July 3rd General Astrology Overview 2017

July 3rd General Weekly Astrology Forecast

This week’s astrology is pretty full-on. Venus, the planet of love, is in her last day of Taurus on the 4th bringing us a beautiful parting gift. Venus Sextiles Chiron, the wounded healer, who is going retrograde to bring us back to ourselves. Part of our healing is to learn to be comfortable in our own skin and to feel secure in ourselves. How secure do you feel? Focus on taking care of yourself and perhaps getting some support to talk through any issues. Meditation is especially useful right now.

As Venus waves goodbye to Taurus, she glides into mercurial Gemini. Love has a free and easy feel. Flirtations and soul connections are rife, but do bear in mind that Venus in Gemini is not necessarily the settling down type. However, Venus in Gemini doesn’t need to be fickle. She teaches us that the mind is one of the most attractive parts of a soul connection. Venus in Gemini expands our intellect and draws smart, witty people to us. We can also be objective when dealing with emotional issues. She also loves to get you out and about enjoying a fabulous social scene.

Mercury, the Lord of communication, is entering confident and courageous Leo on the 6th. It’s easier to be brave and stand up for what we believe in, but, of course, you must beware of being arrogant or succumbing to the ego. Put on your dancing shoes; swish your chakras, and act as If you had all the confidence in the world. You’ll feel enthusiastic and passionate. ROAAAAR!

Alex, the Lion: Today was a great day. It just doesn’t get any better than this, you know? Oh, look; it just did. Even the star is out. You won’t find a star like that in the wild.
Marty, the Zebra: Helicopter. – Madagascar 3

Also on the 6th, the Sun is trine Neptune, giving us all a rosy glow. Some of us will feel spiritual and connected; others may be drawn to losing themselves in delicious debauchery, and some may be swept away with the feeling of romantic love. More importantly, it allows us to forgive and be forgiven. Empathy, compassion, and intuitive skills rule this day. Tune in, and soak up the cosmic rays.

The Full Moon on the 9th is certainly interesting. The Moon is in serious Capricorn; the Sun is in Cancer, and the Moon is conjunct Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, opposing Mars in Cancer; Moon and Sun both square Jupiter! Phew! So, what does that all mean? INTENSITY! The Moon and Pluto in stubborn and tenacious Capricorn can bring about an ultimatum. There is very little compassion as the Moon and Pluto battle Mars, who is not one to run away from a bit of argy-bargy, although to be fair, he is not as belligerent as usual as he is in Cancer; however, he can be passive aggressive. Fireworks at work, battles with powerful people or sudden anger for something that happened in the past can hijack us. So, be careful! Of course, not everyone is going to have a hard time! Pluto can also bring about a profound sexual experience, and perhaps somebody influential attracts you or you find yourself in an emotionally intense night of taboo naughtiness. Either way, be on your guard and look after your beautiful self.

4 Jul 2017 VENUS SEXTILE CHIRON (Taurus to Pisces)

4 Jul 2017 MERCURY SEXTILE SEDNA (Cancer to Taurus)

4 Jul 2017 VESTA TRINE ERIS (Leo to Aries)


5 Jul 2017 MERCURY SQUARE URANUS (Cancer to Aries)

5 Jul 2017MERCURY TRINE CHIRON (Cancer to Pisces)


6 Jul 2017 SUN TRINE NEPTUNE (Cancer to Pisces)

6 Jul 2017 SUN SQUARE JUPITER (Cancer to Libra)

6 Jul 2017 URANUS SEXTILE CERES (Aries to Gemini)

7 Jul 2017 MERCURY SEXTILE VENUS (Leo to Gemini)

7 Jul 2017 CHIRON SQUARE CERES (Pisces to Gemini)

9 Jul 2017 FULL MOON with T Square – Moon in Capricorn (Capricorn) Sun in Cancer (Cancer) Moon is Conjunct Pluto ( Capricorn) Opposition Mars in Cancer. Moon and Sun both square Jupiter (Libra )

JUPITER (Cancer to Libra)

6 Jul 2017 URANUS SEXTILE CERES (Aries to Gemini)

7 Jul 2017 MERCURY SEXTILE VENUS (Leo to Gemini)

7 Jul 2017 CHIRON SQUARE CERES (Pisces to Gemini)

9 Jul 2017 FULL MOON with T Square – Moon in Capricorn (Capricorn) Sun in Cancer (Cancer) Moon is Conjunct Pluto ( Capricorn) Opposition Mars in Cancer. Moon and Sun both square Jupiter (Libra )