Your Free Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 3rd

12th – Mercury enters 9th

13th – Uranus Direct in 1st

13th – New Super Moon in 9th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 9th

21st – Sun enters 10th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 11th

28th – Full Moon in 4th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 10th

  • Events are designed to break you free
  • What does reputation mean to you?
  • A month to ask yourself what you really want in 2013

Everything that happens this month no matter what your sign, is designed to break you free from restrictions so you can take advantage of the soul-expansion that 2013 brings. Expansion is the key word now and according to what houses of your chart are activated, this is where the growth and resulting freedom will take place. The soul calling for expansion begins for you, Aries in your communication zone where Jupiter planet of luck, travel and adventure comes closest to Earth on the 3rd. On the 9th, Mercury the planet of communication enters Jupiter’s ruling zone – your 9th house. You could not only have a lot to say it may be heard a long way away. The event of the month for most Aries however is Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and original thinker, finally turning direct in your sign on the 13th. Has there been something you’ve had difficulty expressing? If so, you could now find the courage to do so as events now gather momentum.

The new Super Moon in your 9th on the same day heralds the official start of the soul expansion and provides an ideal backdrop to view the Geminids meteor shower which occurs over the 13th– 14th. On the 17th, Venus also enters your 9th. Opportunities could beckon from far away.

On the 21st the solstice occurs and yes – 21.12.2012. If you’ve read this month’s overview you’ll know that this marks the start of a new period of soul refinement and connectedness. For you the focus for 2013 will revolve around your reputation. Opportunities will occur to enhance this in some way either through savvy career moves or connections both business and personal. Mars your ruler enters your 11th of connections and goals on the 27th – you’ll find the focus on goals that add to your security thanks to the full Moon in your 4th on the 28th. The year ends with a massive conjunction between the Sun and Pluto again in your 10th of status. Your reputation is about to transform in the next 12 months – for better or for worse. You will determine which by your actions.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 2nd

12th – Mercury enters 8th

13th – Uranus Direct in 12th

13th – New Super Moon in 8th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 8th

21st – Sun enters 9th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 10th

28th – Full Moon in 3rd

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 9th

  • A time of soul revision
  • A key area transforms
  • Opportunity could transport you to new horizons

Jupiter planet of luck, long distance travel, expansion and opportunity will be at its closest point to Earth in your 2nd house of money, assets and self-worth on the 3rd. It’s a wonderful start to the end of the year which hints of more expansion to come in 2013. The key words for you this month are expansion and transformation. Mercury planet of communication enters your 8th on the 12th ahead of Uranus finally moving direct in your 12th on the 13th. This could mark a sudden ending or an ‘ah-ha!’ moment as you finally see someone or a situation for what it is. Look back to the past and you’ll see you’ve known this all along. This is all part of the soul revision that is getting you ready for the New Year.

Two more major aspects occur in your 8th – the new Super Moon of the 13th and Venus your ruler entering this sector on the 17th. It’s a time for new beginnings, for something new to emerge out of the old. Don’t worry – it can only benefit you. The new Moon ensures that provided the skies are clear they will be dark enough to see the Geminids meteor shower which is at its peak on the 13th – 14th. It’s all about discarding values that no longer serve you.

The solstice of the 21st sees the Sun enter your expansive 9th promising experiences which will expand your world in 2013. Combined with Mars entering your 10th of status on the 27th, travel could lead to career opportunity. You may get a hint of what’s to come thanks to the full Moon in your 3rd on the 28th.

The year draws to a close with the focus firmly back on your house of luck, adventure and travel when the Sun meets Pluto there on New Year’s Eve. Your transformation is now underway. Make your resolution not to stand in its way.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 1st

12th – Mercury enters 7th

13th – Uranus Direct in 11th

13th – New Super Moon in 7th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 7th

21st – Sun enters 8th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 9th

28th – Full Moon in 2nd

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 8th

  • Approach the end of year with gratitude
  • Learn when to say ‘no’ especially when it comes to partners
  • Don’t resist change

Jupiter planet of expansion and presently retrograde in your sign will be at its closest point to the Earth on the 3rd. This is the festive season so take care the expansion is not on your waist line as he is in your 1st house and this is the party season. Jupiter can bestow lucky breaks and last-minute rescues and is the planet who just doesn’t know how to say ‘no’. That means not saying no to the 16th mince pie and opening that second bottle. His real message here is all about gratitude. Review the year and don’t focus on what you didn’t get/do/achieve. Be grateful for what you did achieve and Jupiter may just reward you with more than another plate of mince pies.

Learning to say ‘no’ when it comes to partners may be something you need to look at this month. Your ruler Mercury now direct moves into your partnership zone on the 12th. Venus also enters there on the 17th. Geminis hoping for a special someone for Christmas might just get their wish now. However, those with existing partners must look carefully at what their partners is asking of them now. This could be anything from a gift to your time. If you’re feeling put-upon or conflicted you’ll find being honest is the best approach especially if you feel the push from Uranus which will turn direct in your sector of friends and long-term goals on the 13th.

The solstice and the much-anticipated 21.12.2012 has the Sun moving into your 8th of transformations showing you just what 2013 may contain for you while Mars in your 9th from the 27th brings in opportunities for expansion. The full Moon on the 28th occurs in your sector of money, assets and self-worth. Examine what is coming to fruition now ahead of the years’ end when the Sun conjuncts Pluto planet of transformations in your house of transformation, the 8th. Something could come to an end but this is not an ending but a step onto the next level or phase. It’s all part of your journey now.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 12th

12th – Mercury enters 6th

13th – Uranus Direct in 10th

13th – New Super Moon in 6th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 6th

21st – Sun enters 7th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 8th

28th – Full Moon in 1st

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 7th

  • You glimpse the opportunities ahead
  • Your imagination makes concentration difficult
  • Power issues may surface in partnerships

Your intuition is going to be at peak this month and this is something you may well consider developing further as you enter 2013. If you’re having hunches, flashes or downright spooky insights its all thanks to Jupiter, planet of expansion at his closest point to Earth on the 3rd in your 12th of spirituality, secrets and soul tasks. Something could happen and even though it could surprise you the real surprise is you knew it was coming all along! This aspect will however allow you to glimpse the opportunities 2013 has in store for you.

The focus now shifts to your 6th house of work and wellbeing which Mercury enters on the 12th who is followed by your ruler the Moon, super-sized in there on the 13th. The super Moon won’t be visible from Earth owing to it being a new Moon. It will however provide just the right backdrop to be able to view the Geminids meteor shower of the 13th– 14th. Venus planet of love and indulgence enters your 6th on the 17th. This is not a sector Venus is happy in and she adores distraction. Once again your intuition and imagination will be at a peak which may cause difficulties with concentrating on mundane tasks.

Also on the 13th, Uranus planet of challenges, thrills, innovation and sudden change finally moves direct in your career and status sector. Act on those sudden flashes of inspiration or make sure you grab any changes for the better – (don’t get lost in the moonlight!) – even those that arrive without notice. If you don’t accept change how can you accept abundance?

On the 21st the Sun enters your partnership zone bringing issues of the heart to the fore. Are you snuggling up with your loved one or alone in your shell? With Mars in your transformation sector (and house of relationships where sex is important), from the 27th, a full Moon in your sign on the 28th, followed by an alchemical conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in your 7th again on New Year’s Eve the scene is set for a relationship transformation in 2013. Just make sure it’s a transformation – not a power struggle.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 11th

12th – Mercury enters 5th

13th – Uranus Direct in 9th

13th – New Super Moon in 5th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 5th

21st – Sun enters 6th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 7th

28th – Full Moon in 12th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 6th

  • You find yourself at the epicentre of events
  • Sudden changes at work may rattle
  • Love and acts of indulgence fuel festive pleasure

Large scale events could feature this month Leo and you could well be at the centre of many of them – which is exactly where you love to be. The festive fun could well kick-off at the start of the month thanks to Jupiter planet of expansion at its closest point to Earth in your zone of social circles and goals and dreams on the 3rd. On the 12th, Mercury enters your 5th of love, creativity and indulgence ahead of a new Super Moon in the same sector the following day. On the 17th, Venus will also move in there. If romance is what you’re looking for you’ll get to be naughty and nice now.

On the same day, Uranus planet of thrills and individuality finally moves direct in your 9th of expansion. You could receive sudden news this month that demolishes blockages in your path and propels you forward into a cycle of what many may consider pure luck but you know is actually the result of a lot of hard work. There’s a big emphasis this month on your biggest goals and being given the opportunity to realise them but also consolidating your base of operations to go after them. After all, we all need to feel secure and know where we’re coming from before we can go in search of adventure. All this is going on against a backdrop of the Geminids meteor shower of the 13th – 14th – thanks to the new Moon we should have perfect viewing conditions provided the skies are clear.

It’s all about discarding what is holding you back in preparation for the soul-realisation of 2013. Really this begins on the much-anticipated 21.12.2012 – not the end of days as many people were predicting but certainly a time of soul evolution where we discard what’s holding us back in order to see our connectivity and individualism. The Sun enters your sector of work and wellness on this day showing you the area where most growth may occur. On the 27th Mars enters your partnership zone and if you love someone you’ll have no hesitation in letting them know especially when the full Moon in your 12th on the 28th reveals a few soul secrets.

The year ends with the Sun making a mighty conjunction with transformational Pluto again in your 6th. Your work has to mean something now for it to remain true to your soul purpose. If not, expect changes which may initially throw you until you see them for what they are – an invitation to step through a door towards something with more meaning.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 10th

12th – Mercury enters 4th

13th – Uranus Direct in 8th

13th – New Super Moon in 4th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 4th

21st – Sun enters 5th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 6th

28th – Full Moon in 11th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 5th

  • Your focus is on the emotional rather than the material
  • You exude a magnetism – don’t be afraid to use it!
  • You’re ready to do whatever it takes to get things done now

Everybody is taking you seriously this month so state your intentions, act like you have all the confidence in the world (even if you are shaking in your shoes) and conduct yourself as if you had a million pounds in the bank even if you’re not sure how you will buy your mum a Christmas present. It’s all down to what you project and fabulous Jupiter at its closest point to Earth in your 10th of status on the 3rd. Whatever image you project now, people will believe so choose your messages with care especially when your ruler Mercury moves into your 4th of home and emotional security on the 12th.

Uranus planet of the unexpected, innovative and thrills finally moves direct in your 8th of transformation on the 13th. Have a think back as to what has transformed in your life since July especially if it concerns something you share with others. On the same day a new Super Moon occurs in your 4th of home and emotional happiness ahead of Venus’s entrance there on the 17th. Emotional rather than material satisfaction will be more important to you now and the Geminids meteor shower will be asking you what you need to discard to allow something new to come in so you can achieve that. Don’t be surprised if your home becomes a focal point this holiday season.

The 21.21.2012 solstice is marked by the Sun entering your 5th of love, creativity, children and indulgence. Don’t over-indulge. Instead allow creativity to be your focus in 2013. On the 27th, Mars enters your work sector giving you the energy to do whatever needs to be done and that includes any changes you may have been putting off. The next day the full Moon in your 11th of friends and also goals and dreams could see you making plans for the New Year and beyond. However, the final transit of the year is the one that really packs the punch for you when the Sun meets Pluto in your 5th. Your charisma is at a peak now. What is it you want to achieve in the New Year? Provided it’s not brain surgery without a medical degree if you’ve been feeling a goal is beyond you this is your signal to fake it till you make it now.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 9th

12th – Mercury enters 3rd

13th – Uranus Direct in 7th

13th – New Super Moon in 3rd

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 3rd

21st – Sun enters 4th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 5th

28th – Full Moon in 10th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 4th

  • Sudden encounters could sweep you off your feet
  • Don’t let yourself get emotionally rattled
  • News could arrive that gives an enticing preview of the year to come!

The first half of this month sees the focus on communications, partnerships and sudden events which could set your heart beating just that little bit faster, Libra. On the 3rd, Jupiter will be at its closest point to Earth in your 9th of expansion, luck and adventure. On the 12th, Mercury enters your 3rd house hopefully bringing those festive season invitations. On the 13th, Uranus planet of the unexpected finally moves direct in your all-important 7th of partnerships. Uranus is set for a long-term stay in this sector but Librans can expect sudden changes in their partnership status – either sudden break-ups or marriages which take everyone (including themselves), by surprise. However, with your ruler Venus poised to enter your 3rd on the 17th, and a new Super Moon also occurring in there the emphasis this month is on unexpected changes for the better.

All this takes place against the backdrop of the Geminids meteor shower which is also getting you ready for the heart-starting expansion set to take place for you next year.

On the 21st, the Sun enters your 4th house of home and emotional security. Here is where your major soul tasks will be accomplished during the global soul awakening to follow. Love could feature when Mars enters your 5th on the 27th. The fiery planet could turn up in human form. On the 28th a full Moon occurs in your status conscious 10th house which may have you focussing on just what it is you need to do to improve your life in the coming year. This could well coincide with news that gives you an snapshot of what may be ahead.

The year ends with the focus back on your home and security thanks to a meeting between the Sun and Pluto in that sector. If you are spending New Year at home don’t allow yourself to become emotionally phased by others. Tell yourself you can take whatever comes in your stride – every experience is part of your soul growth.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 8th

12th – Mercury enters 2nd

13th – Uranus Direct in 6th

13th – New Super Moon in 2nd

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 2nd

21st – Sun enters 3rd

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 4th

28th – Full Moon in 9th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 3rd

  • Shore up your self-worth
  • Don’t get dragged into powerplays
  • You have the power to persuade – direct it wisely

Self worth and net worth are considerations for you as we head towards the year’s end, Scorpio. But first Jupiter planet of luck, adventure, expansion and rewards is at its closest point to Earth on the 3rd in yes, your favourite house of transformation, rebirth, shared resources and . . .  sex. Your self-worth comes into this picture as Jupiter can only deliver what you believe you’re worth. You have to believe this on a soul level – not on a cheesy cosmetic ad level. The second and third weeks of the month will see issues of money (another reflection of your worth) and values in focus thanks to Mercury entering that zone on the 12th followed by the new Super Moon in there and the 13th and Venus entering that house on the 17th. Uranus, planet of revolution and change moves direct in your 6th of work on the 13th heralding a sudden shift around your job or wellbeing. All these planets want to improve your bottom line in some way but this starts with your own beliefs and values.

Thanks to the new Super Moon which can’t be seen from Earth we should all have a perfect view of the Geminids meteors on the 13th-14th unless the sky is overcast. Again, these are asking you to clear away any obstacles to transformation and sharing. Sharing yourself or what you have with others is a sacred act.

On the 21st the Sun enters Capricorn. This is the start of the new era of soul refinement where we can evolve to the point where we honour our individuality by appreciating our connectedness. As this takes place in your 3rd, you may feel the need to communicate how this is affecting you personally.

Mars enters your 4th of home and emotional security on the 27th. House guests and relatives may have out-stayed their welcome. The full Moon in your 9th makes you long to get away from it all. The year ends on a powerful note thanks to the Sun meeting your ruler Pluto again in your 3rd house. You have the power to sway people with your words now. How are you going to use this? Don’t tweet to the masses. Say something deeper to those ready to hear it. This is your soul task for 2013.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 7th

12th – Mercury enters 1st

13th – Uranus Direct in 5th

13th – New Super Moon in 1st

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 1st

21st – Sun enters 2nd

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 3rd

28th – Full Moon in 8th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 2nd

  • Push forward with plans to increase worth and abundance
  • Be prepared to change direction
  • You are the Law of Attraction in action this month!

The focus for you for the final month of the year is on you and your 1st house, Sag. The first house is all about how we present ourselves to the world and by all this activity if looks as if the outer you is undergoing some refinement – perhaps to reflect the inner changes of the year. First, the month begins with Jupiter your ruler at its closest point to Earth in your 7th of partnerships on the 3rd. Who or what is coming closer? It may not be an actual person but if abundance includes a vision of the perfect partnership then be prepared for expansion.

The focus shifts to how you’re coming across to others when Mercury re-enters your sign on the 12th. This may be more important than what you think when on the 13th, Uranus planet of invention and sudden change moves direct in your 5th house of love and creativity. Creative projects could suddenly be jump-started again or single Sagittarians could be swept off their feet (or hooves), by a passionate affair that appears out of nowhere. On the same day the new Super Moon appears in your 1st heralding the unveiling of this new ‘you’. It also provides perfect viewing conditions for the Geminids meteor shower. You become the Law of Attraction when Venus also enters your 1st on the 17th.

On the 21st the Sun leaves your sign and enters your 2nd. You’re being prepared for a transformation that all of us are being called to that opens us all up to a new level of soul consciousness. Transformation can feel like the end of the world for some but luckily you are a mutable sign and embrace change. On the 27th Mars enters your communication zone while the full Moon in your 8th on the 28th brings your outer changes to fruition. The year ends with a profoundly transformative conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in your 2nd. Your focus for 2013 is going to be on increasing abundance and worth. Pluto administers the riches of the underworld. You may be set to benefit.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 6th

12th – Mercury enters 12th

13th – Uranus Direct in 4th

13th – New Super Moon in 12th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 12th

21st – Sun enters 1st

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 2nd

28th – Full Moon in 7th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 1st

  • You become aware of the spiritual significance of events
  • A key phase ends
  • A lucky break could occur around work

The focus for the final month of the year is on the spiritual significance of all that has happened to you this year, Capricorn. First more mundane matters dominate when Jupiter planet of expansion makes its closest pass to Earth on the 3rd in your 6th of work and wellness. You could have a lucky break at work to see out the old year.

On the 12th, Mercury planet of communication enters your spiritual 12th whispering secrets along with the new Super Moon in the same sector on the 13th. The Moon rules our intuition so pay attention. This could be anything from spiritual insight to sudden revelations. Expect more to follow. On the 13th, Uranus planet of thrills, spills and the unexpected finally moves forward in your home and security sector. Whatever you may have been putting off doing you’ll get to grips with now. The new Moon will provide the best viewing conditions for the Geminids meteors provided the skies are clear.

The focus goes back to your 12th when on the 17th Venus also enters your 12th. New connections have past links and you’ll crave a spiritual connection when it comes to romance.

You are the child of 21.12.2012 Capricorn when the Sun enters your sign on the solstice. This date is all about a spiritual evolution which is why the emphasis for you is on understand the spiritual side of events. Keep the focus on the spiritual especially when impulsive Mars enters your 2nd of assets on the 27th. The full Moon in your partnership sector on the 28th should mark the ending of a cycle when it comes to close relationships. A key phase is definitely coming to an end along with the year signified by the conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in your 1st on New Year’s Eve. Leave regrets and disappointments in 2012 and welcome in 2013 and a fresh start.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 5th

12th – Mercury enters 11th

13th – Uranus Direct in 3rd

13th – New Super Moon in 11th

13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower

17th – Venus enters 11th

21st – Sun enters 12th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

27th – Mars enters 1st

28th – Full Moon in 6th

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 12th

  • Social connections and long term goals feature
  • Get ready for a soul shift
  • You’re saying what needs to be said now

Every sign is getting ready for the soul evolutionary shift – a new phase of consciousness we are all being invited to enter now. No, its not the End of Days and no, the Mayan calendar does not end on 21.12.2012 – but then you of all signs are probably reading this and nodding your head and saying: ‘I knew that’, as Water Bearers are always keen to embrace the non-standard point of view. You’ll be in your element this month Aquarius with the cosmic soul-shakedown party that’s happening in the skies. On the 3rd Jupiter planet of expansion is at its closest point to Earth in your 5th of love, indulgence and creativity. Buy that new lingerie for those festive parties – as the focus is also on your sector of friends, social connections and long term goals (a goal shakedown party perhaps), as Mercury enters that zone on the 12th.

Your ruler Uranus finally turns direct in your 3rd on the 13th. By now you may have done a radical re-assessment of how you’re choosing to communicate – you’re going to say whatever is on your mind – this may be long overdue.

The focus then shifts back to social events and goals thanks to the new Super Moon in that sector on the same day as Uranus turns direct followed by Venus’s entry there on the 17th. If you’re looking for love this festive season accept any and all invites. You could get lucky under the mistletoe. The new Moon ensures we will have ideal viewing conditions for the Geminids meteor shower of the 13th and 14th provided we have clear winter skies. These streak across your love and creativity sector alerting you to where your soul growth may occur next year.


On the 21st the Sun enters your 12th of soul promises, secrets and spirituality. Love and creative projects must have a spiritual basis now – this is where your soul focus should be if you seek success. Mars in your 1st from the 27th gives you the energy to do whatever needs to be done to push forward with plans while the full Moon in your 6th of work and wellness sends your thoughts towards what needs to change in the new year in this area.


The year ends on a transformative note with the Sun joining Pluto in your 12th on New Years Eve. Expect 2013 to be filled with revelations.


3rd – Jupiter at Opposition in 4th


12th – Mercury enters 10th


13th – Uranus Direct in 2nd


13th – New Super Moon in 10th


13th -14th – Geminids Meteor Shower


17th – Venus enters 10th


21st – Sun enters 11th


21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere


27th – Mars enters 12th


28th – Full Moon in 5th


31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in 11th

  • How do you want to be living in 2013?
  • A period of success opens up
  • Adjust your priorities to maximise success


Sensitive Pisceans have probably already been picking up on the consciousness shift that 2013 is destined to bring us. We’re entering a new phase of soul evolution that allows us to embrace our connectedness, enhance our capacity for compassion and celebrate our individuality. For you, the month before the New Year is asking you to look at how and where you want to be living in 2013?  If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you get there? Expansive Jupiter will be at his closest to Earth in your 4th of home and emotional security on the 3rd. Remember – you can be homesick for somewhere you’ve not even been to yet. If that’s the case, start to plan on how you get there.


A period of success is opening up heralded by Mercury in your 10th of career and status from the 12th. He will receive a nudge from Uranus who moves direct in your 2nd of assets and self-worth on the 13th. You could get an unexpected opportunity or windfall and on the same day the new Super Moon also occurs in your 10th marking a potential new phase in career matters, especially when Venus also moves into your 10th on the 17th. The Super Moon can’t be seen from Earth and this should provide perfect conditions to see the Geminids meteor shower of the 13th– 14th. These may appear to originate near your 4th house lighting the way to changes that help you live the way you want to live next year.


21.12.2012 sees the Sun entering your 11th of friends and goals. I shall have more to say on this in a moment. On the 27th, Mars enters your 12th of soul promises, spirituality and secrets. The lid may come off a can of worms. Try to think universal thoughts if you find your temper tested. The full Moon in your 5th may have you wanting to direct your passion somewhere – whether it’s towards a new love or a creative project – or both. The year draws to an end with a mighty conjunction between the Sun and Pluto again in your 11th. This is all about transforming those goals and indeed some of your connections both business and personal and getting your priorities right in order to maximise your opportunities next near. Above all, hold on to nothing that drains you or holds you back now. Make sure your goals are a true reflection of your soul and opportunity will open doors that were previously closed in 2013.


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