Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River was the only psychic who was spot on with my job interview and alas I didn’t get the job but it was very close. I sensed his loving and caring nature but most importantly how honest and truthful is he, even if it something you don’t want to hear. He is practical and helps you no matter what, getting guidance very quickly. I am so thankful to
have connected with this wonderful soul. You will feel very supported by River and I highly recommend a reading. Please remember readings are only a snapshot of Time and Space and things can change! Sending love and hope to who ever is reading this right now xxx

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River has read for me twice and I want to say that he picked up on my POI  exactly. It’s like he knew him deeply, deeper than my POI would ever share verbally; however I knew that River was accurate from the many things he said that I had already known were true. Whomever I have asked him about, such as members of my family, River just “gets” who they are.

I find River kind, sweet, gentle, intelligent, insightful and quite easy to talk to. I certainly will be calling him many more times!

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

I have had a couple of readings recently with River and I have to say I’m very impressed. He predicted something in the first reading that would happen the next day and he was spot on. He delivers with conviction and clarity and I went for a second reading to ask a few more questions. Again River was clear and definite in his answers and also the validations he gives are accurate and spot on.

I love the fact that he connects so well and quickly with his guides and therefore able to give clear responses on most questions. I would highly recommend him and I’m sure he is going to be very very popular on this site. He has impressed me so much that I will not hesitate to contact him again.

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Available readers

Psychic Reader - Pearl 2380


pin: 2380

Pearl is absolutely wonderful. I  have been having regular readings for well over a year and find both her insight  and humour invaluable. When I started with my readings, I was was quite anxious about a various  aspects in life but with time I’ve managed to grasp hold of the reins myself with Pearl’s perils of wisdom (that are so spot on ) echoing in my ear long after putting  down the phone.

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

I had a great reading with River, I had only intended to have for 20 min with him but we went on for over an hour! From start to finish, he was warm and easy to talk to with great insights. He helped frame a scenario in a quite a different way which not only had i not considered but has actually stuck so I’m delighted to have gained that in the process and when I’m ready for the next self assessment I will be calling upon him!

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River was phenomenal & an absolute delight to connect with. The way our conversation was flowing, it felt like I was having a catch up with an old friend. We laughed so much on the call, I love the energy River gives & his advice. I was a little skeptical as I’m not used to a male read for me. I have high standards for readers & have a list of a select few I contact. I can confirm, River has been added to that list. I asked direct questions about my career & River delivered answers without hesitation. He described me so well in certain situations, completely blew me away. I am excited for upcoming events he picked up on. I will definitely be calling River soon. Could not recommend him enough. I reckon he will be in high demand!


pin: 2160

I’ve had readings with Carol for quite some time now, and it feels like sitting down with a good friend for a cup of tea and a chat, her warmth, wisdom, and insight leaves me feeling like the world’s a better place. Carol is currently supporting me through some pretty intense emotional stuff with my partner which at times has been fairly horrendous. Just to know that she’s there to turn to means so much. I know I can rely on her to give me sound judgement and appropriate advice in the weeks ahead. She’s been an absolute rock. Thank you so much Carol.


pin: 2170

I had a really insightful reading with Sam. This lady really put me at ease and looked in detail at the area I wanted her to focus on. She really listened to me and then pieced information together which I found really helpful and supportive. Sam made sure that before the call was finished I had all of the information and guidance that I needed. I felt so at ease talking to her. Sam is really compassionate so I was able to open up. My situation is not a ‘quick fix’, but from the insight she gave me I feel more centred, confident and hopeful as I move forwards. Thank you Sam, you have a wonderful gift. x

Psychic Reader Light 2375


pin: 2375

Thank you, Light, for a Spiritual and healing reading, with plenty of detail and evidence.


pin: 2315

I had a reading with Eileen yesterday and it was truly an empowering and enlightening experience. She has an incredible ability to provide clarity and insights in just a short amount of time. Within a mere 10 minutes, I learned so much about myself and my preferences.

What I love about Eileen is her approach to the reading as she didn’t dominate the conversation, but rather, allowed space for messages to come through. I felt comfortable in the silence and truly appreciated her ability to listen deeply and patiently. Her words were concise, compassionate, and empowering and she made me feel warm and welcomed, exuding an energy that was friendly and comforting. This trust-building environment really resonated with me as someone who relies heavily on intuition.

Beyond the insights and clarity, she made the reading enjoyable. Her sense of humour had me laughing throughout the session and made me feel like I was talking to a friend. It was such a joy to have a reading where I could relax, laugh, and truly be myself. I’m astounded by the depth of self-awareness that Eileen helped me tap into. As someone who is always curious about myself and others, I appreciated how much I was able to learn in such a short span of time.

Eileen, thank you for your incredible work. I’m excited about what’s to come and I look forward to returning for more insightful and empowering readings. Your guidance is truly appreciated. Take care and have a great week.