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Passion and precognition fuse this week enabling you to visualise living and loving in a better way. What needs to change for that to happen, Pisces? Follow that vision and above all – change up your life to create the space for it to flow.

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To paraphrase Mellencamp: Sometimes love don’t look like it should. So, be open minded as to just who you need in your life right now. And what role they are destined to play. Open heart and mind adds up to love feeling like it should however.

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Restrictions lift around ideas or you simply feeling you’re lost for words. Emotional truth, originality and above all, self-belief power you ahead. You’ve everything at your disposal to bring about the result you want. Don’t let self-doubt creep in and dilute it.

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Love – even for a something or someplace, makes you emboldened this week. No limits on your thinking means there’s nothing you won’t do, attempt or ask. All in the name of the result you’re after.

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Both rulers ancient and modern, make superb angles of elevation in your chart this week. Simply being more or feeling you are more is a take-out every Phoenix should experience this week. And all you have to do is leverage what makes you authentic.

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Whatever you undertake this week, you make it look astonishingly easy. Of course, we know that this may just be the result of long term efforts, Libra. But however long it’s taken you, the results are just as undeniably satisfying.

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Being the sign of patience and perfection – you know it’s all in the timing, Virgo. If you’ve been waiting and anticipating that moment – this week offers that portal of opportunity. Pass through for simply outstanding results.

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The start of your birthday season hands you the extra wow factor. And ability to attract simply by amping up your natural glow, Leo. Don’t be surprised if the universe answers that call you’ve been broadcasting. Shine that light further. And draw in what illuminates your life.

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Divine illumination strikes you this week. And after that – you never see something in the same way again. This goes hand-in-hand with revelling in sensuality – with a massive side-order of self-worth.

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You are at your most proactive and confident with both Mars and Jupiter in your sign. This isn’t a cycle for over-thinking things. Time to push forward with daring and refuelled self-belief. You’ll also know when to let nature take its course, Gemini.

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If you’ve felt torn between the needs of emotional you and pursuing those worldly ambitions, this week could just hand you a solution to have both. But real happiness and success can be found close to home, Taurus.

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Hot, dazzling, daring – just a few adjectives to describe this summer’s vibe for you, Aries. You’re all these things and more as your annual pleasure cycle begins. While ruler Mars opens up those ideas to pursue.

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Surprise news, acceptance or new connections propel you forward out of boredom and where the party is going on, Pisces. There’s no such thing as ‘missing out’ when something is meant for you. Get ready to move into something breathtaking and soul igniting.

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Surprising and unexpected twists around home, family or what underpins your sense of belonging and security, open up living space for you. This week brings the heat of attraction thanks to a fired-up pleasure zone. Redecorate your life accordingly.

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Rare and special, this week’s ‘Blue’ full Moon in your sign casts not just relationships in an electrifying light, but what you attract, Capricorn. Ready for something different? Remember – what you believe you want and what you really need can look very different.

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What’s your greatest asset, Sag? It may be more than just the sum in your bank account. And this week’s Blue Moon in your money zone grants you access. Vibrant and vivacious – you’re the nexus of attraction now heat-seeking Mars joins ruler Jupiter in your 7th.

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Passion and pivoting combine for a new direction when it comes to love and relating. Not just to others – but to yourself, Scorpio. Meanwhile – avoid putting others on a pedestal. And don’t allow them to raise you up there either. Feet on the ground when it comes to adoration!

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