The Transpersonal Planets

The Transpersonal Planets – Exploring the Outer Limits of Our Potential

In astrology the solar system has been traditionally divided between the ‘personal’ planets in our chart – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars and the ‘transpersonal’. In ancient times before the advent of modern-day telescopes, all astrology was based on planets that could be observed by the naked eye – in other words, our solar system was thought to end at Saturn (Jupiter and Saturn being clearly visible as moving against the background of stars in the sky). Jupiter and Saturn, thus being the limits of our solar system at this time, were designated as ‘transpersonal’ planets. Their orbits – 12 years for Jupiter and 29 years for Saturn, were once thought to be too long to be affecting individuals. Hence, the transpersonal planets were considered more to be generational markers – their position in the sky influencing the collective more than individuals. When we stop to consider that 1,000 years ago if you lived to 29 years (your first Saturn return), this was considered old for many, we can perhaps understand how this thinking came about!

As we evolved as human beings, so did our knowledge of science and the solar system we live in. Uranus was the first planet to be discovered using a telescope in 1791. This was followed by Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. By this time life expectancy had increased and we understood the influence Jupiter and Saturn have on us all personally. Because when a new planet is discovered, its effects are usually seen impacting on the collective before they become apparent to us as individuals, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto became by default, the new ‘transpersonal’ planets.

Once again however, this has all changed. There is no doubt that these planets (or dwarf planets as we are now supposed to refer to Pluto!), exert huge influences on us collectively. However, there has been a gradual shift in astrological circles as to the importance of the influence these planets have on us as individuals.

Obviously the ‘personal’ planets are in orbits very close to the Sun. Therefore they move very quickly and can bring about fast or short-term changes. As we move further out as we’ve seen – the outer planets take much longer to orbit the Sun and therefore they spend a lot longer in a particular sign or house in our charts. Consider the fact that Uranus which entered Aries in March last year will remain there until 2018. Neptune entered Pisces in April this year and will remain there until 2025 and Pluto who has been in Capricorn since January 2008 is set to stay in that sign until 2024!

These planets work on us very slowly but they bring with them amazing opportunities for long-term growth according to the area of our charts they impact. These planets represent the path to higher consciousness that is available to every single being on the planet. Because of they are so far away from the Sun and because we can say their energies are more subtle, this accounts for their influence taking longer to become apparent.

In terms of our awareness and soul growth, Uranus brings the promise of increased awareness and the ability to view our life from a fresh perspective. Neptune brings increased enlightenment and also compassion. Pluto then adds a touch of alchemy – the transformation of both these influences to bring about a metamorphosis of our entire worldview (or universal view) as a result of the experiences provided by the other two planets.


Of course, how this all plays out will depend on which houses of your chart these planets are currently active in which will dictate the themes you can expect to encounter. One of our gifted astrologers can help you understand just where and how these transformations can occur.


When we look at the outer planets this way we realise in fact there is no such thing as a ‘transpersonal’ planet. All the planets are there to give us the experiences we need for our soul growth. It doesn’t get any more personal than that!

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