Weekly General Astrology Overview October 9th 2023

Weekly General Astrology Overview October 9th 2023

We begin at the end

You can’t force a square peg into a round hole

Hold that flash of insight!

We all may have the feeling we still have outstanding business to deal with after last week’s revealing and grounding Grand Earth Trine. Hold that thought but refrain from taking action this week as we are back in eclipse weather!

The shift of the North Node into Aries and the South into Libra back in July, changed the eclipse axis. This week’s new Moon which marks the astrological beginning of Libra’s new cycle, triggers an annular eclipse. That’s the kind which brings us that classic ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun which we see in so many eclipse photos. It occurs at 21 degrees of Libra. Libran or not, do check your chart for any factors in any sign/house at 21 degrees – or one degree either side.

This involves you and another. Your autonomy vs. merging or what you need to concede or compromise on to be in a relationship. Its about that spouse, long term love, Ride or Die, boss, business partner, collaborator, activity partner or even that frenemy, rival or opponent. Again, hold the thought but watch and wait. We know eclipses conceal. Something has a ‘ring of truth’ to it. But you may still not have the bigger picture.

Something may be impossible to align or square away. You may know this deep inside you. But again, are unsure about exactly what to do about it. Be content to simply sit with those feelings for now. Venus which rules Libra moves into Virgo and opposes Saturn. Mulch on possibilities and take your time. Mars enters its ancient ruling sign of Scorpio (12th) so all of us can look forward to a return to empowerment, courage and soul strength. Which in turn hands us clarity when it comes to what we need to do over the coming weeks as the eclipse shadows clear.

Scorpio’s contemporary ruler – Pluto, is in its end game in Capricorn as it heads direct from the 11th. Between now and it re-entering Aquarius in January 2024, we are all being asked to bring any outstanding business to a conclusion. The eclipse throws whatever this is into temporary darkness. But don’t worry. All shadows must pass. For now, take the flash and just like an Instax or retro Polaroid camera, wait for the details to emerge on that picture. By the time 2024 rolls around we are all so done, have those loose ends tied up – and so ready for the brave, new energy. This week begins at the end.

In a nutshell: Don’t force anything and above all, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! This week’s eclipse has a ring of truth to it. But we all need to wait for the full picture to emerge. Especially when it concerns us and another.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (Virgo)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Libra to Capricorn)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (Virgo to Pisces)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (Capricorn)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (Scorpio)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Scorpio to Pisces)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (Libra)