Monthly General Astrology Overview October 2023

Monthly General Astrology Overview October 2023

Power is the new comfort zone

Get grounded

Happy birthday, Phoenix!

October put us back in eclipse weather. Admitting that we don’t know or may not know, is the first step to navigating eclipse cover-ups. The second? The capacity to watch and wait.

What’s working in our favour this month are all the inner planets direct – Mercury, Venus and Mars. And Pluto in Capricorn from the 11th. Scorpio – you begin your birthday cycle with your ancient ruler Mars back in your sign from the 12th and your modern ruler direct once more. Handing you va-va-voom empowerment and also that enhanced ability to tear down the eclipse season curtains. In fact, you should be going into your new cycle with your eyes wide open. The 9th will highlight this not only for you but for everyone.

October begins with a grounding Grand Earth Trine between the Moon in Taurus, Mercury very much direct in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (2nd). This also coincides with a Mercury/Neptune opposition. Both planets are in their ruling signs. This means they are ‘talking’ to one another even as they oppose. Combined with the Grand Earth Trine this is realness, Something brought ‘down to earth’. Act in a practical and pragmatic manner. Don’t shirk from doing the work and real, tangible benefits and satisfaction can appear. But we do need to let go of illusion, delusion and fantasy to attain this. It’s not about escapism but being in the here and now and working with what we have. And yes, to preface Belinda Carlisle: Blue heaven is a place on earth if we do.

The first eclipse appears with the new Moon in Libra (14th). This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. One that gives us the ‘ring of fire’ images we associate with eclipses. So, we say something has a ‘ring of truth’ to it. But that doesn’t mean it is entirely true. Do look at anything which seems too one-sided. And remember – there are three sides to every story. Party 1’s, Party 2’s – and the truth.

Under an eclipse, the truth can take its time to emerge. Do keep an open mind in the two days leading up to this eclipse and across the two days after it. Because this is in the sign of Libra and partnerships, if you are single and seeking, do take your time with that potential partner. The same applies to a business partner or relationship. And keep in mind that stories which paint them in a particular light may only be partially true. More in your New Moon in Libra Moonscope.

The next eclipse occurs on the 28th in the sign of Taurus. And is a Partial Lunar Eclipse. Not quite the cover-up but something is obscured. This can be our own feelings around our money, cash, income or possessions. Or someone’s true value system. It occurs at an early degree of Taurus so away from the major planets in here. But do check your chart for factors at 5 degrees. Especially in the fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. You and someone else may not be on the same page when it comes to your values. And do keep a close eye on your spending during this eclipse period. More in your Full Moon in Taurus Moonscope.

Scorpio, you continue with one of your best cycles for long term love and partnership matters all the way up until May. Once Jupiter shifts into your house of soul empowerment, ‘other’ money and sexiness from May onwards, you will be in your comfort zone when it comes to all you can achieve. And working all you have, baby!

The 28th – 29th hands all of us the capacity for self-directed and empowered change and where we need to make this. Self doubts get cleared away across the dates. And any residual eclipse cover-ups are laid bare. We head towards November spookily comfortable with our own particular brand of fierce thanks to a Venus/Uranus trine on the 31st. If there’s one thing October has to show us once the eclipses are past, is that being anything other than our true selves and being comfortable with that, is no longer an option from here on in.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Scorpio! Blue heaven can be a place on earth when we come from a place of self-empowerment and practicality. So, this eclipse and Halloween season – seek the truth of who you are. And then work that!

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (Virgo to Pisces)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (Taurus to Virgo to Capricorn to Taurus)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (Libra)

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (Virgo)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Libra to Capricorn)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (Virgo to Pisces)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (Capricorn)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (Scorpio)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Scorpio to Pisces)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (Libra)

18 Oct 2023 Juno enters Virgo (Virgo)

20 Oct 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra (Libra)

21 Oct 2023 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Libra to Capricorn)

21 Oct 2023 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Libra to Capricorn)

22 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Scorpio (Scorpio)

22 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (Virgo to Taurus)

22 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Scorpio to Pisces)

23 Oct 2023 Sun enters Scorpio (Scorpio)

24 Oct 2023 Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Scorpio to Pisces)

28 Oct 2023 Full Moon in Taurus – Partial Lunar Eclipse (5 09’) (Taurus)

28 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (Scorpio to Taurus)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (Scorpio to Taurus)

29 Oct 2023 Mercury and Mars conjunct in Scorpio (Scorpio)

31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (Virgo to Taurus)