Your Free Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs for March


1st – Six planet stellium in 12th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 12th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 12th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 1st

15th – Moon in 2nd sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 12th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 12th

17th – Mercury direct in 12th

20th – Sun enters 1st

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 1st

22nd – Four planet stellium in 1st – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 7th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 1st (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 8th

  • A key period of soul refinement draws to a close
  • Paths and purposes are revealed
  • Don’t resist change now

Unless you have moved out of our solar system and away from the current planetary influences, you would have to be aware that you have been undergoing an intense period of inner soul work which will peak this month. I do hope you have been opening the channel to your inner voice, Aries because the wonderful thing about this period is that it has the ability to bring you the answers to your big questions if you just quiet yourself, open up and listen, especially if those questions relate to your purpose and why you’re really here. It’s all down to the huge planetary activity in your 12th of spirituality, soul promises and all things hidden. The month begins with an incredible six planet line-up in there which includes your ruler Mars and reaches its peak on the 11th when the new Moon occurs bringing the total to seven. Your inner voice speaks very quietly so take the time to listen but if you ask for answers you will receive them. Expect yourself to be feeling strangely vulnerable and pervious to everything and everyone around you while this is happening however.

However, a shift will happen quickly as on the 12th Mars leaves this sector and enters your sign bringing the astro-focus now onto you and how others see you. Hopefully after all this refinement, in a new light. Two powerful conjunctions on the 15th in your 12th along with the Moon in your 2nd on the 15th may serve as a reminder not to get too lost in the spiritual as there are practical matters (such as paying your bills) to be dealt with here on Earth. Lucky for you, Mercury turns direct on the 17th and the Sun enters your sign on the 20th clearing the air and providing the impetus you need to attend to matters instead of you feeling you’re lost in the fog.

With Spring now officially here you too can spring into action and when Venus enters your 1st on the 22nd you will benefit from the incredible four planet stellium in your sign giving you the opportunity to act on your ideas and benefit from unexpected opportunities which may be heading your way. You now have possession of the astro-mojo so use it especially when the full Moon occurs in your partnership zone. If you’ve been waiting for a relationship on the backburner to ignite this could see things heat up especially when the Sun, Venus and Uranus all meet in your 1st on the 29th – the same day the Moon conjuncts Saturn in your 8th of transformations and relationships where sex features. Change is happening in both your inner and outer worlds. Don’t resist anything – and that includes temptation!


1st – Six planet stellium in 11th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 11th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 11th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 12th

15th – Moon in 1st sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 11th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 11th

17th – Mercury direct in 11th

20th – Sun enters 12th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 12th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 12th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 6th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 12th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 7th

  • Friendships undergo a shift
  • You seek clarity and inspiration
  • Are your goals still relevant to who you are now?

Right now every single sign is experiencing the incredible planetary formation in Pisces which peaks this month. Everyone will experience this in a different way according to what area of the chart it falls into. For you, Taurus, the focus is going to fall squarely on your sector of friendships, groups, social encounters and also long-term goals. Your social circle could undergo a profound shift but expect new beginnings and significant connections to be made now especially when the new Moon in this sector on the 11th brings the total number of planets in there to seven.

Mars enters your 12th on the 12th which heralds a shift in the planetary focus from outer connections to inner ones. Things may start to seem foggy or other-worldly but the plus side to this is that your imagination could well take flight bringing you flashes of inspiration you can utilise in the longer term to realise your goals which remain in focus. However, expect a shift as you could find yourself holding them up for examination to see if they still fit the person you have become. Don’t be afraid to realign them with your energy levels. On the 15th the Moon in your 1st sextiles the Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunction in your 11th while Venus your ruler meets the Sun in there. If you’ve had a falling out with someone you could now reconnect on a new level while singles should get out and about as they really could see an enchanted stranger across a crowded room. Mercury turns direct on the 17th and three days later the Sun enters your 12th marking the start of spring. Put fresh plans into action as Venus follows on the 22nd bringing the planetary line up in there to four. The full Moon of the 27th in your work zone may bring you back down to Earth but your imagination is free to fly thanks to a mega-conjunction between the Sun, Venus and Uranus on the 29th, the same day as the Moon meets Saturn in your partnership sector. If you’re going to take flight, why not take someone else along for the ride?


1st – Six planet stellium in 10th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 10th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 10th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 11th

15th – Moon in 12th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 10th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 10th

17th – Mercury direct in 10th

20th – Sun enters 11th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 11th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 11th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 5th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 11th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 6th

  • Career milestones approach as a new phase beckons
  • What are you creating in your life right now?
  • Friendships and social events are in focus

You are approaching some kind of milestone or a significant phase in your career progress is about to come to an end with new beginnings and challenges beckoning for you this month, Gemini. It’s all got to do with the intense focus on your sector of long term career plans and status which peaks this month. However, what I would say is that this is no time to rest on your laurels. You can maximise the opportunities of this planetary line-up provided you are very clear about what it is you want to achieve. If you don’t have a clear path mapped out however, you may find yourself sidetracked with no clue how to progress, or else bogged in inertia. The six planet stellium in this sector at the start of the month becomes seven when the new Moon takes place in there on the 11th. Don’t forget, this also includes your ruler Mercury which does not move direct until the 17th and you are still strongly advised to put off any far-reaching career decisions until then especially if they involve signing contracts or papers but the Sun/Venus conjunction promises you’ll be seen in the best possible light now when it comes to opportunities for advancement.

From the 11th a subtle (or not so subtle) shift starts to take place with Mars entering your friends and goals area followed by the Sun which marks the start of spring on the 20th. Connections of all kinds and that includes professional ones as well as personal, could lead to breakthroughs in other areas but you should guard against being distracted by social obligations when it comes your long term goals and if those include romance then Venus in that sector from the 22nd could bring about a fabulous encounter. The total number of planets in this sector now come to four – the Sun (counted as a planet in astrology), Mars, Venus and Uranus – planet of innovation invention, surprises and thrills. Expect the unexpected when you’re out and about now especially when the Sun, Venus and Uranus all meet on the 29th. Just prior to that the full Moon occurs in your 5th of love affairs and creativity. You could be afire with inspiration but if single and wanting to change that then accept all invitations as the planets are not only asking what you want to create in your life right now (including more romance!), but are providing you with the opportunity to create it.

Also on the 29th, the Moon meets Saturn in your work sector. Look at what you’ve managed to create for yourself when it comes to day-to-day working practices and see where they can be improved or refined. And if they’ve run their course you’ll know what to do about it. Don’t forget – when it comes to your progress, you need to create an emotional connection to your long term plans to bring them into being now.


1st – Six planet stellium in 9th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 9th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 9th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 10th

15th – Moon in 11th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 9th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 9th

17th – Mercury direct in 9th

20th – Sun enters 10th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 10th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 10th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 4th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 10th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 5th

  • Career matters come into focus
  • Look back on your journey so far
  • Start preparing for soul expansion

Your soul call to adventure peaks at maximum spiritual decibel level this month and it’s now time for you to decide how you will answer it if you’ve not already done so. The six planet stellium in your zone of expansion, luck, learning and adventure peaks on the 11th when your ruler the Moon appears there. It’s a new Moon so this is a time to sow those seeds and know your plans have the best chance to come to fruition now. So, decide on where or what it is you want to achieve and don’t procrastinate. If you feel overwhelmed then stop and look back at how far you’ve already come and how much you’ve achieved. There is more to come.

Legal matters and anything to do with further education are favoured and will be in focus for the next 14 months or so. But you will start to feel a subtle shift taking place from the 12th when Mars enters your 10th of career and you’ll be asked if you know where you’re heading on the 15th when two powerful transits – a Sun/Venus conjunction in your 9th and the Moon making an intense pass on Mercury/Neptune/Chiron all conjunct in the same sector, bring about decisions which could also involve travelling companions on this soul journey of yours. Wait a few days for the answers to questions or to act on your decisions until Mercury turns direct in there on the 17th and the emphasis now starts to build in your career sector with the spring Sun arriving in there on the 20th closely followed Venus on the 22nd bringing the total number of planets in there to four. Unexpected breakthroughs could occur as could unexpected meetings with someone who could be ‘well to do’ for singles thanks to a powerful meeting between the Sun, Venus and Uranus on the 29th.

This is all part of your soul expansion cycle so be prepared to move in a sudden, new direction when it appears. With you however, you need to feel it is safe to move out of your comfort zone and the full Moon in your home sector on the 27th reminds you of that, bringing out the need to take those steps into the larger world from a solid foundation. Romance is highlighted on the 29th when the Moon has moved to meet Saturn in your zone of love affairs. Fate is at work and moving you towards what has been destined for you all along.


1st – Six planet stellium in 8th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 8th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 8th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 9th

15th – Moon in 10th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 8th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 8th

17th – Mercury direct in 8th

20th – Sun enters 9th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 9th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 9th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 3rd

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 9th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 4th

  • What has changed or transformed?
  • What is being shared with you and what are you sharing?
  • Prepare for the spotlight

Time to look closely at what is in the process of changing in your life now, Leo and you may have to look very closely indeed as the changes could be so subtle you could be missing them. This could be as simple as changing your thoughts or attitude towards something and then attracting very different experiences as a result. Or it could be a relationship, professional association or something you have relied upon is now being changed – either in form or in the terms of how it operates. If it involves an ending try to see it as a change or transformation rather than an ending only and know what does end now has no further growth potential for you. Let go and make room for the new is the lesson the universe wants you to embrace right now thanks to the major planetary formation in your 8th house of transformation and spiritual alchemy. On the 11th the new Moon in that sector brings the total number of planets in there to seven and shines a light on where your new beginnings are going to take place so observe carefully what happens around that time.

Before we talk about the next planetary shift which is going to push you out into the spotlight we’ll continue to talk about change and the more subtle spiritual lesson that’s taking place for you now. Look at what you’re sharing with others and what they are sharing with you. It’s all about resources and what you do with them and resources can include money, time, expertise, tangible objects or even just somebody’s presence – the ultimate present we can receive. Are you holding onto your resources and if so, why? Or are you or others in your life using their resources to control and manipulate? This may not always be obvious but you may have an ‘a-ha!’ moment around these issues now especially when the powerful conjunctions take place on the 15th and after Mercury turns direct on the 17th. Share what you have with others and they will share with you.

The focus now begins to shift into your 9th of adventure, higher learning, travel and expansion when Mars enters that zone on the 12th and the Sun goes in there on the 20th officially marking the start of spring. A romance that opens your eyes and broadens your horizons could feature thanks to the entrance of Venus in there on the 22nd bringing the total number of planets up to four. Watch for exciting and perhaps unexpected developments when Venus, the Sun and unpredictable but exciting Uranus all get together on the 29th while the full Moon in your communication sector on the 27th could bring news from afar or see you centre stage in some way. The month draws to a close with a meeting between the Moon and Saturn in your area of home and emotional safety. With all this emphasis on adventure, change and new beginnings, even you may find it hard to remain the centre of attention now. If you want to crawl under the duvet in preparation for your next appearance – it’s safe to do that too.


1st – Six planet stellium in 7th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 7th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 7th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 8th

15th – Moon in 9th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 7th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 7th

17th – Mercury direct in 7th

20th – Sun enters 8th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 8th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 8th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 2nd

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 8th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 3rd

  • Close relationships flourish
  • Are you owning your power?
  • Changes could arrive suddenly

Everything may seem up close and personal now and that includes your relationships and also personal power and how you use it. It could all boil down to one thing – boundaries and also their lack and you could see people and circumstances arise this month that demonstrate the need for boundaries. If yours are intact and functioning then this could be a time when close personal relationships flourish thanks to the mega-planetary activity in your 7th which peaks with the new Moon on the 11th bringing the total number of planets in there to seven. Single Virgos could find themselves single no more but for all of you, partnership issues in some way will feature this month as events come along to test how permeable those boundaries are when it comes to you and others. Don’t forget – the 7th house rules not only marriage and business partners but our long-term friends and also our enemies. You may have to deal with someone who has ‘crossed the line’ in some way or else be forced to look at where you may have become too defensive. Are you wanting people to get close yet walking around in a psychological suit of armour, sword drawn? When Mars moves into your 8th of personal power and transformation you’ll see just what boundaries need to be reinforced and what need to come down.

The planetary shift into your 8th will see you either owning or looking at where your power needs to be reclaimed especially around the 15th when Mercury your ruler conjunct Neptune and Chiron is aspected by the Moon in your 9th and Venus meets the Sun in your 7th. Mercury direct on the 17th sees you now willing to start to make some changes if they’re needed – perhaps simply by letting others know where you stand but you’ll be able to manage this diplomatically. The Sun joins Mars in your 8th on the 20th and you’ll spring forward when Venus brings the planet count to four in there on the 22nd. Watch for unforeseen expenses around the full Moon on the 27th while the Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunction of the 29th could bring in sudden and unexpected change heralded by news thanks to the Moon meeting Saturn in your 3rd on the same day. It may seem unsettling at first but you could end up looking back and say this was the bolt from the blue which illuminated your soul path.


1st – Six planet stellium in 6th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 6th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 6th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 7th

15th – Moon in 8th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 6th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 6th

17th – Mercury direct in 6th

20th – Sun enters 7th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 7th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 7th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 1st

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 7th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 2nd

  • Where you work and how you work themes dominate
  • Sudden changes in close relationships could occur
  • You only have so much energy – direct it wisely!

Over the past few months the intensity has been slowly building in your sector of everyday work and wellness. This month is when it will peak and on the 11th the new Moon in this sector brings the planetary head-count to seven. This includes Venus your ruler. She doesn’t like being in here. She’s all about beauty, indulgence, passion and creativity. Not everyday mundane tasks and what your boss or supervisor (also ruled by this house) is telling you. However, you could find yourself inspired by beautiful solutions on how to make your every day work or tasks just that much more pleasurable transforming how you work in the longer term. Provided you don’t allow yourself to get lost in distractions that is. Your energy levels however may be extra sensitive and when it comes to where you direct your energy the lesson here is to choose wisely. As with any resource, you only have so much at your disposal.

On the 12th, Mars enters your partnership house starting a shift of focus to close relationships. The Moon in your 8th on the 15th makes a fabulous aspect to the Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunction in your 6th while Venus and the Sun are conjunct, and this could bring about the change in how you work which may happen sooner than you think thanks to Mercury turning direct on the 17th. On the 20th the Sun now shifts into your 7th just ahead of Venus on the 22nd. Spring fever may take over when it comes to relationships which could be subject to rapid and unexpected changes due to four planets now in that house and one of them being Uranus. On the 27th the full Moon occurs in your 1st while on the 29th the Sun, Venus and Uranus all align. Singles could suddenly find they are sad singletons no more while those coupled up could wake up to discover they are about to embark on a new search for a Mr. or Ms. Right. The Moon/Saturn meeting in your 2nd the same day should highlight money issues or whether the world is reflecting your true value now. Perhaps your relationship to money and values is the one you really need to work on.


1st – Six planet stellium in 5th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 5th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 5th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 6th

15th – Moon in 7th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 5th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 5th

17th – Mercury direct in 5th

20th – Sun enters 6th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 6th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 6th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 12th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 6th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 1st

  • Have you used your cycle of attraction wisely?
  • Work matters require your concentration
  • What close connections require healing?

You’ve been experiencing a major cycle of attraction, Scorpio which peaks this month on the 11th when the new Moon in your 5th brings the total number of planets in there to an amazing seven. You should have been the magnet of your desires during the build-up to this momentous event – or is that for your fears? Take a good look at what you’ve attracted as it is a reflection of what you believe you deserve. Let us hope single phoenixes intuitively knew they deserved some love and romance as this is a major possibility now. Those of you in creative professions should be filled with inspiration and the impetus to do something with your ideas. On the 15th the Moon in your partnership zone makes a wonderful aspect to the Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunction and Venus meets the Sun in your 5th. If you need to rebuild bridges with someone this alignment makes it possible and if you are looking for the right words to express your feelings towards someone then Mercury direct as of the 17th provides the means.

There is a shift occurring now however as your former ruler Mars enters your work sector on the 12th. The Sun pops in there on the 20th marking the spring equinox and Venus follows on the 22nd making a total of four planets in there. As I’m fond of pointing out, Venus is not comfortable in this area of your chart. Work matters may require your concentration and Venus would much rather concentrate on pleasure. The full Moon in your 12th on the 27th could highlight a previously overlooked problem and this combined with a meeting between the Sun, Venus and highly unpredictable Uranus on the 29th could see you having to deal with the unexpected at work. Meanwhile, the Moon has moved on to meet with Saturn in your 1st. Make sure you’re seen as someone who can get the job done and not someone who lets emotions get in the way. Time to take yourself and what you do seriously.


1st – Six planet stellium in 4th: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 4th

11th – Seven planet stellium in 4th. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 5th

15th – Moon in 6th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 4th

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 4th

17th – Mercury direct in 4th

20th – Sun enters 5th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 5th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 5th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 11th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 5th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 12th

  • Now you know where you’ve been – where are you going next?
  • You have the creative and love mojo now!
  • Past connections could dominate

Lucky Scorpios have had the astro love mojo for the past few weeks but now they have to give that up and pass it on to the next deserving sign and that’s you, Sag! First however, the planetary intensity that’s been slowly but surely building in your 4th of home and emotional security peaks this month on the 11th when a new Moon in that sector marks a new stage of living and makes the total number of planets in there an incredible seven! Look back at where you’ve lived in the past (and also how) and now look forward to how you want to be living in the future and take steps to create that. On the 15th, the Sun meets Venus in the 4th and on the same day the Moon in your work sector makes a luminous aspect to the Neptune/Chiron/Mercury conjunction which could see you discovering ways to create the work/life balance you want. On the 17th, Mercury finally moves direct ending any ‘swimming backwards’ feeling you may have been having with issues around this area. Remember, when we practice backstroke we look at the stars, not the water beneath us.

Back to the love and creativity mojo. Mars moves in there igniting passion from the 12th and the entrance of the Sun in there from the 20th marks the official start of spring calling out to you to literally spring into action when it comes to creative and love goals. Venus enters this sector on the 22nd, an area which unlike the 6th house, Venus loves being in so take advantage of her presence which brings the planetary count to four. Sudden breakthroughs could occur in creative projects or you could be swept off your feet by an unexpected romantic encounter when two days after the full Moon in your 11th of friends and goals, Venus, Uranus and the Sun all meet. On the same day, the Moon meets Saturn ruler of karma in your 12th. Look for people from the past or past connections being revived. That includes past lives.


1st – Six planet stellium in 3rd: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 3rd

11th – Seven planet stellium in 3rd. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 4th

15th – Moon in 5th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 3rd

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 3rd

17th – Mercury direct in 3rd

20th – Sun enters 4th

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 4th

22nd – Four planet stellium in 4th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 10th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 4th (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 11th

  • Soul communication takes place
  • Watch for unexpected events on the home front
  • Old connections could resurface

You may have been feeling a pressing need to express yourself these past few weeks, Capricorn and really say what’s on your mind. The question now is have you managed to make yourself understood? The powerful transits through your 3rd of communication and transport have been getting to you look at how you express your thoughts, feelings and abilities. You may have felt however that you are broadcasting through white noise. Luckily for you, the static is going to start to clear now and hopefully you will have found that choosing words that truly communicate your feelings is the way to create the connections on every level of life that you’ve been so ardently seeking. The new Moon on the 11th brings the planetary total in this house to an incredible seven and the meeting between Venus and the Sun in there on the 15th, the same day as the Moon in your 5th makes a wonderful aspect to the Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunction, brings you the means to be the natural diplomat when it comes to getting your point across and reaching agreements with others. When Mercury finally moves direct in there on the 17th you’ll discover that you’re no longer blocked by static and the power of true soul communication can be yours now.

The focus however is beginning to shift starting with the arrival of Mars in your home sector from the 12th. Many of you may have seen changes affect your feelings of security or impacting on where you are living. The planets now put the spotlight firmly on your home zone when the Sun follows Mars in there on the 20th announcing the arrival of spring and Venus enters two days later bringing the planetary count to four. The full Moon in your 10th may have you looking at how people perceive you based on what you do and where you reside. Watch for unexpected changes on the home front when the Sun, Venus and unpredictable Uranus all meet on the 29th and on the same day the Moon meets your ruler Saturn in your 11th. Old connections could be in touch or perhaps you feel the pull towards somewhere you lived previously. Relocations are favoured now as are the lessons from the past you can use to create a future you want to live in.


1st – Six planet stellium in 2nd: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 2nd

11th – Seven planet stellium in 2nd. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 3rd

15th – Moon in 4th sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 2nd

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 2nd

17th – Mercury direct in 2nd

20th – Sun enters 3rd

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 3rd

22nd – Four planet stellium in 3rd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 9th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 3rd (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 10th

  • What are you carrying with you into the future?
  • Time for a spiritual de-clutter
  • Watch the effect your words have this month

Money and moveable assets are all in focus now, Aquarius and perhaps you feel you’re not certain of where the money is going. It’s all down to the intense planetary line-up in your 2nd which is going to peak this month on the 11th when a new Moon in that sector brings the total to seven planets. What you are being asked is to look back at how you have used your resources in the past and see what lessons you have learned in order to create a more abundant future especially around the 15th when the Moon in your home sector makes an illuminating aspect to the Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunction in this area. When Mercury turns direct on the 17th you should have completed a stock take of what you value, need and use and made the decision to now discard anything that you don’t. This includes objects, old love letters, clothing, ways of thinking and relating to money and your self-worth and even the odd out-moded thought or two.

The astral-focus is starting to shift beginning with Mars entering your communication sector on the 12th. The spring equinox sees the Sun in there followed by Venus two days later which now makes a grand total of four planets in this sector. You’re about to see the effect your words or the way you communicate has on others especially when the Sun, Venus and your ruler Uranus all meet on the 29th, just two days after a powerful new Moon in your expansion zone has you looking to who and where you can reach out to. Use this energy to push forward with career or any plans which involve you getting your ideas across as the Moon/Saturn conjunction also on the 29th takes place in your career and status sector. All in all, the planets are now aligning to get you to where you need to be.


1st – Six planet stellium in 1st: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron.

11th – New Moon in 1st

11th – Seven planet stellium in 1st. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron

12th – Mars enters 2nd

15th – Moon in 3rd sextile Mercury/Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 1st

15th – Sun/Venus conjunct in 1st

17th – Mercury direct in 1st

20th – Sun enters 2nd

20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere

22nd – Venus enters 2nd

22nd – Four planet stellium in 2nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus

27th – Full Moon in 8th

29th –Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunct in 2nd (exact)

29th – Moon/Saturn conjunct in 9th

  • The focus shifts from who you are in the world to how you are
  • Something tugs your soul from afar
  • Spiritual vs. material matters could concern you

You may have been feeling you’ve been swimming backwards in very deep water these past few weeks, Pisces. Don’t worry, this feeling isn’t going to last much longer but first, you may plunge further into the soul searching depths as the planetary line-up in your sign reaches its peak on the 11th with a new Moon taking the total number of planets in there to seven. What’s been happening is that you have been asked to refine how the world sees you – and how you see yourself. You should now be ready to rise out of the ocean like Aphrodite especially when the Sun meets Venus in your sign on the 15th while on the same day the Moon in your 3rd makes a glowing aspect to Mercury, Chiron and Neptune all conjunct in your sign allowing you to communicate to others just what it is that needs to change when it comes to their perceptions of you. Beautiful accomplishments are also highlighted when it comes to creative ventures and that feeling of being stuck in another realm and unable to make yourself heard will really start to lift when Mercury turns direct on the 17th.

I promised you a shift and it begins to take place on the 12th when the planets start to move out of your sign and into your second of money and resources beginning with Mars. Now your soul refinement has taken place, it’s time to reconnect to the material realm and see how you fare in it and how you balance the spiritual and the material. The Sun moves into your 2nd on the Spring equinox and Venus follows two days later bringing some bank account boosting opportunities if you’re now ready to accept them. The total number of planets in here now soars to a soul-stirring four. Change is in the air when it comes to how you look at your resources thanks to a full Moon in your 8th which takes place two days before the Sun, Venus and Uranus all meet in your 2nd on the 29th. On the same day the Moon now in your 9th, connects with Saturn. Something or someone is tugging your soul-strings from far away. The question now is: are you going to answer the call?





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