General Astrology Forecast 8 -14th May 2017

8th May to 14th May 2017

General Weekly Astrology Forecast

Get down deeper than down
Explore your mystical side
Embrace your power

Yipee! We have some lovely stuff going on this week., Firstly we have the glorious Sun in Taurus Trine Pluto the game changer in traditional Capricorn on the 9th. These two are determined buggers, and when they get together in a Trine it allows us to channel some our own conviction, it gives us gravitas and power. This Trine is perfect for us to shine in business or to dig in and lay some solid foundations that shore up our reputation.

The Full Moon on the 10th is in incredibly intense Scorpio poking the Universes primal emotions and buttons. On a good day, this helps heal old wounds and puts us firmly in our power. Full Moon in Scorpio oozes sexuality, mystery and emotional connections. She can also make us a bit vengeful, manipulative or tempted to get even, avoid this! We need to deal with our shadow not act out our shadow!

This Full Moon is Trine Neptune in lovely romantic Pisces so our empathy and psychic skills skyrocket. There’s likely to be secrets that come to the surface so that we can move forward knowing exactly what’s going on and what it real and what is an illusion. Something important is emerging so look it in the eye!

Not only that but the Full Moon is also Sextile Capricorn making us grounded enough to deal with whatever comes up. With Mercury conjunct electric/eccentric/genius and most of all surprising Uranus expect the unexpected and out of the blue inspiration as well as a revelation! PHEW, it sure won’t be boring!

On the 11th things can get a little confusing as Mars Square Neptune can bring up confusing emotions (or great sexual connections which get all soulful and tantric) and self-doubt. We can lose our focus, confidence or drive. Meditate, chill out, listen to your fav tunes and give yourself nurturing and love because the next day the energy turns again!

On the 12th we all have a more positive and exciting day as Mars Trines Expansive Jupiter giving us ideas for our soul growth and a thirst for freedom which allows us to express our authentic self.


9 May 2017 SUN TRINE PLUTO (Taurus to Capricorn )

10 May 2017 FULL MOON in Scorpio (Scorpio)
Moon is Trine Neptune (Pisces)
& also Sextile Pluto (Capricorn)


11 May 2017 MARS SQUARE NEPTUNE (Gemini to Pisces)

11 May 2017 MERCURY TRINE SATURN (Aries to Sagittarius)

12 May 2017 MARS TRINE JUPITER (Gemini to Libra)