Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview December 31st

31st – Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

2nd – Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in Gemini square Moon in Virgo opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in Gemini, trine Moon in Libra trine Mars in Aquarius

4th – T-square – Uranus in Aries opp Moon in Libra square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Gemini quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn (exact); Uranus in Aries quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Gemini

  • Transformations occur around established organisations and structures
  • The way we work may become a collective focus
  • Revolution goes hand-in-hand with illumination and evolution

What began last week with the major aspects occurring between Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter may well reach a climax or come to fruition this week as we leave 2012 behind and head into 2013. The intense and soul-shaping aspects continue with the Sun moving to conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on the 31st providing a powerful send off to 2012. 

The New Year aspects begin with the Moon in Virgo which will make a trine to Pluto on the 2nd bringing out an emotional response to what is going on right now which may even effect us all on an every day working level. How we work needs to be infused with a purpose – otherwise the question as to why will need answering – and money may prove an insufficient answer. This Moon also forms part of a T-square which forms the same day squaring Jupiter in Gemini and opposing Neptune and Chiron conjunct in Pisces. Deep soul wounds on a collective level may be exposed to be healed. Unfortunately, sometimes it has to hurt before it can heal.

The Quandrantids meteor shower on the 4th gets us thinking about where our personal compass is pointing us. Don’t worry if you don’t get to see them – the winter skies often mean viewing conditions are hardly ideal. On the same day a Grand Air Trine occurs as well as another T-square – this one involving Uranus in Aries, the Moon in Libra which also forms part of the Trine and a powerful Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. We may have to wait a few days to feel the effect of this but possibly not that long as on the 6th a double Yod forms which is similar to the one which occurred on 21.12.2012 but which is packing a bigger emotional punch thanks to the Moon’s and Mercury’s involvement. Expect things to get shaken up. There may be resistance to revolutionary ideas and solutions – but revolution arises out of the need to replace the old with something that pushes us into a new era of experience. On a personal and collective level that’s where we’re all heading right now.


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