Your Free Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December 17 Including 21.12.2012


17th – Venus enters 9th

21st – Sun enters 10th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 8th quincunx Jupiter in 3rd quincunx Pluto in 10th

23rd – Venus in 9th opp Jupiter in 3rd

  • Plan for expansion
  • News arrives throwing a light on what 2013 may bring!
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in career or travel

Venus in your 9th promises a time for soul-expanding romantic and travel opportunities for those Aries who feel the call of adventure this holiday season. Of course, there are many kinds of adventures and the Sun enters your 10th hose of status on 21.12.2012 promising that your soul growth for 2013 is going to be centered around improvements to your status and the way the world sees you or else around romance.

21.12 brings us an aspect known as a Yod where Saturn in your 8th and Pluto in your 10th make a tense aspect to Jupiter in your 3rd. Jupiter is pushing you towards larger experiences and providing the way to get there. Saturn wants to keep the status quo but unfortunately for him he’s in Pluto’s sign while Pluto occupies his. Result thanks to Venus in your 9th opposing Jupiter in your 3rd on the 23rd, – you may receive news that gives you an exciting preview of what 2013 has in store for you! Sorry Saturn, things are going to transform whether you like it or not.


17th – Venus enters 8th

21st – Sun enters 9th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 7th quincunx Jupiter in 2nd quincunx Pluto in 9th

23rd – Venus in 8th opp Jupiter in 2nd

  • What are your values?
  • How you love and who you love transforms
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in love and close relationships

Finding someone we are compatible with goes beyond just hanging out with someone who likes the same things we do. It’s about feeling safe and comfortable with them. Nobody should appreciate that more than you and if you’ve not realised that by now then this week brings a revelation as how you love and what you value transforms. So just because they don’t share your passion for collecting pre-Raphaelite toothbrushes or bee keeping in Southern Cambodia does not mean you shouldn’t be together. Venus in your 8th house of transformation from the 17th gets you looking at relationships from a new perspective.

The solstice and 21.12.2012 brings a Yod – a profound encounter between Saturn in your partnership sector, Pluto in your 9th of expansion and adventure and Jupiter in your 2nd of values and assets. This is your point of transformation and also the key to your soul journey for 2013. Your soul growth next year lies in love and close relationships if you’re open to doing things differently than you have in the past. What you value and how you value them and yourself transforms. Thank Venus your ruler opposing Jupiter in your 2nd and it might not just be love you can bank on next year.


17th – Venus enters 7th

21st – Sun enters 8th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 6th quincunx Jupiter in 1st quincunx Pluto in 8th

23rd – Venus in 7th opp Jupiter in 1st

  • Close relationships undergo transformation
  • What is being shared with you?
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in work and a ‘new you’

All your closest relationships may come into focus this week but then the festive season has a habit of doing that. Venus is in your 7th of partnerships and close personal relationships (non-family) from the 17th. If you’ve no-one special to cuddle up to this Christmas I’ll share a little secret with you to help you attract that special someone so you won’t be alone under the mistletoe next year. Thanks to a soul-defining aspect on the much-anticipated 21.12.2012 when the Sun moves into your 8th of transformation (and sex!), something called a Yod forms between Saturn in your 6th of work and wellness, Pluto in your 8th and Jupiter in your 1st. The secret of getting what you want for next year lies in working on a new ‘you’ in some way. Don’t be your old self – and love the self you are becoming. Venus in your 7th opposing Jupiter in your 1st on the 23rd says when you’re in partnership with yourself then anything is possible. Love who you are and the world will reflect that.

It’s all about sharing. So share what you have with others – including your unique self and watch others share in return. Happy holidays!


17th – Venus enters 6th

21st – Sun enters 7th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 5th quincunx Jupiter in 12th quincunx Pluto in 7th

23rd – Venus in 6th opp Jupiter in 12th

  • What is the secret you’re keeping?
  • Partnerships benefit from creative thinking – isn’t that how it should be?
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in creativity, love, children and spirituality

Have you got a secret, Cancer? I’m sure it’s safe with you but it could get out anyway this week thanks to Venus in your 6th opposing Jupiter in your 12th. Of course, if someone is attempting to keep something from you, expect revelations thanks to the deep soul aspects of the 21st which have the ability to air secrets but also put you in touch with the spiritual aspects of life thanks to Saturn in your 5th, Jupiter in your 12th and transformative Pluto in your partnership zone. You’re being given a hint as to what 2013 has in store for you. Your soul growth areas are going to be centered around anything creative – and that includes those biggest creative projects we can undertake as humans – children! Love and spirituality in all its forms. You’ll bring your creativity to bear on partnership issues and if you do you’ll reap unexpected benefits.

On the 23rd, Venus in your 6th of work and wellbeing opposes Jupiter still in your 12th. Your road to feeling and acting in your power lies in connecting to your intuition and following that still, small voice of your soul. Listen, take those steps and watch how the year unfolds.


17th – Venus enters 5th

21st – Sun enters 6th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 4th quincunx Jupiter in 11th quincunx Pluto in 6th

23rd – Venus in 5th opp Jupiter in 11th

  • Balance home and work issues
  • Romance and social encounters provide a boost
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in home, goals and work

Venus planet of love arrives in the house where you like her being best, Leo – your 5th of love, indulgence and creativity – just in time for the festive season! Expect to be the light, life and soul of the party and if it’s romance you’re looking for you may just be in luck now.

On the 21.12.2012 the Sun enters your 6th of work and wellbeing while on the same day a profound aspect known as a Yod forms between Saturn in your 4th, Pluto also in your 6th and mighty Jupiter in your 11th of friends, connections and goals. Here is your path for transformation in 2013 – put the Lion’s share of your energy into goals relating to home and work.

On the 23rd, Jupiter will oppose Venus casting a wonderful festive spell over romantic encounters, pleasurable experiences, indulgences, creative ventures and adventures in general. Let go of where you think you want to be this week and enjoy the journey. The next adventure is just around the corner!


17th – Venus enters 4th

21st – Sun enters 5th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 3rd quincunx Jupiter in 10th quincunx Pluto in 5th

23rd – Venus in 4th opp Jupiter in 10th

  • Festive gatherings could revolve around your home
  • You will be admired for what you have achieved so far
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in career and love success

You approach the festive period on a high note, Virgo thanks to Venus entering your home sector on the 17th. If you’re entertaining from home expect things to go smoothly but be warned – people may be enjoying themselves so much they may not want to leave!

On the 21.12 the Sun enters your 5th of love, creativity and children. On the same day a soul-enhancing aspect of change occurs called a Yod which features Saturn in your 3rd, Pluto in your 5th and Jupiter in your 10th. Not only may this bring you unexpected praise and admiration but it marks the path ahead for you in 2013 where you soul focus is centered on achieving your personal and professional goals.

On the 23rd Venus moves to oppose Jupiter. If you’re wondering how you’re going to accommodate those Christmas visitors you may well have a bigger home to offer them next year but for now, make room in your heart and watch everything else expand.


17th – Venus enters 3rd

21st – Sun enters 4th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 2nd quincunx Jupiter in 9th quincunx Pluto in 4th

23rd – Venus in 3rd opp Jupiter in 9th

  • Messages or journeys of love feature
  • Where do you want to call home in 2013?
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in travel, adventure, and self-investment

Venus your ruler enters your 3rd of communication and transport on the 17th bringing you heart-felt messages and even journeys this festive week. There’s a lot going on for you and much of it revolves around your home and where you want to call home. The Sun enters your 4th of home and emotional security on the 21st while other aspects such as Venus opposing Jupiter in your 9th of long distance travel, adventure and expansion may have you looking at where you feel most at home. If a larger home is what you want or alternatively, one far away, then 2013 could bring that to you.

The 21st sees a soul-expanding aspect called a Yod form across your houses of assets, adventure and home between Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. This is your signpost towards soul growth excitement for 2013 and the message is your opportunities are going to come via travel, adventure and investing in yourself on an inner level. Take a long term view of your talents and what you have to offer the world – you are stepping into a new phase where you will prove to yourself and others that you are far more than you and they, previously thought. Welcome to new horizons.


17th – Venus enters 2nd

21st – Sun enters 3rd

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 1st quincunx Jupiter in 8th quincunx Pluto in 3rd

23rd – Venus in 2nd opp Jupiter in 8th

  • Reach out and others will reach back to you
  • Your soul may not be the only thing that gets a boost – so could your bank account
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in communication transformations and taking yourself more seriously!

Pluto your ruler looms large in the incredible soul-defining transits that take us to 21.12.2012 and on into the New Year.  First let’s talk about Venus which enters your 2nd of assets, values and self-worth on the 17th. On the 23rd she will make an opposition to benevolent Jupiter the Santa Claus of the zodiac in your 8th of shared resources, sex and as you know – transformations. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been naughty or nice, Scorpio. Look forward to something that boosts your self-esteem or even the bottom line.

With the Sun in your 3rd of communication it’s all about reaching out to others and having them reciprocate with amazing results in all areas of your life. Pluto your ruler also in your 3rd forms part of a soul-transit known as a Yod on 21.12 along with Saturn in your 1st and Jupiter. This is all about what’s going to be going on for you in 2013 – expect opportunities to come from how you’re communicating with others. Take what you have to say seriously and others will respond in the same way. Write, speak and reach out. That’s your ticket to soul centered success in 2013.


17th – Venus enters 1st

21st – Sun enters 2nd

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 12th quincunx Jupiter in 7th quincunx Pluto in 2nd

23rd – Venus in 1st opp Jupiter in 7th

  • Be the love you want to have in your life
  • What you’re worth undergoes a shift
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in future planning, partners and your past

It’s all about the love this festive week, Sag. With Venus in your 1st from the 17th, be the love you want to have in your life. You don’t have to be spending lots of money to show people how much you care. Just sharing your feelings is going to be enough to become a love action attraction right now.

Stand by for more status-boosting aspects when the Sun enters your 2nd of assets and values on the 21st and a special transit occurs known as a Yod which involves Pluto also in your 2nd, Saturn in your 12th and your ruler Jupiter in your 7th. It’s all about discovering hidden assets and usually those are the ones we have within us. What you believe you’re worth is going to change and the world will reflect this. On the 23rd Venus makes an opposition to Jupiter still in your partnership sector. Your area of focus for 2013 is in integrating the lessons of the past to create a better future and in partnerships of all kinds. Spread the word – and the love.


17th – Venus enters 12th

21st – Sun enters 1st

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 11th quincunx Jupiter in 6th quincunx Pluto in 1st

23rd – Venus in 12th opp Jupiter in 6th

  • Spiritual love and secrets feature
  • Work could take on a more spiritual focus
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in transformation and goal realisation

The spiritual aspects of love feature this festive week, Capricorn. Your compassion and generosity may be aroused – you may be someone’s secret Santa but there’s no need to go overboard on the spending. Just being aware of the spiritual significance of giving and what is really important to you is what this time is all about.

On the 21st the Sun enters your sign bringing about the 21.12.2012. No, it’s not the end of the world and for you, the date brings a soul-encompassing aspect known as a Yod which will occur between Saturn in your 11th, Jupiter in your work sector and Pluto in your 1st. For all of us, this aspect points the way towards the soul progress areas for us in 2013. For you, expect intensely personal transformations and also goal realisation.

On the 23rd Venus moves to oppose Jupiter in your work zone. Work takes on a more spiritual focus. It doesn’t matter what you do although you may feel the desire to move into a soul-enhancing area. All work is a spiritual practice. Keep this as your focus and satisfaction will follow.


17th – Venus enters 11th

21st – Sun enters 12th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 10th quincunx Jupiter in 5th quincunx Pluto in 12th

23rd – Venus in 11th opp Jupiter in 5th

  • Your social life and goals move into high gear
  • A time to enjoy yourself
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in creativity, career and responsibility

Venus enters your 11th of friends, social gatherings and also goals on the 17th, putting you in a party mood. It’s a great time not just to enjoy yourself but also to get clear about what you want to achieve in the New Year as real goals as opposed to resolutions are getting a real boost from this week’s aspects.

On the 21st the Sun enters your spiritual 12th putting you in touch with what exists but nonetheless has to be experienced or felt rather than seen. It’s all about using your insight to bring about the changes you want to see in 2013 as on the same day a special aspect known as a Yod forms between Pluto again in your 12th, Saturn in your 10th of career and Jupiter in your 5th of creativity and love. With Jupiter also opposing Venus on the 23rd, there’s a message here regarding the best use of all that creativity and intuition next year. Keep your soul focus on your career and don’t be afraid to take on more responsibility in any area of your life. Responsibility may sound like a heavy word but it brings its own rewards. In the next 12 months you’ll discover what they are. In the interim – go enjoy yourself.


17th – Venus enters 10th

21st – Sun enters 11th

21st – Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere

21st – Yod – Saturn in 9th quincunx Jupiter in 4th quincunx Pluto in 11th

23rd – Venus in 10th opp Jupiter in 4th

  • Goals transform along with your soul progress
  • Career prospects look promising
  • Your special 21.12 message – soul growth in building a base to reach for the stars

Venus is in your career and status sector from the 17th and making some seriously sexy moves on Jupiter in your home sector on the 23rd. Events could take place which result in an increased sense of security and wellbeing as a result.

These could well be linked to your long term goals and dreams as on the 21st the Sun moves into that area of your chart. On the same day a compelling encounter happens between Pluto in your 11th, Saturn in your 9th and Jupiter still in your 4th known as a Yod. This alignment could well open up the opportunity to build a base from which to launch your plans in 2013. Expect your goals to undergo some refinement – after all, when you change what you want changes also. Bring this into alignment, be prepared to do whatever it takes to put your plans into action and see where this takes you in the New Year.

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