Your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope January 2023

new moon aquRIUA

Your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope January 2023

It’s supermoon season! I like to think of new supermoons as secret supermoons as they remain subtly invisible, unlike the full variety. Think secret superpower with new supermoons. 

This one ushers in the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit and also the Now Age of Aquarius where we will be focussed on friendships, groups, networks, bands and movements, and people power during Pluto’s transit through here, which begins this year. Rabbits are social animals. Who we know and are close to – what we share and have in common, takes on new meaning. And become powerful catalysts for change.

This new supermoon appears at 1o of Aquarius, and interestingly enough, Pluto will go no further than 0o 22′ during its first entry into Pluto. So, this supermoon brings in the themes we can expect once Pluto arrives in March. This is HUGE news as it’s giving us a flavour of what will transform our life over the next 15 YEARS!

Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus rules innovation, invention, revolution, entrepreneurs, inventors, and electricity. And astrology. David Bowie wrote the perfect Aquarian/Uranian song – Sound and Vision. If you look at the symbol for Uranus it looks like it has an old-fashioned TV ariel on it. Uranus rules television and its colour is electric blue. 

Blue, blue, electric blue 

That’s the colour of my room 

Where I will live 

Blue, blue 

Watch for shocks and surprises, what’s changing the bandwidth from the stock market to Netflix to the internet. Don’t forget Aquarius is the sign of the future and our goals. There’s no matter time to supercharge these than under this new supermoon. In the meantime, sit right down and wait for the gift of sound and vision.



Aries. The planets are shifting to direct motion. So, when it comes to that idea the heavenly question is: what are you waiting for? And the answer is: Do it NOW. Your soul yearns for some action and also to aim for something heart-starting. It’s not just the goal but the journey you take towards it. Do commit to one now. And do make it one it may take you a few months to attain. Because the experience getting, there needs to hand you that all-important sense of accomplishment.

Who powers our future? Friends and those we know. This New Moon can deliver powerful friends in high places. You may now cross paths with new, exciting and wonderfully different people who act as inspiring examples of what happens when you gather the courage of your vision and act on it. If so, this is a sign you are about to join their ranks, Aries. No more dreaming. Like the slogan says: Just do it. 

New Moons are also about surrendering things. Who or what do you need to ditch so that you can be free to be yourself?



If you know your time of birth check your chart for any factors now at 0-1 degree of your sign or any of your fellow fixed signs: Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, where the new Moon appears and where Pluto will shortly venture. Hold your head high, project that boss vibe and act with integrity when it comes to career or reputation matters. You are about to be asked to deliver on something, to show your smarts, bring your best game or step up into a bigger role. Not working? The New Moon is all about what you consider security and abundance. Here is an opportunity to feel safe within yourself.

Shifts can occur now around your job, work, position or path. That status applies to your marriage. Relationship status as well as your job title. If something comes out of left field, you need to understand that it is to make way for something better and soul ascending for you. Chances are it wants to replace a situation that has you stuck. 

How others regard you is an all-important factor in everything under this new supermoon. You may rely on that reference or recommendation from someone of influence to take that next step. Or cross paths with someone who is it essential that you show your true self to. Your authentic self is your superpower. Being you is more than enough.


This new supermoon is best for the air signs – yes, that’s you, Gemini, along with Libra and Aquarius. It hands you travel, movement, opportunity and the freedom to move away from anything that has kept you stuck. 

I know the past few months may have felt exactly like that due to Mars retrograde in your sign. 

 This supermoon is packed with superpower opportunities. Yes, you have to engage with it by taking that first step into something wider, wilder and more freeing. 

Start the journey by applying for that job, planning that trip, committing to that course of study, that action, that launch. This is a new moon of discovery, of opening your eyes to so much more on offer than you ever imagined possible. 

But you only find it or it finds you, if you go out there and seek it. This can ask us to enter unfamiliar territory. Success can be that if we have not embraced it yet. 

As can be that big, heart opening love. Time to live and love larger. And if not, to ask just what is holding you back. Chances are not your own limitations but those handed to you by others.


full moon cancewr

If you are working your ruler correctly, then you treat every new Moon – supersized or not, no matter what house it is in, as a reboot of a key area each month. And keep your focus on that area accordingly. Success with astrology rests on working with the movement of the planets and channelling our energy into the area where they are active. Especially when it is our ruler. 

Every month for you is a new beginning, Cancer. The new supermoon is your 8th brings an opportunity for transformation around your money, shared resources, financial future, and sexy self-empowerment.

This is Pluto’s ruling house in your chart so for you this supermoon really is a preview of what Pluto is about to serve you. To the max. Look to who or what has robbed you of your power. Or where you have unwittingly given it away. Maybe because you were in people-pleasing mode. Or have been made to believe your needs were not just as important as those of others. 

 Ask what you truly desire. That’s what this new Moon encourages. It’s okay to own your desires because from them stems your power to attain them. So, no more hiding them in the shame closet, Cancer. Or allowing others to tell you that’s where you need to keep them under lock and key. Get ready for a major change around money, how you see yourself or another, and to finally ascend a long term issue. Make freedom the primary desire to aim for.



Vive la difference! Yes, we need to have a certain amount of things in common with that significant other. But we don’t need a clone of ourselves or the relationship to feel as if we are twins. 

This supermoon ushers in a new cycle of relating to duets, double acts and dynamic and even dramatic duos. It wants you to have a relating experience which evolves your soul. If you are single, this isn’t about picking the fruit from the same tree but a different one. 

Being open to that potential partner who may not be your usual type. May come from a very different background than you. Who may look different but you click in the areas which are most important to you both. And you adore each other’s differences as it adds that spark. 

For settleds, what’s the next step for you? Or are you being led into another kind of love experience – a friendship or working one which is perfect for what you need to learn about relating next? The next month should open a door to doing that. And don’t reject any offer just because it’s different to what you expected, Leo. On top of that expect stunning and unusual adventures.



Your innate Virgo skillset gets superpowered under the new Moon in your 6th. You will innovate anything from that day job to your habits and routine. Taking care of daily business – the business of living and well can be a full-time occupation in itself. And this will be your focus for the next four weeks. 

Your ruler Mercury is moving forward and so are you, if you are thinking of changing your job, a course of study or starting a side-hustle or business, this Moon is your green light. Shake up that routine, initiate a new wellbeing regimen, and, above all, declutter. 

I can’t oversell you on the importance of the latter. Start with those thoughts. Once you have become more aware of the impact of them – especially if they distract or preoccupy, then move our focus outward. 

That cluttered computer desktop, actual desk, room, closet . . . the more you do this the easier it will get. And also the more aware you become of what needs to go. Those kitchen cupboards and drawers. The junk you might have put into your body. And now that energy goes further outwards. 

To the energy vampires, the soul drainers, the emotion dumpers. They may need you because you fulfill a purpose for them. But now you’re fully awake to the fact you don’t need them. Or anything else that stops the flow of the new entering. Let go with compassion.


new moon in libra

Fabulize your life! The new supermoon in your 5th simply wants to hand you a super-sized love experience. It is best for the air signs – Gemini, Aquarius and yes, you, Libra! We are at the end of that narky, restrictive retrograde weather. This new Moon says get your charisma back on and get ready to shine. 

A love that transforms your life can appear (human, cat, or even project), especially after Pluto’s arrival in March. Do check your chart for Libra factors at 0-1 degree. For you this shift is going to be especially powerful. Are you ready to give birth? To an idea, a passion or yes, in some cases, even a child? What hands you pleasure? You are now in your yearly pleasure peak with a green light to pursue this. 

Your aura of attraction is like a magnetic field drawing what (or even who) you need to you effortlessly. Just by being yourself and engaging fully and without worry about what others might think in that hobby, idea or search for love (or doing what you love). Find your stage, your platform, your way to stand out. Luck is on your side and will deliver now.


scorpio eclipse

This new supermoon is especially potent for you as it is in the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. And where your ruler Pluto will enter in just two month’s time. Expect changes around your home, living arrangements, property, family situation, lifestyle or to pull up those roots and transplant them elsewhere literally. This new Moon is your preview of what Pluto will bring you.

Anything that underpins your sense of place and security – emotional, material, financial, will be on the move. So, for some of you this may mean your career or income as this provides you with that financial bedrock. 

Upsizing, downsizing, sea changes, can and will occur. For some, your family members may increase. Others may be looking at changes brought about by an empty nest. Looking at alternative lifestyles or ways to have your own home or that all-important there’s no place like it, open up for some. Social housing, shared ownership, that converted barge or shipping container – you’ll be open to solutions and different options now. From sharing, to owning to living off the grid – if it feels right, it’s your place.


weekly astrology

The world of entrepreneurial ideas, writing, teaching, sharing, publishing and the internet is your playground and the building blocks for your success. Apply for it, design it, launch it, write it, say it, share it now. Above all, please don’t sit on it, Sag!

This new supermoon usher in a longer-term cycle of ideas which can change the world. Or your small part of it. Your neighbourhood, short journeys and even siblings take on fresh importance and new meanings. As could your early years and education. 

Did you complete a level of education you are happy with? Or do you feel there is more to be learned? This new Moon favours returning to education or upskilling in some way. Especially if you feel drawn towards a certain subject or area. 

This can be self-learning as well as something more formal. But chances are it fits into that message, project, plan you have for yourself for the long term. This is a new moon under which we also say ‘Business is booming’ as it rules commerce – including ecommerce. And Mercury which rules this house is now direct. How you work, what you know or do, your on-line presence, your business plan are about to get a huge boost from Pluto. Ready to launch this month, Sag.



You need to be fired up over that idea to ensure success, Cappy. But then you know better than any other sign the importance of staying power. And seeing things through to completion. The same goes for self-worth. What is true self-worth? It’s not about needing constant validation, attention, boasting or demanding it. Neither is it about the trappings of success or an ‘I’m worth it’ slogan mentality. It’s a quiet assurance and the confidence to reject what doesn’t align to your values. 

So, please bring it with this new supermoon in your money zone. And care for what you already have. This is about how you emotionally relate to your money and the material world. And what you know you are truly worth and deserve. Now, if you don’t have a clear idea of this – others won’t either. And will treat you accordingly. You are setting your financial future in motion this month along with how you are treated, rewarded, and valued. 

It’s about knowing when the price is right. And not being willing to settle at any cost to yourself. What is money anyway? It’s a neutral energy. Our attitudes towards it charge it. Hard to come by? It’s elusive. Easy come, easy go? It goes quickly and doesn’t stick around. Love it for its own sake, hoard it and you become like the figure in the 4 of Pentacles in the Tarot. Clinging to it desperately and also blind to even greater prosperity in the background. Value it, care for it and be mindful of what you spend it on or invest it. If it’s in line with your values, it simply cannot help but hand you more to value. Treasure is coming, sometimes, we have to let go to recieve it!


new moon aquRIUA

And here it comes. The Now Age of Aquarius. Officially launched with the new supermoon in your 1st. Do check your chart for factors at 0-1 degrees of your sign. Not only are they triggered by this new Moon but this is what Pluto will hit on its first visit to your sign in March. Also check for anything within this orb in the other fixed signs – Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Including asteroids. If you are uncertain, one of our astrologers can help you. If you have them there are bold new rebirths on offer. But like all births, they will have pangs to push through.

Make a wish, fling your manifesting desires out into the Universe, the cosmos is listening and wants you to dream big and to believe it is possible and that you deserve it.

Your focus of transformation and getting future ready is you now, Aquarius. Time for that blue sky, big picture, visionary thinking your sign is famous for. Don’t forget to innovate yourself while you are at it. Align that energy with you attaining your dreams. You are now in preparation for seismic and monumental changes around who you are, how you see yourself, and how others see you. Focus on your dreams and also what gives you joy in the here and now. Actually your main task for the upcoming month is simply being you. Nobody does it better, Aquarius.


New Moon in Pisces

Something surfaces from deep within you that may dominate your thinking for the next two weeks, Pisces. You should take as much time as you need to sit with it, feel it, journal it and tune in and ask your guides/angels/the universe/source for any insight you need. It won’t be the time to act on it – yet. That is coming. 

If you are feeling anxious or even overwhelmed during this time, please don’t take refuge in self-soothing behaviours such as alcohol, drugs – legal or otherwise, or simply anything that smacks of denial or avoidance. Conversely, someone may reach out to you in need of support over a physical, mental or soul concern. Your compassionate and empathic nature makes it easy for you to offer it. Just don’t become drained, however. It is time to treat yourself with as much love and compassion as you treat others. To love yourself so deeply that you can feel creative and at peace. Your magic is strong now. All sorts of fabulous coincidences and enchanting experiences are on the way.

Supersized psychic and creative skills, enhanced intuition and huge leaps of the imagination are open to you now. It can take you to fantastic places where you retrieve answers and a clear picture of your future. Amongst all this could be that creative idea which can transform your own life and that of others. Get ready to go there, Pisces.