Weekly General Astrology Forecast May 13th 2024

weekly astrology

Weekly General Astrology Forecast May 13th 2024

Look beyond the obvious

Opportunity like angels, arrives in disguise

Be the exception – not the rule!

Are you ready to be exceptional? To break a few rules? To unleash your real, authentic self. And above all, when an opportunity to move in a fresh and astounding new direction appears, to be ready to take it?

After last week’s meeting between Mercury and Chiron in Aries, this week sets us all up to discover just what we can do when we let go of worrying about failure. There is only one kind of failure now – and that is to simply do nothing.

We have the end to any Mercury retro-shadiness as it exits the shadows in Aries on the 13th and barrels into Taurus on the 15th. Deals around abundance, having and experiencing more and the resources we have at our disposal when it comes to generating our ideal future, will feature as Mercury moves through this sign.

We are in the final week of the big, lush Greatest Showman production that has been Taurus weather. So it is up to us to make the most of these final days but setting our expectations higher. Yes, Taurus rules money. And I am not saying that opportunities to gain more of that may not be on offer this week. Especially as we have Venus and Jupiter in the mix. What is far more valuable however, will be our own priceless standards of self-worth and value systems. These will determine what we can create for ourselves next. Especially when combined with bold, brave and fearless actions on our own behalf. Which we may be called to perform on the 19th when Mars and the North Node meet in Aries.

The 18th sees Venus and Uranus cojoin in Taurus as well as the Sun and Jupiter. Look beyond the obvious when it comes to an opportunity. Like angels, these can appear in disguise. To make the most of these aspects, we need to let go of a firm or fixed idea of what we think we want. And to open ourselves up to the truth that whatever we can imagine for ourselves, the universe can always go one better. Which is what this day may bring us. This can be an extraordinary day for us. If we let go and remain flexible.

Because Uranus is in the mix, love or the perfect opportunity may not look exactly how we thought it would. Because if we can predict it – it’s not Uranus! Hey – do you really want any spoilers? Sometimes what begins as a setback turns into our greatest achievement. A loss morphs into the biggest joy we could have imagined. That different option we simply take a ‘Why the hell not?!’ chance on turns into the best move we ever could have made.

No matter our sign, our best rule of thumb this week when weighing up the unexpected, different or unusual is to check with how it makes us feel. Is your pulse racing? Your energy level heading up? Is there a little bit of fear around leaving the known for something uncertain involved? By following through, will you make a stand-out and exceptional move? Those are green lights. Step out of any comfort zones. You cannot be pigeon holed because you are unique and authentic. So it simply follows – what gets delivered this week shouldn’t be pigeon holed either.

In a nutshell: Answer the call to be the authentic and exceptional being you were always meant to be! The week brings the opportunity creating Taurus weather to a peak. Don’t judge a book by its cover. After all – uniqueness defies labels.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (Taurus)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (Taurus to Pisces)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (Aries)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (Taurus)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (Taurus to Aquarius)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (Taurus)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (Taurus)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (Aries)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (Taurus to Pisces)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (Capricorn)