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Let go of any residual ideas that life is supposed to be about struggle. Allowing for a more effortless approach could just bring you the result you’ve been straining for. The fact is – flow is a state of being. And a belief system.

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You’re serving sweetness but wrapped up with some serious intention, Aquarius. You understand that the key to getting what you want is knowing exactly the result you’re after. Second time around could just be your charm.

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Something last minute and unexpected could see you putting your plans on the back burner (again). Don’t worry if so. You have all you need to sort it. And once you have – you’ll find yourself released to go in any direction you want.

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Coincidence? Hardly. Follow the prompts of your higher self and watch how serendipity moves to place what you need in your path. And if something revives this week – take it that the timing is right.

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A little (or a lot) of what does you good needs to be your focus this week. Is it time to ditch unhealthy and imbalanced choices? This week’s full Moon highlights what you need. Which can be very different to what you think you want.

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No more focussing on those results you think of as failures, Libra. Dwelling on the past no longer serves as you don’t live there any more. Face forward into the future, with a fresh sense of your own worth.

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That big step you want to make can be towards a softer life – or even love, Virgo. But do take it seriously. Setting boundaries shows how important something (or someone) is to you. Including yourself.

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Sometimes we have to leave behind what’s familiar – if only for a while. Or go off in search of our real lives. This week could just offer you that opportunity, Leo.

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The full Moon in your pleasure zone highlights the importance of love. And being fit to give and receive pleasure in equal measure. It shouldn’t be a treadmill however. Workout for gain – and no pain involved, Cancer!

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No filters. No apologies, Gemini. Getting anywhere from this point on involves you being none other than who you actually are. Ruler Mercury direct gives you the message – and the means to say it.

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This week’s full Moon ignites the desire to take action in the name of love. But if you come to the conclusion your efforts are not reciprocated – you won’t do that any longer. Something you thought over and done with could revive now.

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A resonant and emotionally compelling full Moon in your 8th draws to the surface your desires and a need for change. You awaken to your power and are ready to act. No more countdown – ready for take off, Aries!

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Last week’s eclipse may have revealed hidden resources which you now have the confidence to tap into. News or a sudden opportunity could show you just how ready you are to do this.

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Get ready for what moves you. The meeting between ruler Uranus and Jupiter in your 4th of home, roots and family, lays the foundation for something that truly supports and nurtures you. If you’ve questions around your path – or where you are meant to be, discover your place and purpose.

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Whether you’ve been conscious of it or not, what appears this week is in answer to that magical manifestation manifesto you’ve been focusing on. Align your energy to what it is you want – and prepare for an answer.

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Are you miracle fit, Sag? Ruler Jupiter’s transit through your 6th of work and wellbeing should have seen you making healthier choices. And this week should see the results of these, ripple out and enhance other areas for the ultimate Jupiter juice shot!

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Are you ready for truth, beauty, freedom and love? A heady mix of these is on offer for you this week. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction shows you not only what you need – but where to find it.

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