Your Free Astrological Overview January 2013


2nd – Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in Gemini square Moon in Virgo opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in Gemini, trine Moon in Libra trine Mars in Aquarius

4th – T-square – Uranus in Aries opp Moon in Libra square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Gemini quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn (exact); Uranus in Aries quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Gemini

10th – Venus enters Capricorn

11th – New Moon in Capricorn

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

20th – Sun enters Aquarius

20th – Mercury enters Aquarius

27th – Full Moon in Leo opp Mars in Aquarius

30th – Jupiter Direct in Gemini

  • Take the best of the past into the future
  • Opportunities present themselves to work in better partnership
  • The opportunity to do things differently presents itself

Complex aspects some of which are left over from the soul-alignment transits of 2012, take us into 2013 and present us with opportunities for growth and in handling old situations with new knowledge and fresh perspective.

The month begins with pivotal transits occurring in Virgo when on the 2nd the Moon in that sign trines Pluto in Capricorn and the Moon also forms a T-square opposing Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and squaring off Jupiter. The Quadrantids meteors streak ahead of a Grand Air Trine which again features the Moon now in Libra as well as Jupiter again and Mars in Aquarius and joins a T-square which includes Uranus and a powerful Sun/Pluto/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn on the same day. The Moon is acting as an emotional catalyst for us now as she continues her journey on into Capricorn where the new Moon occurs on the 11th, the day after Venus enters that sign. It’s all about looking at what lessons we’ve learned and what we need to take into the future as well as what needs to be left behind in the past. We can do this on a personal level but we may see the effects of this on a collective level as well.

On the 14th the Moon will meet Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, a conjunction which allows us all to appreciate the spiritual evolutionary messages behind what is occurring now. When Venus meets Pluto in Capricorn on the 17th then a transformation in how we express love and work in partnership with one another may occur.

The focus then shifts to expressing individuality, and to think outside the square thanks to the Sun and Mercury entering Aquarius on the 20th. Again the Moon features in the transformation process when the full Moon occurs in Leo putting individuality and the need to be true to ourselves into the spotlight.

The month ends with powerful and adventurous Jupiter finally turning direct in Gemini. Take what you’ve learned and now apply this knowledge to every situation which presents itself. In doing so you’ll have the joy of experiencing radically different outcomes now.



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