Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 8th 2024

Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 8th 2024

Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we’re afraid!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, We will fall!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”

Guillaume Apollinaire

Be fearless this week! 2024’s New Year kickstarter vibe continues this week with a new Moon in status setting Capricorn trine retro Uranus in Taurus (11th). Followed by a soul igniting opportunity breakthrough between Mars in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus the following day.

This is a Go for It week. Where we can spread our wings in the fierce winds of self-belief and soar! Ready to fly? Don’t waste this energy by not having a clear goal or outcome in mind however. Mercury’s angle to Neptune in Pisces on the 9th is intended to highlight anything time wasting that stands in our way. From our own hesitation when it comes to grasping that dream should it come within reach; to that personal connection we now see as one-sided.

Sudden breakthroughs can occur this week. We can have a lightbulb moment when we finally understand what we really want or what we need to do just ahead of the new Moon. The 10th has the Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus. Serving up electrifying opportunities and crackling with reignited potential. Maybe where once we would have said no, we now say yes. We want to discover just who we can be or what we can achieve if we dare to take that chance.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. And above all, to approach things in your own unique way. There’s a lot of preconceptions out there about Capricorn energy. That its just the sign of the suit. The ‘man’ as they used to say in the sixties. Of playing by the established rules. Of conformity. But there’s so much more to Capricorn than those very limited and out-dated definitions. The new Moon in here along with Mercury’s re-entry (14th) highlights Capricorns adeptness when it comes to reaching the top. Their ability to see paths that others remain blind to. To go their own way and become the agile leader. We can all access these qualities under this new Moon. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.

And remember, that cliched Capricorn image of the suit usually hides the soul of a rockstar. In whatever area Capricorn wants to excel in. They are just very successful at keeping it under wraps until they’ve achieved whatever it is they set out to do. So, as Mars in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus align, tune in to yours. Find your path and dare to take the one others simply can’t see or feel it puts them out of the edge. This is the message at the heart of the card of The Fool in the Tarot. The courage to fly begins with knowing you can. Be the wind beneath your own wings this week.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (Sagittarius to Pisces)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (Capricorn)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (Capricorn)