in 8th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 11th trine Venus in 3rd trine Moon in 7th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 5th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 5th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 8th square Uranus in 11th opp Sun and Mercury in 5th

  • How do you feel about responsibility and power?
  • What you want you can attract now
  • News could bring a radical shift in relationships

A fabulous focus on your 5th house of creativity, passion and love affairs thanks to Mercury and the Sun entering it on the 17th and 23rd respectively and lots of growth opportunities thanks to the T-squares of the week means that whatever it is you need to expand your life you can attract now, Gemini.

That area isn’t the only one where you’ll feel a shift occurring. On the 18th Pluto finally turns direct in your 8th house. He also forms part of the two T-squares of the week. How comfortable are you with responsibility? What about power? What about you being given a position of power? Would you be happy accepting it? Have you given your power away to someone or are they abusing their power over you? Are there imbalances around these issues? These aspects are urging you to dig deep when it comes to this area in your life and you may be confronted with situations that allow you to do just that.

At the Autumn equinox the Sun shifts from your 4th and into your 5th and we’re once again re-visiting the areas we were looking at earlier in the week. Now they’re receiving a double-whammy from the double T-square which actually brings double the soul growth opportunity. New could arrive that changes a relationship dynamic or else gives you a fresh perspective. The shift of power may be changing. Or maybe you just suddenly see your role as being more important than what you thought.


17th – Mercury enters 4th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 4th square Pluto in 7th square Uranus in 10th opp Mercury in 4th

18th – Pluto direct in 7th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 10th trine Venus in 2nd trine Moon in 6th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 4th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 4th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 7th square Uranus in 10th opp Sun and Mercury in 4th

  • Career options light up
  • Your ‘roots’ and traditions are important now
  • Partners enhance or shake your sense of security

You should feel right at home with many of the aspects affecting your home and security sector this week, Cancer. After all, these areas are close to your heart and affect your sense of wellbeing more than any other sign. On the 17th, Mercury enters your home sector and also forms part of the T-square which takes in your 7th of partners and your 10th of career and status. I’ll have more to say on career shortly, but when Pluto also turns direct in your 7th the next day you could find issues around partners either cement or rattle your sense of security in some way.

Back to career. On the 21st the Grand Fire Trine lights up your entire career sector giving you a much-needed boost. You could make some career or asset-enhancing moves now.

When the equinox occurs on the 22nd and the Sun enters your 4th on the 24th, it also forms part of the T-square making it a double one as it also embraces the Moon your ruler which will conjunct Pluto in your partnership zone. We’re back where we started at the beginning of the week. You may look to the past to see what it has to offer in terms of your future. Your roots or family tradition could become more important to you or you may just feel a need to research your family tree. Are you just a branch or have you now sprouted roots of your own?


17th – Mercury enters 3rd

17th – T-square – Mercury in 3rd square Pluto in 6th square Uranus in 9th opp Mercury in 3rd

18th – Pluto direct in 6th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 9th trine Venus in 1st trine Moon in 5th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 3rd

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 3rd square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 6th square Uranus in 9th opp Sun and Mercury in 3rd

  • Travel and expansion could arrive via work
  • Keep in touch with others and they will keep in touch with you
  • Check all contracts and documents for errors

Get ready for unexpected expansion opportunities especially on the career front, Leo. Also you could see a long awaited career move come to fruition as well in addition to what I can only describe as an inundation of messages and invitations clogging your inbox. A lot of this is down to Mercury which entered your 3rd house on the 17th. It’s the area of your chart where Mercury is at his most comfortable. He also forms part of the T-square which occurs on the same day which also entwines Pluto in your career sector and Uranus in your expansion zone (there’s that word again!).

But wait – just like an infomercial – there’s more! Pluto finally moves direct in your 6th and this could well usher in that career transformation I referred to earlier. On the 21st a Grand Fire Trine could well see you propelled centre stage in some way as it takes in Uranus in your 9th, the Moon in your 5th and Venus in your 1st. If flying you could find yourself upgraded or sitting next to someone who turns out to be more than a airship that passes in the night. If travelling for business, expect things to go well.

The autumn equinox sees the Sun follow Mercury into your 3rd house and line up to form part of the T-square which will now include the Moon conjunct Pluto in your 6th. Communication once again comes into focus. No matter how close or how far the soul lesson here is keep in touch with others and they will keep in touch with you. If signing important documents or papers this week check carefully for errors. If your job involves your words going out to a wider audience in the form of presentations, advertisements or publications allowing your local friendly Virgo to proofread may save you a lot of angst in the long term.


17th – Mercury enters 2nd

17th – T-square – Mercury in 2nd square Pluto in 5th square Uranus in 8th opp Mercury in 2nd

18th – Pluto direct in 5th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 8th trine Venus in 12th trine Moon in 4th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 2nd

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 2nd square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 5th square Uranus in 8th opp Sun and Mercury in 2nd

  • Anything hidden to do with where you live comes to light
  • You’re not interested in the superficial
  • Sharing, power and manipulation may be themes this week

Assets and power may be themes you end up dealing with this week, Virgo thanks to some powerful planetary triggers. It all starts when Mercury zooms into your area of assets and self-worth on the 17th. He then aligns with Pluto in your 5th of love, creativity and children and Uranus in your 8th of sex, shared resources and power. Now, one possible interpretation of this is the sexy, magnetic newcomer who enters your life and boosts your mojo. Another unfortunately is power struggles in relationships. No matter what, you’re not interested in anything superficial especially when Pluto finally turns direct the following day.

On the 21st the Grand Fire Trine also includes free-thinking and revolutionary Uranus in your 8th and also the Moon in your 4th of home and security and Venus in your 12th of secrets. Something that’s been kept from you on the home front or which affects your sense of emotional wellbeing could come to light. Fortunately for you, when the equinox occurs and the Sun enters your 2nd on the 23rd, you have whatever resources you need to deal with it.

The week ends with the Sun entering the T-square along with the Moon which now conjuncts Pluto. What you share with others and what others share with you becomes a theme – as well as the flipside which is of course, withholding. Withholding – whether it’s just plain Scrooge-like miserliness or emotional manipulation as in withholding of love, is a form of control. The need to control springs from insecurity. Know you’re secure and being manipulated or needing to manipulate falls away. That’s your lesson this week.


17th – Mercury enters 1st

17th – T-square – Mercury in 1st square Pluto in 4th square Uranus in 7th opp Mercury in 1st

18th – Pluto direct in 4th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 7th trine Venus in 11th trine Moon in 3rd

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 1st

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 1st square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 4th square Uranus in 7th opp Sun and Mercury in 1st

  • Where is life out of balance?
  • Friends and partners vie for your attention
  • You’re unafraid to ask for what you want

Happy birthday, Libra! The Sun enters your sign on the 23rd but ahead of that Mercury edges in there on the 17th. He’s part of a growth aspect for you – a T-square which also includes Pluto in your 4th of home and security and Uranus in your 7th of partnerships and close personal relationships. Any imbalances that may have occurred in your home or personal life will need to be looked at and events could occur under this explosive line-up that make ignoring them impossible, especially when Pluto finally moves direct the following day.

Take heart as the Grand Fire Trine on the 21st should see friends, acquaintances and those closest to you all vying for your attention. This trine has Venus your ruler igniting Uranus and the Moon. Expect the unexpected – and that could just be you astounding friends and loved ones with a hitherto hidden aspect of yourself.

When the equinox occurs and the Sun enters your sign the focus shifts to what you know how to do best – achieve balance. You’re getting some help here as the Sun and also the Moon which conjuncts Pluto on the 23rd, join in the T-square configuration. You’ll be looking carefully at where life may have become unbalanced and seeking to restore it. What’s more, you’re unafraid to ask for whatever it is you need in order to maintain balance in your life. Let others marvel at this new, empowered you and don’t hide this facet of you away again.


17th – Mercury enters 12th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 12th square Pluto in 3rd square Uranus in 6th opp Mercury in 12th

18th – Pluto direct in 3rd

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 6th trine Venus in 10th trine Moon in 2nd

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 12th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 12th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 3rd square Uranus in 6th opp Sun and Mercury in 12th

  • You embark on some soul detective work
  • Unexpected developments could occur at work
  • How you travel or communicate could transform

This week think of yourself as Soulock Holmes, spiritual detective, Scorpio. Whether you’re accompanied by your equivalent of Watson or not, you’re going to be probing into the deeper side of life that puts you in touch with other realms of existence or hidden motivations and agendas – perhaps even your own. You’re literally unlocking some soul secrets thanks to Mercury entering your 12th house and forming part of a T-square which also involves Pluto your ruler in your 3rd and Uranus in your 6th.

Whatever you discover you’ll tell people about it when Pluto finally moves direct on the 18th and a Grand Fire Trine ignites your entire career and assets area on the 21st. You’ll be looking carefully at work and how your work fits into your feeling of wellbeing. Does your work support your spiritual as well as your financial wellbeing? Does your work excite or drain you?

On the 23rd, the Sun enters your 12th and the Moon conjunct Pluto in your 3rd – joining the T-square and increasing its influence. How you communicate or even travel could undergo a revolution or transformation. It’s not just the way you work but the way you get to work that may change now. If you’ve ever thought of telecommuting now’s your chance!


17th – Mercury enters 11th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 11th square Pluto in 2nd square Uranus in 5th opp Mercury in 11th

18th – Pluto direct in 2nd

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 5th trine Venus in 9th trine Moon in 1st

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 11th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 11th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 2nd square Uranus in 5th opp Sun and Mercury in 11th

  • Transform what you consider to be ‘assets’
  • Don’t try to be in two places at once
  • Love, children or creative projects take an unexpected shift

If I tell you that you’re the life and soul of the astrological party this week, Sag, I know your reaction will be ‘Bring it on!’ Your signature Sag style says more is less and excess is barely enough. Mercury enters your friendship sector on the 17th and forms part of a T-square which includes Pluto in your 2nd and Uranus in your 5th. Pluto then turns direct the following day. I’ll get back to that party in a moment, Sag but for now let’s stay with Pluto who is asking you to look closely at what you consider to be your assets. It’s more than money, property, bricks and mortar. Your assets can be your talents and abilities, the people you know, your children and relationships and all your connections. Above all, your greatest asset is you. Have you been underselling it or worse – giving it away to those who don’t appreciate it?

Now – back to that party. Because a lot of the focus this week is on friends, invitations and social gatherings. The Sun will join Mercury in this sector on the 23rd and now forms part of a double T-square which also has the Moon conjunct Pluto. If you’re in demand please don’t even try to be in two places at once as snafus could occur. However, expect transformations around your children, your love life and creative projects if you have them. They’re all creative pursuits after all. If you’re looking for love or just the right connections then go on – back to the party.


17th – Mercury enters 10th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 10th square Pluto in 1st square Uranus in 4th opp Mercury in 10th

18th – Pluto direct in 1st

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 4th trine Venus in 8th trine Moon in 12th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 10th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 10th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 1st square Uranus in 4th opp Sun and Mercury in 10th

  • Pressures you’ve been under release
  • What do you need to re-build?
  • Think about your long-term security

No other sign appreciates the importance of building something lasting than you, Capricorn. It can be anything from a home, a business, a creative project, a family or just a solid reputation. Many of you especially those born in the first 10 days of the Sun entering your sign, may be feeling that others have been undermining everything you’re trying to do now. When Mercury enters your 10th house of status and forms a T-square with Pluto in your 1st and Uranus in your 4th, things may come to a head especially when Pluto finally turns direct the following day. Pressures that have been building get released and what is more you’ll be able to communicate to others exactly what it is that needs to be done now allowing you to re-build anything that needs shoring up or even starting again if necessary.

Lucky for you, the Grand Fire Trine which occurs on the 21st brings the insights you need in how to accomplish this as well as the energy to push it forwards. If others have been depleting your strength and passion you’ll see it restored.

With the equinox the Sun now enters your 10th and lines up with the T-square boosting its influence. Expect to feel more emotional than usual as on the same day the Moon conjuncts Pluto in your 1st. Your focus now shifts to what you need to create for your long term emotional security. You’ll do some serious planning for the future. If others don’t share your vision you’ll be willing to go it alone in laying the foundations now.


17th – Mercury enters 9th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 9th square Pluto in 12th square Uranus in 3rd opp Mercury in 9th

18th – Pluto direct in 12th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 3rd trine Venus in 7th trine Moon in 11th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 9th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 9th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 12th square Uranus in 3rd opp Sun and Mercury in 9th

  • Leverage your network
  • Choose your words carefully so you’re not misunderstood
  • Don’t ‘go it alone’ this week

Cooperation is the key to progress this week, Aquarius. Also, be prepared to repeat yourself. Mercury enters your 9th of expansion, luck and adventure on the 17th forming part of a T-square which also includes Pluto in your 12th and Uranus in your 3rd. You may discover just how much impact your words have on others but there’s also a tendency here for what you’re saying to be misinterpreted. Read emails carefully before sending just to make sure nothing can be taken out of context.

On the 18th Pluto finally turns direct in your sector of spirituality and secrets. If something untoward comes to light this is the time to reach out and get the assistance and opinions of others before taking action. When the Sun enters your 9th on the 23rd joining the T-square the Moon will also meet Pluto again in your 12th. You could receive a flash of insight – something so obvious you don’t know how you could have overlooked it. If you’re feeling rattled at the revelation again, don’t keep it to yourself. We know you’re an original thinker but others may offer ways of dealing with things that may not occur to you – and that includes that Virgo friend you dismiss as anal-retentive. Expand your horizons this week by embracing as many people as you can. You’ll discover they’ll be delighted you think their opinion counts.


17th – Mercury enters 8th

17th – T-square – Mercury in 8th square Pluto in 11th square Uranus in 2nd opp Mercury in 8th

18th – Pluto direct in 11th

21st – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in 2nd trine Venus in 6th trine Moon in 10th

22nd – Autumn Equinox

23rd – Sun enters 8th

23rd – Double T-square – Sun and Mercury in 8th square Pluto/Moon conjunction in 11th square Uranus in 2nd opp Sun and Mercury in 8th

  • Are you a leader or a follower?
  • An unexpected opportunity could land right in your lap
  • You could benefit from the generosity of others

Are you the sheep or the collie, Pisces? Time to decide when Mercury enters your 8th house of power, shared resources and – sex on the 17th. He’s all caught up in a powerful T-square stretched right across your sectors of friends and assets. Are your friends assets or do you need to make like a collie and herd them off to a quiet pen while you round up some new ones? It’s not all ‘Ruff’ this week, pardon the pun. On the 18th, Pluto turns direct and you’ll see the way ahead with any friendships that may not have the resonance they once had.

Get ready for an unexpected opportunity which could literally fall right into your lap around the 21st when a Grand Fire Trine lights up your entire career, money and status sector. You may just have to take a chance on this one but it will be worth the risk.

The equinox is always a good time to review what you’ve accomplished thus far this year. The Sun enters your 8th house on the 23rd and joins the T-square which now includes the Moon conjunct Pluto in your 10th as well. You could be on the receiving end of someone else’s generosity even if it’s just in the form of giving you their time or expertise. Whatever it is, it contains what you need to accomplish what you need to do for the rest of the year. The spiritual message is: pay it forward later.

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