Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 13 2023


Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 13 2023

Become the dreamer of realised dreams

Go the distance

Choose again

Beautiful visions and possibilities entice us onwards this week. Thanks to meetings between the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. Think for a moment about the card of the 7 of Cups in the Tarot. Each cup represents a choice or a dream. We can say the figure in the card may be unsure or even overwhelmed by the choices in front of them. And if they choose wrong, well – snake wine!

The 7 of Cups is about imagination, dreams, desires and making emotional choices rather than grounded and practical ones. It is about what we yearn for, but we may not recognise what actually fills our need. Or we may go for a temporary fix which soothes the symptoms, but doesn’t actually address the real need which drives us.

Now, the beauty of Saturn’s arrival in Pisces last week is that we can get to the heart of what is driving us to want, have, do or attain something. So when these fabulous transits occur, we have insight and practical inspiration. And provided we truly are attuned to our intuition, we make the correct choice when it comes to opting for which dream to pursue. We go for treasure not a viper cocktail or empty victory. If you find yourself uncertain which option or path to pursue this week, spending time with this card will prove to be a big investment. Ask yourself what each chalice represents for you? Journal your insights. Now you’re working with the highest vibration of that Saturn energy!

Freeing yourself from something may be part of this process. Perhaps simply restrictions or rules imposed on you by others. If you feel you have been playing a game whose rules you had no part in writing, you get to make a set of new ones once Pluto arrives in Aquarius next week. And level that playing field.

Venus moves into its ruling sign of Taurus on the 16th and highlights those whose values may be different or out of step. Again, the people who get to write the rules which are rigged towards them always winning. This unfair game has now entered extra time. Watch as penalties get handed out!

Ahead of the Sun’s arrival on the 20th, Mercury enters Aries on the 19th and opposes Ceres in Libra. Ceres is the only dwarf planet which is not direct right now. So, this opposition is all about a re-balance that needs to occur. It’s been building for a while. We may need to look within ourselves where our thoughts have led to our outer relationships being out-of-kilter. And ask ourselves what were we trying to achieve?

Again, we’re back to those cups at the start. Is it time to choose again? And this time opt for a different choice than we might have made in the past? One of the cups represents the past and insight. Then there’s that castle – the castle in the air. Can you realistically get it by harnessing Saturn’s foundation building go-the-distance approach? Love, victory – which may be empty, riches. Or maybe it’s actually that dragon that asks you to tame it and become your own Targaryen. To get what you want you have to push through your fears and take a wild ride. Saturn hands you the tools to see the difference between what’s simply a pipe dream and what you can turn into something real. Time to choose what direction your dreams lie in. And to choose to live yours. Not the ones of others.

In a nutshell: Beautiful visions, dreams and imagination tempt us forward. But which one to pursue? If you’ve more than one to choose for, ensure you have a plan to attain it. Or perhaps opt for a different dream than the one you would have chosen in the past. That’s where the magic lies this week.

13 Mar 2023 Vesta conjunct Jupiter in Aries (Aries)

14 Mar 2023 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (Gemini to Pisces)

15 Mar 2023 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (Pisces)

16 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (Pisces)

16 Mar 2023 Sun in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (Pisces to Gemini)

16 Mar 2023 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (Aries to Capricorn)

16 Mar 2023 Venus enters Taurus (Taurus)

17 Mar 2023 Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (Pisces to Gemini)

17 Mar 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Pisces (Pisces)

17 Mar 2023 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (Taurus to Pisces)

18 Mar 2023 Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (Pisces to Capricorn)

19 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Aries (Aries)

19 Mar 2023 Mercury in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (Aries to Libra)