Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview February 4

5th – Mercury enters Pisces

5th – Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (exact)

8th – Mercury/Mars/Neptune and Chiron all conjunct in Pisces

10th – New Moon in Aquarius – start of Chinese New Year – Snake

  • The opportunity to arrive at elegant solutions and win/win scenarios
  • Something is replayed
  • New ways of looking at things are unveiled

The major astrology action at the present moment is all centered around the sign of Pisces and this will continue for the next month. For this week however, we see Mercury entering that sign on the 5th while on the same day Mars meets Neptune in there. Now this can either result in the emergence of win/win situations and elegant solutions to old issues or else it can result in the falling back into the old ways of seeing and doing things. Don’t forget – Mars is all about ego and action while Neptune tends to focus on the spiritual aspect of existence rather than the ego-centric. So, what can happen on a soul-collective level is that we can either let go of the ego-centric way of doing things or we can feel threatened by it and feel the need to assert ourselves in the face of the unknown.

Want to see how this is being played out right now in the entertainment media? Catch Russell Crowe’s portrayal of Javert in Les Mis. Russell himself is an Aries and ruled by Mars and this is fabulous casting and this transit made manifest. When Javert discovers everything he has stood for all his life is a lie, his ego sense of self is destroyed and he’s unable to live with this knowledge, so he kills himself. Plus if we look at how Javert dies, he falls into water (Neptune’s realm). Yet, the Javert character could have used this revelation and begun a new phase of life. This is what Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces is all about. We can take this and see the world and our beliefs with new eyes – or keep looking back at the past especially as the massive super-conjunction between Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Chiron all in Pisces on the 8th offers us the chance to examine and heal old wounds. So we may see old issues re-surface this week with the opportunity to deal with them differently – once and for all.

The new Moon on the 10th marks the start of the Chinese New Year which is the Black Water Snake. For more on this see our article on what the Black Water Snake symbolises and your monthly forecast for what is means for your sign. The Chinese believe that people and events will reflect the animal symbolism of their astrological year.  It’s all about the transformation and transmutation of ideas now as symbolised by the wisdom of the snake. So shed your skin and whatever is holding you back and look at the world through fresh eyes.



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