
Lightbulb moments
Giggling all night
surprise flirtation

Are you ready? The cosmos is strapping you onto a rocket ship of wonder and firing you into new territory this week. You’re usually cautious about unexpected experiences or random spontaneous acts, but right now you positively crave them. The fun kicks off with Mercury making you very cheerful and optimistic as he’s nipped into your creative/passionate and soulmate zone. Incidentally, this is also fabulous for connections with children and playfulness in general. Your creativity is a wonder to behold but make sure you channel it. You mesmerise peeps with your warm and enthusiastic approach.

Drum roll please… and now for the big news! Saturn, your Ruler, is in your mystical/mysterious and spiritual 12th house, and he’s cuddling up with an unusual bedfellow; Uranus the unpredictable/genius in your place of home and family. Perhaps your creative or business idea with being connected to property, design, family dynamics? Whatever it is that you are working towards, you’re likely to be very excited indeed.

With the Sun entering your work and well-being zone on the 20th, you’re pulling all the strands together and going for it.


16 May 2017SUN CONJUNCTION  SEDNA (5th Hse)

19 May 2017 SATURN TRINE  URANUS (12th Hse to 4th Hse)

19 May 2017 VENUS OPPOSITION  JUPITER (4th Hse to 10th Hse)

20 May 2017 SUN ENTERING GEMINI (6th Hse)

Please NOMINATE Michele

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