Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview November 26th

26th – Mercury direct in Scorpio

27th – Conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Scorpio

28th – Full Moon in Gemini

28th – Appulse Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

28th – Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

30th – Grand Water Trine – Moon in Cancer trine Saturn/Venus conjunct in Scorpio trine Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces trine Moon in Cancer

  • Structures not based on love and transparency will collapse or transform
  • Communications dominate the week
  • Experiences have an ‘other worldly’ feel about them

Look to the skies this week! You will be able to see two amazing celestial events. The amazing conjunction between Venus and Saturn in Scorpio will be visible in the east around sunrise when the planets will be within one degree of each other on the 27th.

The lunar eclipse occurs on the 28th will be visible provided the skies are clear from most of Europe, Australasia, Asia, East Africa, the Pacific and North America. It occurs in Gemini – sign of communication and transport and two days after Mercury (Gemini’s ruler) turns direct in Scorpio on the 26th. This Mercury retro has been about the importance of soul messages and how we express our thoughts and inner feelings to the world. Hopefully we will have all revised these and be broadcasting on a new wavelength.

On the same day Mars meets Pluto in Capricorn. This is a highly volatile, explosive mix. For all us of, care needs to be taken to channel energy which will be at a peak. Structures such as corporations which are not run on principles of transparency will be shaken and either collapse or transform.

On the 30th we will all be given a glimpse of what is possible for us when we act with love thanks to a soul-enlightening Grand Water Trine between the Moon in Cancer trine Saturn/Venus conjunct in Scorpio trine Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces. We need to evolve to embrace the ‘kind’ in humankind. This is the promise of the name we have given our own species. Live up to that promise now and join the transformation.


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