Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview April 22

weekly horoscopes

22nd – Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Virgo trines Venus in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn
22nd – Sun/Mars (exact) and Venus conjunct in Taurus
22nd – Venus in Taurus opposition to Saturn in Scorpio (exact)
25th – Full Moon in Scorpio
25th – Partial Lunar Eclipse – will be visible throughout most of Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia.
28th – Saturn in Scorpio at Opposition to Sun in Taurus

 Values may clash or transform
 Imbalances may become apparent
 What do you have to share with others?

Lunar eclipses always take place at the time of the full Moon and this week we have a partial one occurring which will be visible throughout a large part of the world. Lunar eclipses always occur in the opposite sign to which the Sun is transitting. Right now the Sun is in Taurus which means that the eclipse takes place in Taurus’s opposite sign of transformational Scorpio. Eclipses follow cycles and usually take place in pairs and if the eclipse happens in your sign or its opposite sign, you are likely to feel its effect more than most with something either beginning or coming to a conclusion, depending on where you are in the eclipse cycle.

With a Grand Earth Trine kicking off the week and a slew of planets in Taurus and already opposing Saturn the Great Time Keeper in Scorpio, there is an element of ‘time’s up’ and endings around this eclipse with new beginnings to follow. We may see money or financial matters come into focus again while what we value or our personal values may be in for a period of transformation. There is also a feeling of realignment around this where imbalances between those who control or have a plenty of resources or money and those who don’t come to the fore.

The house the eclipse falls in will indicate what area of life will be affected and for more information please see your individual forecast. On a personal level what we value and what we are willing to share for others may be impacted by this eclipse. If you’re no longer willing to share your life with someone then expect endings in relationships. An ending is merely a transformation of energy. Money is energy. Thoughts are energy and changing our minds about something changes that energy vibration. Whatever occurs this week is just energy changing form.

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