Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 20th 2023

Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 20th 2023

Never say never

Actions broadcast who we are

Enter the Now Age

Aries birthday season also brings the Spring Equinox (Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere), and the start of the Astrological New Year. We’re off to a flying one with all the planets direct aside from dwarf planet Ceres which re-enters Virgo this week. And we are in a cycle of outrageous fortune and fearless courage thanks to the Sun, new Moon (21st), Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron and Vesta all in Aries. This is a new Moon which propels us forward. The first of two in this fierce, go getting sign. There’s a saying: Action is character. We reveal who we are by our actions. Not necessarily by what we say. If you want to know someone’s true intentions, look to what they do.

So, you reveal yours and your vision for your own future by what you set in motion this week. And the sub-text is: Nobody does it alone. Other people impact our path, our direction and our destiny. And whatever it is we are attempting to achieve, chances are we need others to make it happen. This week is about who we know, who we will meet and people power in a way we have not experienced before in our lifetime. The 23rd is when Pluto moves out of Capricorn for the first time and lands in Aquarius – the sign that rules friends, the future, groups and goals.

Pluto will only spend a short time in here this visit before turning back into Capricorn again. However, this will be enough to give us a foretaste of what is to come. Friendships will shift as will group and collective dynamics. Technology will power us forward. An idea will galvanise large numbers into taking action. Upheavals to the status quo can and will occur. Something better, equal and more fair emerges. The old gives way to the new. Those who hang on to outdated traditions and hierarchies may be in for a bumpy ride.

The fixed signs in particular will be challenged by the need to adapt and evolve. Do watch this week for defensiveness or feeling emotionally threatened. Look to what is really triggering any insecurities and do keep any responses appropriate to what is occurring in the moment. And not all the times you’ve failed to react in the past. Mars in Cancer from the 25th can make us feel someone is intruding on our sacred space or crossing a line. Our reactions may be out of proportion as a result. Tensions can be felt now. At home, around our feelings, even within groups, movements or countries. It’s important to look at what is really going on. And also to understand what the other party is feeling. That way both sides end up with a better understanding of the other.

What we think is impossible, inconceivable, downright improbable or which defies belief can, will and does occur. Or we hear astounding, mind-bending news which tells us truth is stranger than fiction as Mercury and Chiron meet in Aries on the 26th. Expect a ‘Well, I never!’ reaction. This week tells you – there’s no such thing as saying never say never in the Now Age.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Aries. The start of your birthday cycle and the astrological new year coincides with the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius. We will all be defined by what we do – and who we know. What you never, never thought would happen defies expectations. And does.

20 Mar 2023 Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (Pisces to Capricorn)

20 Mar 2023 Sun enters Aries (Aries) (Spring Equinox)

20 Mar 2023 Sun in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (Aries to Libra)

21 Mar 2023 New Moon in Aries (Aries)

22 Mar 2023 Venus and Juno conjunct in Taurus (Taurus)

22 Mar 2023 Retrograde Ceres re-enters Virgo (Virgo)

23 Mar 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

25 Mar 2023 Mars enters Cancer (Cancer)

26 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries (Aries)