Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 16th 2023


Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 16th 2023

One person can change the world

Come together

Happy birthday, water bearers!

This is an end to the retroactive weather as Mercury and Uranus move direct this week. Uranus is the ruling planet of birthday sign Aquarius. 

We feel the call to become who we are based on our values and our truth. How are you going to take this out into this Brave New World we all stand on the cusp of?

Not just Aquarius but all our cup overfloweth with the power to change not just our world but that of the big wide one and of those around us. 

We are about to embrace people power, astrology, innovation, technology, and individuality. We unleash the true maverick in our soul over the next few years as Pluto arrives in Aquarius shortly. 

In fact, with Pluto in the sign of the collective, we will all be asked to join in and come together as one voice, one movement, one glorious human collective in the name of humanity and all beings. Let’s do this!

The Ace of Cups

I used the term ‘cup overfloweth’. Immediately invoking the image of The Ace of Cups in the Tarot. Look at your ‘cup’ vision now. Half full or half empty? Or simply overflowing with what you don’t want? You cannot fill a cup that is already full. Is it overflowing with stale beer? Spoiled milk that should be spilled out?

 If it’s half empty from your point of view, that constant dissatisfaction stops it from being topped up. Cups are designed to be refilled. So actually, it doesn’t matter how you see the cup at all. It can be topped up or filled with something different. 

All of us should list all that we offer, add and contribute to the world and to others. It’s no small thing. But we can take ourselves for granted.

A secret new supermoon appears in Aquarius the day after the Sun’s arrival. What’s the big secret? Unlike a full supermoon, a new supermoon isn’t obvious to the naked eye. But that doesn’t mean it lacks potency. 

This new supermoon calls all of us to stretch ourselves into a bigger goal. So, don’t set your sights on the one you know you can easily crush in a couple of months.

 Our soul seeks a challenge now. And something to aim for. We evolve when we expand our minds and ideas of what is possible for us. And remember – we can always go get a bigger cup! We are all visionaries now, trust and invoke your vision.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Aquarius! Your new cycle begins laden with enormous potential for rebirth and transformation. Our cup can be filled to overflowing. But remember, focusing on that half-full feeling isn’t the way for any of us to step back into abundance and flow!


18 Jan 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Capricorn (Capricorn)

18 Jan 2023 Sun and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (Capricorn)

20 Jan 2023 Sun enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

21 Jan 2023 New Supermoon in Aquarius (Aquarius)

22 Jan 2023 Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (Aquarius)

22 Jan 2023 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (Taurus)