Weekly General Astrology Overview September 25 2023


Weekly General Astrology Overview September 25 2023

Let it be

Make room for alternatives

Soul warrior – embrace the power of release!

Make the most of the fabulous trine between Mercury and Jupiter at the beginning of the week. There’s an opportunity to create abundance through our words. The rest of the week is emotional! Something needs to be ‘squared away’ this week. We may need to accept that we cannot reconcile two elements in our lives. Or that we and another party are on different pages or operate from different values.

That’s not to say we can’t agree to disagree. But we do need to stop any need to try to ‘fix’ things or continue to argue the point, especially under this week’s powerful full Supermoon in Aries. We may want our way emotionally. Or try extra hard – maybe too hard- to convince someone that our way is the highway. Yes, take a warrior stance, but on your behalf. And the soul warrior knows that sometimes real victory lies in releasing and letting something be. We stop the need to bring about a certain outcome. And that takes real courage and confidence.

The day the full Supermoon strikes, we have a tight square between Venus in Leo and volatile Uranus in Venus’s ruling sign of Taurus. The Sun is in Venus’s other ruling sign of Libra. This either has the effect of making us want to seek out that middle ground. Or else brings on the need to be right. The solution maybe acknowledging we and another party inhabit two very different spaces. And leaving it at that.

Thank goodness Mercury escapes the retro-shade in its ruling sign of Virgo this week. And two fabulizing trines between Mercury and Jupiter (25th) and Uranus (30th) in Taurus. This may show us that focusing on bringing about one particular outcome is emotionally counter-intuitive. If we become too focussed, we blind ourselves to alternatives. And by simply letting it be, we allow better things to move in. The lesson of this Aries Full Moon is: Let it be and get out of your own way. Follow your passion, but put aside anger.  When used correctly, the energy of the Aries Full Moon is feisty and fabulous, it fills us with courage and allows us to take a leap of faith.

In a nutshell, The full Supermoon in Aries brings a call to emotional action. But we need to consider whether our actions will get us what we want. Sometimes the boldest course of action is to let go and release. That’s soul warrior bravery.

25 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (Virgo to Taurus)

29 Sep 2023 Full Supermoon in Aries (Aries)

29 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (Leo to Taurus)

29 Sep 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (Virgo)

30 Sep 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (Virgo to Taurus)