Your Free Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 25


25th – Full Moon in 6th opp Neptune in 12th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 12th

26th – Six planet stellium in 12th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 12th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 8th sextile Pluto in 10th (exact)

  • Something comes to light on the work front
  • A new phase of soul path exploration is ahead
  • Something you’ve wanted could just land in your lap

Revelations could be in order at work, Aries as the full Moon in your work zone opposes Neptune, the keeper of secrets on the 25th. Something that’s been kept from you could be revealed. Venus enters your spiritual 12th on the 26th bringing the total number of planets in there to six. This intense formation isn’t yet complete and will peak when the Moon enters there. For now, it’s all about a new phase of soul growth opening up for you, knowing when to be vulnerable and when you need to show your warrior side. On the 28th, the Venus/Neptune conjunction could highlight this especially in a close relationship.

As we head into March the Moon will meet Saturn in your sector of transformations and shared resources and at the same time make a sextile to Pluto in your career zone. Something you’ve wanted or been working towards could suddenly manifest or significant inroads could be made towards a long term goal thanks to the generosity of someone throwing their resources at your disposal. If so, take this as an indication you are on the right path and this is a reward for soul work well done.


25th – Full Moon in 5th opp Neptune in 11th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 11th

26th – Six planet stellium in 11th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 11th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 7th sextile Pluto in 9th (exact)

  • Don’t over-commit when it comes to social invitations
  • You could long for something or someone far away
  • Your long term goals undergo a shift

The full Moon in your 5th of attraction, love and creativity opposes Neptune in your friendship zone on the 25th and I have to ask you whether or not you are trying to be in two places at once? Taking on too much on a social level may not only mean you take on too much but could lead to you feeling you’re not really ‘present’ at any occasion. The reason for this is a massive line up of planets in your friends and connections house which includes your ruler Venus which enters there on the 26th – bringing the total number of planets to six. There’s a soul lesson forming with all these planets and that is to get you too pick and choose who you want to spend time with. You can’t please everybody all the time. Learning to say ‘no’ – or choosing which invitations to accept and which to decline, is all part of this process. In other words, don’t say ‘yes’ to everyone and everything and choose the company you keep with care. Your goals may also undergo a shift but if something loses its lustre I would advise you to wait until after this planetary activity peaks to decide whether you abandon it permanently.

On the 2nd the Moon meets Saturn in your 7th of partnerships while sextiling Pluto in your 9th of expansion. Are you longing for someone who you feel is out of reach? If so, ask yourself why and whether or not you believe they are unobtainable merely adds to the attraction. Or maybe you are the one out of reach – caught up in your social whirl. More will be revealed when you come back down to Earth again.


25th – Full Moon in 4th opp Neptune in 10th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 10th

26th – Six planet stellium in 10th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 10th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 6th sextile Pluto in 8th (exact)

  • What are you hoping for when it comes to your career now?
  • Your everyday way of working could change
  • Your home reflects your values

Long term wishes and dreams that impact on your career or how the world sees you may preoccupy you this week thanks to the full Moon in your 4th of home and emotional security opposing Neptune in your career zone. Your home will reflect your values and what you expect from the world so take a look around you. Does the energy flow through it or is it caught up in clutter? If so, take action and have a clear out and watch more material concerns undergo a like-shift. Career matters will remain in focus as Venus enters that sector on the 26th and takes the total number of planets in there to six. Be cautious when it comes to job offers or people who big-note themselves. All may not be what it or they appear. Be especially cautious around the 28th when Venus meets Neptune in your 10th – you may need to hang on to your sense of self (and sense of reality) when someone tries to convince you that black is actually white.

On the 2nd the Moon conjunct Saturn in your work sector sextiles Pluto in your 8th of change. Something on the work front already set in progress could come through changing either how you work or where. It’s merely a harbinger for bigger changes to come.


25th – Full Moon in 3rd opp Neptune in 9th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 9th

26th – Six planet stellium in 9th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 9th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 5th sextile Pluto in 7th (exact)

  • Watch for mis-communications
  • Expansion and out of this world experiences
  • Older partners may prove enticing

If you are going to be abducted by aliens, Cancer this is the time it is likely to happen. The full Moon is in your 3rd of communication and opposing Neptune in your 9th on the 25th. Unfortunately hailing frequencies may be open but your universal translator could be malfunctioning as miscommunications are likely whether you’re talking to someone on this world or another. On the 26th, Venus enters your 9th of adventure, travel, study and expansion which takes the number of planets in this sector to six. You could be set for an out-of-this-world experience which expands your mind and your horizons. Whether this includes a trip in a flying saucer or something more mundane remains to be seen. But someone larger than life or a trip of a lifetime could open up a whole new world of possibilities for you especially when Venus meets Neptune on the 28th.

On the 2nd your ruler the Moon meets Saturn in your 5th of attraction and love and sextiles Pluto in your 7th of partnerships. You could find yourself attracting someone either much older or younger than yourself or else older by experience. If age is an issue for you, look at it this way. We are all the stuff stars are made of so therefore all the same age. 13.77 billion years give or take a few millennium. Quantum physics tells us time does not exist. Age is after all, just a state of mind.


25th – Full Moon in 2nd opp Neptune in 8th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 8th

26th – Six planet stellium in 8th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 8th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 4th sextile Pluto in 6th (exact)

  • Evolution occurs in a key area
  • Money and assets are in focus
  • Working from home could feature

Do you feel you’re on a journey into the underworld, Leo and you’re not sure what you’re going to find there or even if you’re going to find a way out? Time to look at all those myths regarding Greek heroes and heroines who ventured into Hades realm – and were re-born to tell the tale! This is your soul journey now thanks to intense emphasis on your sector of endings, transformations and sex. The full Moon on the 2nd opposing Neptune in your 8th puts the focus on the transformation of assets – perhaps you are engaged in soul alchemy and turning straw into gold. Venus enters your 8th on the 26th bringing the number of planets in there to six and when she meets Neptune in there on the 28th many Leo’s could be looking at their sex lives (or lack thereof) as a means of personal and soul alchemy.

On the 2nd the Moon meets Saturn in your 4th of home and emotional security while making a perfect sextile to Pluto, the Lord of Transformation, in your 6th of everyday work and wellness. Have you been thinking you might be better off emotionally and financially if you worked for yourself? If so, now is the time to stop thinking and do something about it. Expect changes on the work front that propel you towards soul evolution.


25th – Full Moon in 1st opp Neptune in 7th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 7th

26th – Six planet stellium in 7th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 7th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 3rd sextile Pluto in 5th (exact)

  • Partnerships continue to be in focus
  • Creative breakthroughs are possible
  • Your feelings about someone could be intense

Partnerships continue to be in focus for now, Virgo thanks to the planetary line-up which is building in this area. Whether you are single or coupled up, expect strong feelings to surface around partners especially when the full Moon occurs in your 1st and opposes Neptune in your partnership zone on the 25th. Take care partners aren’t expecting too much from you and don’t be afraid to show tough love if they are. This soul lesson has yet to reach its peak and it’s all about you knowing the difference between you and you and me. However, if there are secrets that either you or a partner have been keeping, don’t expect them to stay hidden now.

Feelings could be stirred up and feel very intense and some of you could find yourself attracted to someone but not really know why. Is it a past life thing? A ‘bigger than both of us’ thing? Perspectives could be lost to passion but you could return to earth with a bump. On the 2nd the Moon meets Saturn in your 3rd while sextiling Pluto in your 5th of creativity. Romantic and creative opportunities could suddenly arrive. This could be the break you’ve been waiting for.


25th – Full Moon in 12th opp Neptune in 6th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 6th

26th – Six planet stellium in 6th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 6th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 2nd sextile Pluto in 4th (exact)

  • Unforeseen changes could occur at work
  • Your energy levels may be unusually sensitive
  • What do you feel about money?

I hope you’ve not been operating on cruise control at work, Libra because if you have then unfortunately you may see things unravel this week thanks to a full Moon in your 12th opposing Neptune in your 6th. Something could be exposed on the work front and I do hope it’s not a task you’ve been putting off or have just plain forgotten about. Your energy levels are going to be extremely sensitive and you need to monitor this carefully as there may be a tendency to either take on too much without realising it or become susceptible to every bug that may be doing the rounds. Being around negative energy will also drain you more than usual. Your ruler Venus enters your work sector on the 26th – not an area she likes, taking the total number of planets in there to six. She meets Neptune there on the 28th – either you will find a way to make beautiful music with bosses and co-workers or else watch in dismay as everything unravels to produce more work for you.

On the 2nd the Moon meets Saturn in your 2nd while sextiling Pluto in your home and emotional security zone. How do you feel about money? Your emotions regarding money are the key to experiencing abundance. Remember, money isn’t the root of all evil. Money is energy. How are you ‘charging’ that energy? With positive or negative thoughts? Think of money as a living thing and send it positive emotions. Then, watch what happens.


25th – Full Moon in 11th opp Neptune in 5th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 5th

26th – Six planet stellium in 5th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 5th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 1st sextile Pluto in 3rd (exact)

  • Social encounters could lead to romance
  • Children or creative ventures are highlighted
  • Your opinion is highly valued

For single phoenixes, romance is on the cards this week thanks to the astro-emphasis on your sector of love affairs. On the 25th the full Moon in your 11th opposing Neptune in your 5th brings about the chance to meet someone intriguing via a social encounter. You’re getting a real love boost this week thanks to Venus entering your romance zone and bumping the planetary count in there up to an incredible six! This line-up still has to peak so be prepared. Venus meets Neptune in there on the 28th and you could dive into the depths of passion or creativity as you could literally channel inspiration for a creative venture from another realm. Children could also feature in some way – a child could amaze you with either their creativity or by their depth of perception. All this is to be encouraged now.

On the 2nd the Moon moves to conjunct Saturn in your sign and sextiles your ruler Pluto in your 3rd. How do you think others see you? You may be surprised to discover how much your opinion or expertise is valued as people seek you out for just that. You’re rich in knowledge and experience so share what you know.


25th – Full Moon in 10th opp Neptune in 4th (exact)

26th – Venus enters 4th

26th – Six planet stellium in 4th – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 4th (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 12th sextile Pluto in 2nd (exact)

  • What’s going on below the surface at home?
  • Unexpected financial gains could arrive
  • Pay careful attention to career matters

Something is happening below the surface in your home or emotional life, Sag. You may literally need to pay attention to your foundations now. They could need shoring up or you may be thinking about putting in some new ones. The full Moon of the 10th takes place in your career and status sector and opposes Neptune in your home zone. You need to pay careful attention to career matters and how these impact on your home life as this may not be immediately obvious but probe the depths and you’ll discover the connection. On the 26th Venus enters your 4th bringing about the desire to upgrade or beautify your surroundings. Be careful with your budget as it can get out of control as the planetary line-up in here is now up to six and set to increase. Venus will meet Neptune in here on the 28th. I’d keep the alcohol under lock and key if I were you as spending is not the only excess these planets may encourage.

However, your bank balance could be set to receive an unexpected boost thanks to the Moon meeting Saturn in your 12th on the 2nd and sextiling Pluto in your money area. If you are given a windfall this is a legacy from the universe. Put it towards matters close to home.


25th – Full Moon in 9th opp Neptune in 3rd (exact)

26th – Venus enters 3rd

26th – Six planet stellium in 3rd – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 3rd (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 11th sextile Pluto in 1st (exact)

  • Communications and how you get around are highlighted
  • Find your unique voice
  • An emotional reconnection with the past could feature

There could be mix ups with communications or transport snafus this week, Capricorn thanks to the full Moon in your 9th which opposes Neptune in your 3rd. If delays or errors occur expect them to be big ones or lengthy. Venus also enters your 3rd on the 26th adding to the incredible line-up already in there and will conjunct Neptune on the 26th. With all this emphasis on communication you need to look at your most intimate communications and also how you come across. It’s all about finding your own unique voice and speaking your spiritual truth now. Sometimes we just parrot what we have been told (a meme) rather than what we truly believe. Employ an internal editor and ask yourself if what you are about to say really is your truth. If not, change what you say now.

On the 2nd the Moon conjuncts Saturn in your 11th of friends and social gatherings (as well as your goals) while sextiling Pluto in your 1st. There’s a revival of a connection about to take place with someone from your past. Expect strong feelings or emotions to be attached to this. Here is your opportunity to say what you are truly feeling – not just what you think the other person wants to hear.


25th – Full Moon in 8th opp Neptune in 2nd (exact)

26th – Venus enters 2nd

26th – Six planet stellium in 2nd – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 2nd (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 10th sextile Pluto in 12th (exact)

  • Look at your values and what is valuable to you
  • Your earning capacity becomes important
  • Status-enhancing opportunity appears out of the blue

The planetary alignment at present which is all concentrated in your 2nd house of money and moveable assets is asking you to look very closely at what you value and also your internal values. The full Moon in your 8th of change and transformation on the 25th will oppose Neptune in your 2nd. You could find what you’ve been holding onto is nothing but an illusion or worthless. If so, don’t worry. This is your opportunity to create something of true lasting worth. Venus entering your money zone on the 26th brings the total number of planets in there to six. This is by no means over and will intensify but for now you will be looking closely at your resources both external and internal and seeing how they can be made to work better for you.

On the 2nd, the Moon will meet Saturn in your 10th of career and sextile Pluto in your 12th. Anything that has been working for you (and this could just be your attitude or change in beliefs) could pay off with a status-enhancing opportunity that appears from an unexpected source boosting your bank account and your self-worth.  It’s all down to values this week and that includes the value you put on yourself.


25th – Full Moon in 7th opp Neptune in 1st (exact)

26th – Venus enters 1st

26th – Six planet stellium in 1st – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

28th – Venus conjunct Neptune in 1st (exact)

2nd – Moon conjunct Saturn in 9th sextile Pluto in 11th (exact)

  • Do you wish you could just disappear?
  • Social connection broaden your horizons
  • Watch for close encounters – perhaps with a hidden aspect of yourself

You continue to be the focus of all the astro-activity this week, Pisces as the great planetary shift occurs in your sign. The full Moon in your 7th which opposes your ruler Neptune in your 1st may have you feeling like partners are not seeing you as you are. This feeling could continue to intensify to include others or else you might feel that either you are invisible or that other people or one in particular, makes you want to just disappear. Venus enters your 1st on the 26th, bringing the planetary total to six. It’s not over yet however and you are being asked to make sure you know where your boundaries are and to stay grounded.

This could be easier said than done as on the 2nd the Moon meets Saturn in your adventure sector and sextiles Pluto in your house of friendships and social gatherings. Watch out for close encounters – either with people from far away or while you’re out and about you could encounter a hidden part of yourself. Have you always wanted to be someone different? Like an actor auditioning for a role, why not try on a new persona for size? Who knows, it may suit you so well you may decide to stay in the role. Be surprising, that’s the message this week.




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