Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview November 5th

6th – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in Aries trine Moon in Leo trine Mercury in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries

6th – Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

10th – T-square – Uranus in Aries opp Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries

11th – Neptune direct in Pisces

11th – Jupiter in Gemini trine Moon/Venus conjunct in Libra

  • Unexpected events fuel soul growth and innovation
  • Barriers come down and tensions are released
  • Expansion occurs in the area we focus on

If you’ve already looked at the overview for this month and also read the forecast for your sign you’ll know that November is one of the most busy months astrologically of the year so far. This week provides us with a taster of what’s yet to come.

On the 6th a Grand Fire Trine forms between Uranus in Aries, the Moon in Leo and Mercury in Sagittarius. On the same day Mercury also turns retrograde in Sag. Because the Moon and retrograde Mercury are involved in this trine there is less of a feeling of impetus and ignition behind it. Uranus however indicates some surprises may be in store. Look for something returning that brings a beautiful emotional resolution or the opportunity to re-connect with someone or something at a distance. A big dream you thought you had let go of may also return. If so it’s a sign – don’t let it go again.

On the 10th a significant T-square occurs. It involves Uranus in Aries opposing a Libra Moon and squaring off Pluto in Capricorn. There’s a lot of explosive energy caught up in this but the Moon in Libra the sign of balance and partnership is sending out a soul calling to look for a more balanced approach when it comes to resolving issues. On a larger scale we could well see barriers to our growth being dissolved. However, anything we try to ‘keep a lid on’ is likely to blow up in our faces.

The following day Neptune finally turns direct in Pisces bringing clarity to issues that may have been obscured and a new feeling of spiritual connectedness.

For all signs, the week draws to a close with a fabulous aspect when the Moon and Venus meet in Libra and make a cosmic-gate opening trine to Jupiter, planet of luck, adventure and above all – expansion in Gemini. The message here is where intention flows – energy goes. Wherever you direct your energy this week will be the area which will realise growth opportunities for you. Be specific, focus accordingly and watch an area of your life light up.

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