Weekly General Astrology Forecast February 6th 2023

Weekly General Astrology Forecast February 6th 2023

Events ripple out and impact on a personal level

Get ready for the Now Age

Everything, everywhere, all at once!

Mercury clears retroshadow this week, meets with Pluto which enters an anaretic degree in Capricorn and arrives in Aquarius on the 11th. Many of us may feel everything is now happening all at once. And that after a prolonged period of waiting for the other shoe to drop, Jimmy Choo’s entire spring collection hits the floor.

If you are one of those sensitives who have had that slow-burn feeling that there is about to be a key shift in a given area – or even several areas all at once – do hold that thought. What transpires this week confirms that insight. All the major planets are now very much direct sending out a cosmic call to action. Especially as this week sees Pluto at that anaertic (29 degree) angle in Capricorn.

This may bring back themes which started for us way back in late 2007-2008 when Pluto first entered here. Anaretic degrees see the planet at its most potent and powerful when it comes to its influence. With an outer planet this can see us impacted by events which happen in the larger world on a personal level. Even if they seem unconnected to us at the time or occur far away. Again, many of you may have been picking up on this for a while now as this energy built. Do check your chart for any factors at 29 degrees now no matter what sign they are in. Especially as we have anaertic Saturn in Aquarius shortly. If you have them, then yes, you are likely to be directly affected. Just remember unlike Pluto, Saturn is old school and hands out a heads-up. Again, this should have put your spidey-senses on high alert. Do heed them now.

Vesta takes a pro-active stand when it comes to gender politics as it arrives in Aries this week while Juno meets Chiron in here the same day (8th). If we feel there is bias or inequality in our lives this hands us the confidence to take action in our own right – in the name of our innate right to equality. We speak up and out. Not just for ourselves but for others if necessary. Mercury’s arrival in Aquarius is all about universal and wider issues. The Now Age of Aquarius, which I have been writing about for years ahead of the arrival of Pluto in here, will be about a new age of inclusivity, honouring the individual within that, diversity and yes, power to the people! Changes made now will stick and more of us will embrace the necessity of those changes. It’s no longer going to be about the 0.01% having 95%. But something fairer and more encompassing.

We are all going to receive an invitation to join in, be part of a shift or bigger movement/mindset as Pluto begins its journey through Aquarius. Be prepared for powerful innovations and technological breakthroughs as well as a shift in the balance of power. This week shakes up things in preparation for that. Hold on to what you thought was coming – chances are it arrives – all at once, this week.

In a nutshell: Has that insight been telling you something is about to occur? Chances are your psychic radar has been picking up on upcoming shifts before they arrive. If you’ve wondered when they may occur – it could be this week as we enter Pluto’s last days in Capricorn!

06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (Capricorn)

08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (Pisces to Taurus)

08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (Aries)

08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (Aries)

10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (Capricorn)

11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (Capricorn)