

The answer or news arrives

Nothing gets in the way of where you want to go

Expand those ideas around love and other unions

Mars and Jupiter in your 7th. The Sun is your Sag-inspired 9th. I could just simply say: It doesn’t get much better than this. But then – your ruler loves to big things up. So this week means yes, it can and probably will.

Let’s throw into the mix news which changes everything. The up-tick you’ve been waiting for. The answer you’ve wanted to hear, that opportunity or solution that appears exactly at the divine time. Delivered courtesy of Mars and Pluto and fuelled by the Sun. It’s rare you would get Mars and Jupiter in your 7th at the same time. And Pluto in your 3rd is a once-in-a-lifetime transit. The earth shifts to accommodate your request. Others seem compelled to say ‘Yes’ to you. And you get even more confident and audacious in the asking thanks to Chiron retro in your 5th. You never know unless you do, Sag. And those who ask almost always get it. And also know if they get a refusal it was never going to be yes anyway. Plus they don’t stick around feeling regret. They’re off in search of the affirmative instead.

Needless to say with both the Sun and Venus in your 9th, your most enduring loves are highlighted. The main one being travel. Expansion into something bigger is the other promise. So long as you get to explore. Just keep in mind if going anywhere that Mercury leaves your 9th for your 10th this week. And it is in retroshadow at this point. It will return to your 9th during full fat retro. Do have alternatives in place when it comes to those plans. That being said, nothing stops the glow or you getting to where you want to go, Sag. Make major inroads towards that destination in love this week.

In a nutshell: Love – even for a something or someplace, makes you emboldened this week. No limits on your thinking means there’s nothing you won’t do, attempt or ask. All in the name of the result you’re after.

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (9th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (9th)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (10th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (9th to 7th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (5th)

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